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;) MJ are you being naughty?


HOLD the line-TOTO

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;) MJ are you being naughty?


HOLD the line-TOTO

Who??? Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???????????????? :P



HOLD Me Now - Thompson Twins

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Oh yeah......same here!! Windows......fans......

LMAO.......Bubba's sittin' here in his Power Ranger under-roos.....and that's IT!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo NOT fair!!! :angry:



BEST Of My Love - The Eagles

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I'm just hoping it rains again tonight. Hopefully taht will cool things off. If it don't get better I'll be panting like the dog. :crazy: And I know the worst is yet to come this year.



You're My BEST Friend - Queen

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Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............don't remind me!!! <_< But I REFUSE to turn the air on until at least June!!!




Don'tcha Know YOU'RE MY Baby? - Work Force

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HA!!! You're sooooooo evil!!! :lol: OMG.......I'm not listening to ANYTHING right now!!! :o What're you??



BABY Snakes - Hurricane

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Um isn't that like a sin MJ? :tsk: No music. Right now trying out a new Autograph CD.


Of course I'm evil. Wouldn't have it any other way! :D



RattleSNAKE Shake - Motley Crue

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Yikes.......I do believe so.. Better be changin' my ways....right quick, eh??? :unsure: Ummm........crap.......what do I want???? Arghhhhhhhh!!! I hate moods like this.....



RATTLESNAKE Kisses - Electric Angels

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Watch it.........I'm a gonna get my cowboy boots out for some foot stompin'!!! :P There.......now your head's ALL better.......right???? :lol:




KISS Me Like A Cobra - Doro

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Yesssss.......I'm mean, evil, nasty and socially unacceptable..........SO WHAT???? :P


And I'm gonna run like hell if you're getting YOUR boots next!!!! I'm barefoot!!!



Catch The COBRA - Ellen Shipley

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That's ok, I like you mean, evil, and nasty. Wouldn't have you any other way. :D


No worries. Not getting boots. Too lazy to get them.



CATCH The Rainbow - Rainbow

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God, you're easy!!! :lol::P


(kidding!!!! ;) )


K......shewwwww.......it's too hot to run anyway!! :lol:



CATCH Me If You Can - The Scream

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