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Sign - Swedish hard rock/metal. Anyone ever heard of 'em?


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Am going through my collection, pulling out stuff to sell on eBay, and came across this one that I've decided to keep for my single/EP/promo collection. Swedish group, has a mid-80s metal/rock sound to them. No year or label is listed anywhere. Reading the lyrics, they may be a Christian metal band (or the opposite end of the spectrum; while there are a lot of religious references, they're not blatantly praise).


Can't find anything about them online.


Here is a track from the EP: Colour of Truth


Anyone know anything?





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Anyone know anything?








I've sold this on E Bay in the past but can't recall what it sold for. Here is the description I used when I sold it:

" mega rare 4 track indie came out of Sweden and is a very 80's melodic hard rock / metal sounding release, typical of the genre. Actually they sound quite close to German melodic bands like SINNER and V2. The guitar work is excellent and the singer is not bad at all. "


Can't even recall where I found it, but I still have one in my collection somewhere as well.......



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Anyone know anything?








I've sold this on E Bay in the past but can't recall what it sold for. Here is the description I used when I sold it:

" mega rare 4 track indie came out of Sweden and is a very 80's melodic hard rock / metal sounding release, typical of the genre. Actually they sound quite close to German melodic bands like SINNER and V2. The guitar work is excellent and the singer is not bad at all. "


Can't even recall where I found it, but I still have one in my collection somewhere as well.......






if ya need, mr. del, a box of them drop me a message and i'll direct you to the appropriate direction... :tumbsup:

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