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Let The Shit Fly!


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Guest Purrfect Kat


The person just sent me an email and explained the circumstances which I was not aware of until now.


problem has been worked out so thats all the flaming I had to do. . . . . lol








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You had better be careful about those kinds of comments Reno. I know how terrified you are of Nuno's wrath-LOL. B)

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Where you at jason? Ya lying hungover in a ditch somewhere? I figured you'd be the first one playing fire-breathing dragon. Did the Jagermeister smother the flames-LOL. By the way, I wasn't trying to do what you thought. There was just a misunderstanding. Well, happy drinkin'. :P

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This might be something jason should read:



1 star hangover *


No pain. No real feeling of illness.. Your sleep last night was a mere disco nap which is giving you a whole lot of misplaced energy. Be glad that you are able to function relatively well. However, you are still parched. You can drink 10 bottles of water and still feel this way. Even vegetarians are craving a Cheeseburger and a side of fries.



2 star hangover **


Slight headache. Don't feel sick, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay but you have the attention span and mental capacity of a stapler. The coffee you chug to try and remain focused is only exacerbating your rumbling gut, which is craving a full English breakfast. Last night has wreaked havoc on your bowels and even though you have a nice demeanour about the office, you are costing your employer valuable money because all you really can handle is aimlessly surfing the net and writing junk e-mails.



3 star hangover ***


Definite headache. Stomach feels crappy. You are definitely a space cadet and so not productive. Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer kicked you out at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a litre of coke watching Good Morning with Richard and Judy. You've had 4 cups of coffee, a gallon of water, 2 Sausage Rolls and a litre of diet coke - yet you haven't peed once.



4 star hangover ****


Your head is throbbing and you can't speak too quickly or else you might honk. You have lost the will to live. Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze. You wore nice clothes, but that can't hide the fact that you missed an oh-so crucial spot shaving, (girls, it looks like you put your make-up on while riding the bumper cars), your teeth have sweaters, your eyes look like one big vein

and your hair style makes you look like a reject from the class picture of Moss side secondary school circa 1976. You would give a weeks pay for one the following: 1. Home time, 2. A duvet and somewhere to be alone, or 3. A time machine so you could go back and NOT have gone out the night before.



5 star hangover (aka Dante's 4th Circle of Hell) *****


You have a second heartbeat in your head which is actually scaring the employee who sits next to you. Death seems pretty good right now. You can't focus as your eyes are scrunched up against the overpowering glare from your computer screen Rancid vodka vapour is seeping out of every pore, staining your shirt and making you dizzy. You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth, at least you think it's toothpaste crust. You don't give a damn either way. Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva and your tongue is suffocating you. You'd cry but that would take the last of the moisture left in your body. Talking is not an option. Your boss doesn't even get mad at you and your co-workers think that your dog just died because you look so pathetic. You should have called in sick because all you can manage to do is breathe....very gently.

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Where you at jason? Ya lying hungover in a ditch somewhere? I figured you'd be the first one playing fire-breathing dragon. Did the Jagermeister smother the flames-LOL. By the way, I wasn't trying to do what you thought. There was just a misunderstanding. Well, happy drinkin'. :P

Alright jackass! The bullshit train has arrived. All passangers can get the fuck off! I guess that it's "anything goes" around here now. If you know me than you already know not to take it personally. TIM has a rough time trying to get that strait. I think maybe his dad beat him the head way to much growing up. He seems to be a hot head like his father was/is. You try to tell TIM to stick it up his ass with a smile and the fucker gets all bent out of shape. That's why Heavy Harmonies has this Forum now. It's to cage the squirrelly little bastard! Reno knows what I am talking about! That fuck can run at the mouth just as much as TIM!

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jason finally shows up. Where the hell have you been? Squirrelly wouldn't even begin to describe you anyway. Nuno's looking for you again. :blink:

I've been around. I posted a comment on the Every Mothers Nightmare page yesterday or so. Outside of that I have just been reading all the new shit here on this site and getting a feel for it all. I guess this makes it ok to say SHUT THE FUCK UP!B)

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Last time, what you said sounded like a major brown-nosing attempt especially since you are more of a hothead than any of us. You've been pissed off more than once when I was messing with you-just like the first time we had met. Eventually you straigtened out. Whether you realize it or not, Dan's got after several people. He never expressed anger toward me until the last time. Several people of this site email me and they have said they griped to Dan about you. You may say you don't give a fuck, but don't assume he liked it either. You say I shouldn't have pissed him off and I was trying to end the site. No I wasn't. I had sent money to him by mail and it's only a couple of states away. I sent it to the address he'd given me months earlier. I made a copy so I know it was correct. It wasn't just $2 that I'd sent either. I sent him an email telling him it was sent and that I would sent a much larger amount when I got back from vacation. Since my other attempt didn't make it how was I supposed to feel. I'd also had a problem getting him by email for months, not weeks. I won't go into it any further since Dan and myself have discussed it. You were wrong in your accusation about me calling him lazy. He thought that too but that is not what I claimed. 25 or more of the cds I submitted are gone too. I accept his explanation though. I thought it was because of his new rule and not for the reasons he gave me. They aren't there because they are gone not because of lack of time. I was really excited about putting all them in. I like to find hard to find material that people on this site love. Even though I hate many of the bands I submitted, I put them on there for the people that do. I see people say they would like to see some band and I go and look for it. It is something new to me and it gives people something to enjoy to enjoy. Many of the guys you like I put there. I admit I got out of place the other day jason, but at least I admit it. I don't use my dad as an excuse. You need to get better about seeing yourself. Most people don't have the respect for you that you think they do. I don't know why you were bashing Reno and myself, we have no problem with you. We've been cool with every load of shit you handed down. We just brought it back to you and you couldn't handle the results. You may have had a smiley face on your last message jason but I was already mad, just not at you. That last statement wasn't a stab at you but it something that has been expressed often. You need to straighten yourself out before telling others how to conduct their life. We can call it a truce or you know I'd be more than glad to argue with you if you have the time and energy. Otherwise we can lift our beers and call it a day. :):unsure:

