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Pointless Nonsense


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Toy cars aren't very heavy...you wouldn't be able to play with them if they were.


You'd only be able to just look at them...and I bet a crane would have to deliver them to your house. Odd, why would you buy one? I don't know anyone with a really heavy toy car.

Hot Wheels are good....good fast wheels on those especially on the track you can buy for them....zzzzzzzoooooooom! Like the speed of light but considerably slower if the truth be known.

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Upon a faraway ocean a three masted ship sits motionless, becalmed on waters a salty, it's wooden decks creaking as the relentless sun beats down.

Not that the crew are bothered about the lack of wind, they're splicing the mainbrace and have broken out the rations of rum, they'll be making their own wind soon...they're on a hefty wage and all they have to do is wait for further orders.

From down in the hold a figure stirs and a careworn face peers up at the blue skies through the bars that are his cell. A tongue passes across salt caked lips as his blinking eyes adjust to the light, the bars casting a checkered shadow across his visage.

Closer inspection reveals that it's Nick C the old HH pirate who on his birthday was kidnapped by captain Bob Bobby McBob and put in the pirates rest home against his will - and then smuggled out to this ship unconcious from drugged savoury treats.

All the while McBob enjoys Nick's life pretending to be him in all his dealings be it posting at HH or buying oyster farms off false prophets. He spends most of his time laughing at his rubbish CD collection which he views as shamefully short of sea shanties (phew!).


The figure below decks retreats back into the gloom whence he came, reaches for the rotten meat left for him and starts to eat, he'll need his strength if he's ever going to escape. He listens to the laughter of the pirates above - there will be escape and after that...after that time for revenge.

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Pets are small humans, that are not human and are usually furry. They're not small humans at all.

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