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Everything posted by auslander

  1. Because I got this with my cassette, it's why I knew to tell my kids 3d TV's were a gimic and wouldn't last a couple of years ago.
  2. How did I ever think this album was "meh"?! I listened to the disc tonight and it blew me away. Sure a couple of songs were samey. But the production value was very high. The samples used of dialogue were excellent. Had to write a review on the main site afterwards. It's a good album! Anyone else remember or like it?
  3. auslander


    I agree mate. You want to feel better about life, avoid the news. Reality is most people we actually deal with are good folks. 90% of people you meet each day are friendly and just want to get along. The media just sew division and strife. It's getting so hard to escape nowadays though with everyone on social media and just having to get offended about something and riled up about unimportant things that don't concern them. Like how other people think. What business is it of anybody what someone else thinks about an issue? Who cares if someone says something they don't like. How does it really affect them? It's not healthy for people to be constantly upset about things that don't concern them.
  4. That guy getting smashed by the bull was pisser funny though
  5. It's not just you. I still don't get it, this craze for digital music. People have been sold an inferior product and one that has also destroyed the livlihood of the majority in tge industry they love. A cd provides income to an artist, gives you a physical copy with artwork etc., you can make digital copies of it yourself, the music is heard as the artist intended in a long format album. Instead people are choosing to get digital files that they don't own (read the fine print), or rent songs on Spotify that rip off artists and provide them with next to zero income for their art. IMO it's a travesty that music fans have been sold this lie about how "amazing" digital music is or how wonderful these curated playlists on Spotify are. Its also funny how they sneer at those who "still buy cds" like we are somehow Luddites or something absurd. The truth is otherwise.
  6. auslander


    Tell me about it, but the same was true when Bush was in power. Our Aussie media is so biased against the American Republican party, and they fawn over Democrats. It is sickening. But at least there is no "it's the end of the world" hysteria about the US president anymore. They have the pandemic to keep us in fear and under control now anyway. Should be good to keep us afraid for at least 2 more years then they can go back to rising oceans etc. or something else new or recycled, peak oil or nuclear war or old school - God's judgement ha!
  7. What about if the next album kicks butt like Dystopia did?
  8. That takes me back. I miss that so much. Those days are dead for me too. It's all online for me now, but I so miss the days of digging through racks of cds for hours and finding that rarity for next to nothing. There was something about that that can never be replaced.
  9. Ha! I have done that before, bought a cd and then realise I already had it... I still am discovering "new" music. Well, it is new to me even if it first came out 50 years ago. Like I am listening to Darwin by Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso at the moment. It's blowing my mind. Like rock music influenced by Italian opera...
  10. I buy on cd all the time. Why would I buy digital when cd is a hard copy of digital anyway? And vinyl is pitched at hipsters who want the cool factor, but the sound is inferior, the medium is fragile and fiddly. Nope, I'm happy to remain a cd collector. There is no current medium that has surpassed it.
  11. auslander


    When I was growing up everyone was suspicious about people who were too into politics or were too far Left or Right. I miss those days when politics weren't the be all and end all and Centrism ruled the roost.
  12. Some people also like Ed Shearen more than the Beatles. Doesn't mean I have to consider their "opinion" to be valid.
  13. Every cd I get I listen to a minimum twice before putting it on my selves (alphabetical). I have thousands so yes, some go years without a play. But I go through stages. Right now I am listening to a lot of prog again. I'm enjoying the German band Eloy and their Pink Floydish sound especially. Actually, Pink Floyd would be my most played cds overall. I never tire of some of them (WYWH and Animals are my favourites). So, even though I have thousands of cds, there isn't a single one I have not played.
  14. Dokken better than Led Zeppelin... seriously! Some people have no sense of history.
  15. Ha! Funniest poll ever! Brett Michael's asked the same question, but in a country song
  16. 9 people voted for Hey Stoopid over Trash. Now that is STOOPID!
  17. Seriously who could not vote for a song that discusses the merits of price fixing in prostitution??
  18. This seemed really obvious to me, even though I like all their releases, New Religion is just a cut above.
  19. You Are My Rock is the most underrated of all Petra songs. It's awesome.
  20. auslander


    Next up in this fun thread: euthanasia yay or euthanasia nay?
  21. auslander


    Even though she is smart and eloquent she'd have no chance. The media is 95% far Left activist-journalist and they would edit, shame, rumour-monger, misrepresent her until every useful idiot would believe she is a Nazi and her reputation is destroyed. When the means of distribution of information is a monopoly the truth does not matter because whatever the Left media say is fact is what is fed to the masses.
  22. Just read a story about the Lepps backing Vincent Neil and the Crue to make a comeback after Vince's recent fail. Phil's looking like Grandpa Thor... been seriously hitting the gym it looks like, geez!
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