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I don't think that sounds too hotheaded. By the way, Nuno really is trying to cause you a problem. Not Reno, myself, or T-Bone. But if you're bored we are more than willing. I know Reno said he was bored this morning I don't know if he still is. :unsure:

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Blah, Blah, Blah............ TIM needs a tissue. This is what I am talking about. I'm not out to make friends with anyone. I am misread around here! TOTALLY! I say what I think about a band and sometimes it can be pretty hard. I throw it out there hoping to get a "good" response. I like it when someone stands up and gives it to me about how they feel for their favorite bands. If you and others what to bitch about me, you finally got a place to do that. The old saying goes........... The Truth Hurts! And you have to admit that for a few days there you thought that you were running the show around here. You're just another "joe" around here like everyone else. Honestly, I like some people on here, such as you and Reno (even though you are a Buck Snort). Other people such as Nuno, don't bother me in the least. There only words and if he truely hates me than WHAT EVER! We're happy for ya!............... SO, dry those tears TIM and fuck off! (with love, of course)

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Well, when you're as bright as me and Reno you feel obligated to pass the pearls of wisdom along to those less fortunate. I've got some ocean front property in Arizona too- LOL. I don't know what happened to the big letter I sent you , but anyways I wasn't trying to end the site. I had submitted 25 new bands and was about to enter another one when I saw the new important rule. I thought that was why my listings weren't there. Also, I sent Dan money to the address he gave me and it never showed up- it wasn't just $2. I promised to send an even larger amount after I got back from my vacations. I'd also sent several emails over the months that never got answered. It wasn't Dan's fault and I never thought he was lazy at all. I like Dan and this site. He just didn't have time and I've been there myself. I only got mad at you one time jason- the day I vented on the site. I thought you were trying to be a suck up (at that time because I wasn't real rational at that juncture). I was mad already and you just caught me at a bad time- Sorry! The other times I was just playing the same games you do. I had nothing against you. Because you didn't like what I said didn't mean I was being hotheaded. I was just rattling your chain so to speak. I know you were messin' with me, but I'm not like my dad. I did act exactly like him when I was younger. My dad didn't get in heated arguments though, he used the more physical approach if you get my drift. I'm not asking for sympathy whatsoever and I know you don't give it. I'm usually just talking shit even though I am fully capable of backing it up. Just like you I like to mess with people. At times, I thought you were a bit excessive toward others who didn't want to play the games though. I only directed my insults to those handing them out. T-Bone, Reno, David, Kim, etc.. kept their comments directed toward the music and didn't stray to far from that (when the subject is just about the music). If I rattled your chain you are not just going to sit there and eat what I put on the table- I don't either. I wasn't sulking, just returning the shit man :)

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Well, when you're as bright as me and Reno you feel obligated to pass the pearls of wisdom along to those less fortunate. I've got some ocean front property in Arizona too- LOL. I don't know what happened to the big letter I sent you , but anyways I wasn't trying to end the site. I had submitted 25 new bands and was about to enter another one when I saw the new important rule. I thought that was why my listings weren't there. Also, I sent Dan money to the address he gave me and it never showed up- it wasn't just $2. I promised to send an even larger amount after I got back from my vacations. I'd also sent several emails over the months that never got answered. It wasn't Dan's fault and I never thought he was lazy at all. I like Dan and this site. He just didn't have time and I've been there myself. I only got mad at you one time jason- the day I vented on the site. I thought you were trying to be a suck up. I was mad already and you just caught me at a bad time- Sorry! The other times I was just playing the same games you do. I had nothing against you. Because you didn't like what I said didn't mean I was being hotheaded. I was just rattling your chain so to speak. I know you were messin' with me, but I'm not like my dad. I did act exactly like him when I was younger. My dad didn't get in heated arguments though, he used the more physical approach if you get my drift. I'm not asking for sympathy whatsoever and I know you don't give it. I'm usually just talking shit even though I am fully capable of backing it up. Just like you I like to mess with people. At times, I thought you were a bit excessive toward others who didn't want to play the games though. I only directed my insults to those handing them out. :)

Wait a minute! Who said that I am playing any kind of game? I make my points about bands and some people don't like it. So What!? I'm critical and edgy sometimes but it's all about adding spice. I feel that I say it the way it is or at least the way I see it. Tough shit if my Opinions are to strong for some people. Remember this, there are people in this world that are just looking to be offended. AND I have no problem giving them what they want!



P.S. Kiss My Ass :lol:

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I'm not into guys. You'll have to ask Nuno to kiss your ass. I knew you were not playing at some points but your spice was just playing around at points because you admitted it at some points. I knew you really hated Winger. I was messing with you about that. What I was saying is that I wasn't mad or hotheaded which you did imply. You also said you were joking and I took it persoanlly which my comments about returning shit were for. I was doing the same thing. I replied to the very words you uttered.

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You're are right about some people looking to be offended. I'm not one though. I was appealing to your humorous side. :)

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