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..............and then there were 2


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Can't we all just get along????????????????


No probs from me Wes. I answered a question that Chris asked me, that is all!!!


the part that annoys me about you is how you are the center of most arguments, yet you think you're a model forum member. most of our arguments come from a comment you've made.


i dont act like a goody two shoes cause i know i piss alot of people off, i even joke about it myself! but you seem to think you're all high and mighty and i am the only person in the wrong. well it takes two to argue, and ive actually been right a couple of times. so calm the holier than thou attitude down a lil, ok?


atleast i recognize the fact that im a pain in the ass at times. but hey, no probllem with that....no-ones perfect after all :)


and this isnt a dig so much as friendly advice...



Holier than thou?? :lol: nice one.


'It's all Jez's fault' wub wub wub



''This isnt a dig, so much as friendly advice'' ?? (please fuck off)


With those words please take note for the last time OK.


The only person I argue with on here is you mate, and for good reason (I noticed you getting battered from all sides the other night as well in your 'Please Tell me to stay' pleading thread, so go and tell that to all the others that think your an arsehole as well - believe you me, I ain't the only one to think it. If you want stuff, I'll gladly supply it ,minus names of course. It makes interesting reading I assure you.


I don't need advice, certainly not from a snot nosed kid like yourself and please don't come on here telling me what I should and shouldn't do or say or to calm down the attitude - cheeky bastard - Thanks very much for the advice anyways. Model forum member?? where the fuck did that come from. Until you arrived things were going fine thanks very much, but you do admittedly drum up trade in the post count (most of them you replying to yourself), so you are good for 1 thing I suppose, if nothing else. ;)


BTW - you were sort of right once on the Mozart issue, so well done for that, as I said. Unfortunately all the rest of the shit you come out with on a daily basis, then change your mind, or say your tired or misunderstood about, isn't up to the same standard.


Oh - nearly forgot - You are a pain in the ass ALL the time, don't do yourself an injustice!!


Now to finish - You go your way, I'll go mine. Don't reply here, I won't reply to you and things will be cool. On your way out, remember to try and get a life and we will get on fine.


Over and out.


alright bud, just chill.


someone who was not Holier Than Thou would admit it, since you stand up for yourself this lends creedance to my statement..


and ill give friendly advice to whoever i want, their choice if they take it.


as for getting a life, i havent been online all day for a reason, think about that.


but at the end of the day, who cares? we're just internet aquiantances, i dont really see how i can still annoy you with every post i make, its kinda sad that you cant just shrug off something a kid you've never met says to you..

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Who gives a fuck. Just agree to disagree and don't talk to each other.

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Who gives a fuck.


thats what i just said...


but at the end of the day, who cares?


i dont see why we should stop talking to eachother, its fun to irritate him with my "cheeky" antics :lol:

Fuck it. do what you want.

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i dont see why we should stop talking to eachother, its fun to irritate him with my "cheeky" antics :lol:


:tsk: You naughty, wicked, "cheeky" thing........ Shame on you.... :lol:

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Who gives a fuck.


thats what i just said...


but at the end of the day, who cares?


i dont see why we should stop talking to eachother, its fun to irritate him with my "cheeky" antics :lol:

Fuck it. do what you want.


i plan to, not like i have a reputation to damage is it?


if everyone sees me as some annoying, argumentative little kid, then why should i dissapoint? ive given up trying to prove otherwise....its just easier to go with the flow.

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Who gives a fuck.


thats what i just said...


but at the end of the day, who cares?


i dont see why we should stop talking to eachother, its fun to irritate him with my "cheeky" antics :lol:

Fuck it. do what you want.


i plan to, not like i have a reputation to damage is it?


if everyone sees me as some annoying, argumentative little kid, then why should i dissapoint? ive given up trying to prove otherwise....its just easier to go with the flow.

You are right. Carry on. :popcorn:

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who said it went to shit?


its just as pointless as it was on day one!

It used to be harmlessly pointless. Now it's annoying.

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dont look at it then...

Can you please not annoy me? Go and do what every other proper person is doing on Sunday night or whatever it is where you are.

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dont look at it then...

Can you please not annoy me? Go and do what every other proper person is doing on Sunday night or whatever it is where you are.


and theres not much to do at nearly 2 in the morning on a Sunday night....or Sunday DAY for that matter...


so i'll just stick around here and annoy people :)

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dont look at it then...

Can you please not annoy me? Go and do what every other proper person is doing on Sunday night or whatever it is where you are.


and theres not much to do at nearly 2 in the morning on a Sunday night....or Sunday DAY for that matter...


so i'll just stick around here and annoy people :)

Masturbate. Get a video out of the cupboard, watch some porn, toss off and go to sleep. Seriously.


And why the f*ck are you up at 2am on a Sunday morning anyway... on the computer?

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i'm always up at 2am in the morning....but tonight im working on some band stuff...


why would i wanna masturbate when i can irritate you guys?


ive heard that no-one on here likes me anyway, so what have i got to lose? if im gonna be known as the annoying kid, then ill be an annoying kid!

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if im gonna be known as the annoying kid, then ill be an annoying kid!


Keep that up and you'll be the :baneed: kid.

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well, i was wasting my time trying to prove that im not an oridinary kid, and that i can join in adult conversations....because everytime i did i got a childish remark thrown back at me.


i've tried proving that i am not and uneducated, childish, arrogant, argumentative teen....but if im gonna be treated like one then why not act that way? why not have some fun with it atleast?


besides, i dont see the people making the comments that annoy me being banned, and my comments are pretty softcore compared to the comments i refer to..

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treat me like a kid and ill act like one, give me some credit and ill act like an adult.....but i have the feeling most of you think of yourselves as higher than i, especially since a couple of you seem to think you're never wrong when arguing with me (i can think of 2 or 3 occasions off the bat where you were)


just because i am a kid and have made some stupid comments inthe past does not mean that i'm a f**king idiot.....as alot of you are treating me, try dealing with Bedford Chavs to see what a typical teen is like!

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ive heard that no-one on here likes me anyway, so what have i got to lose? if im gonna be known as the annoying kid, then ill be an annoying kid!

You're heaps smart.

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well im starting to dislike this place anyway...


no sorry, i like this place, its certain people on here i dislike....


why should i bite my tongue and be civil when people like HV who have been on here 2 months can make insulting comments and get away with it?


and Geoff, when in this thread have i made a personal attack towards you? i havent.....which is more than i can say for some others on here. infact most of my posts are general comments, i dont tend to make personal comments....except for towards Jez.


you lemme know when i insult you Geoff, cause i dont think my previous posts in this thread is enough to warrant your annoyance with me, i just think people are looking for something to nitpick about.

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and Geoff, when in this thread have i made a personal attack towards you? i havent.....which is more than i can say for some others on here.

I never said you personally attacked me. When did I say that? All I know is I'm looking at the posts since Friday night and everytime I refresh the page you keep posting in this thread so being the sucker for punishment that I am I keep seeing what you wrote this time. Which is always something annoying, like you're looking for an argument.


Saying you're going to act like a child because people treat you that way is like a group of maggots swimming in my nostrils.

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