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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Some proggy melodic Italian metal and a new album just released July 15th. http://www.mayaofficial.it/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/MAYA-BAND/185545944870726 https://youtu.be/2kYonjin6BU
  2. Well? Despise? Dread? Loathe? I kid of course.
  3. Don't know if anyone else saw this but we lost a legend in wrestling and entertainer in the Hot Rod Roddy Piper Thursday night to cardiac arrest, he is/was 61. RIP Rod.
  4. Did not see any mention of this, gulp, 2011 release from these Swedes Carnival Sun and their full length titled Sun of a Bitch. Pretty damn good song imho. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Carnival-Sun-Official/111759022177121
  5. Appears this band has a 2013 release entitled The Message and now this past May a new EP titled The Guardian Rises (part 1). http://www.tezzaf-metal.blogspot.it/ https://it-it.facebook.com/tezzafmetal
  6. martinsane


    "CYRENCE play Melodic Thrash Metal in the vein of Megadeth, Metallica and Anthrax. The style is very unique, there are no boundaries. You will enjoy a shitload of neckbreakers as well as clean, almost psychedelic moments, always maintaining the right amount of heaviness, groove and melody. The lyrics cover a wide range of topics, from Nuclear Holocaust to Zombies, Penis and Cake... you see, we're funny guys.. or at least we try!" https://www.facebook.com/cyrencerocks
  7. https://www.facebook.com/banddeadofnight?pnref=lhc "Dead of Night is an exciting new British symphonic metal band from the North West of England. Their debut album, The Dead Shall Rise, is available from their website and all good download and streaming sites." https://youtu.be/AozVa1pPgWw
  8. Another proggy/epicly enhanced female fronted group that I have a hard time making it through the video as the singer is, well you get it... https://www.facebook.com/EdgeOfParadiseBand
  9. For those of us who can never get enough Dream Theatre and the like, except of course this version is Japanese with a female singer, not a detriment on any level as there are some truly epic jams to be had here. And yes Geoffrey there are some non-English vox involved... http://www.loszeal.com/#!english-home/c1enf
  10. Is that a Twisted Sister pin on her "uniform"? Certainly a happy little ditty. Funny that the jacket she is wearing has the mentioned TS patch and then the Saxon back patch but the band is anything but in that musical realm.!?
  11. This EP released last month. Pretty tasty AOR imho, should be appreciated by most of us here. https://www.facebook.com/mandysleazeofficial
  12. Some old school trash metal from Poland! https://www.facebook.com/RagingDeathPL
  13. Very nice indeed! Some very tasty tunes from these boys from Brazil. "Breakin' Chains" cd out now. https://www.facebook.com/purpurainkofficial https://youtu.be/8XWO0bUwOU8
  14. CHAINSHEART are a hard rock / heavy metal band from Cyprus comprised of seasoned musicians, all of whom are extremely passionate rockers and this is clearly evident throughout their music and performances. The band began in 2011 as the solo project of vocalist Yiannis Savva who soon after decided to form a band, thus CHAINSHEART were born. In late 2012 the band released their first album (“Just Another Day”) as a self-release. A purely hard rock album .The band however underwent several line-up changes and has finally found its true sound and style – classic heavy metal. CHAINSHEART are now back with their second album, titled “Leaving Planet Hell”, an album filled with anthemic heavy metal tunes, melodic lines, energy and passion and of course that somewhat “old-school” sound reminiscent of the good old days! Make no mistakes here; fists will be up high while headbanging will be non-stop upon listening to this album! https://www.facebook.com/Chainsheart
  15. Hard rock band from Milano Italy. New video for Freight Train. https://www.facebook.com/rainoxofficial
  16. Cool stuff and its nice to see them still hammering out quality tunes. That Long Road Home tune is a really cool history lesson into the band and where they were and the things they have done. Also super cool to see that they are my neighbors over here on the "Wet" Coast of Southern Washington!
  17. That is classified information and if I told you then, well you know the rest...
  18. That is nice and concur the vibe and the vocalist are good. Very Deep Purple to me circa Perfect Strangers and maybe some Badlands too...
  19. Clear Slate Mildly funny with a pretty large cast. It's the tale of a guy who passed on a couple of golden opportunities...
  20. I dig that they name drop the American "pop masters Jellyfish"...
  21. Saw this one on Crackle today. Good stuff.
  22. Kyrie Ellison-Untold Stories: The Scriptures of Sandess Some tasty old school metal and right out in Keith's neck of the woods, Colonie, NY.
  23. Congrats on #2 Geoffrey and as stated goodbye to some sleep and sanity but hello to watching your wee ones grow into little you's and your misses. Like Gibbo I remember 14 years ago when my daughter was born like it was yesterday and the same for my 9 year old son. Now its constant running and all those pre-teen and teen activities. Whew. And btw with regards to Hayden I thought for sure a closet appreciator of all things young lady would know of Hayden Penattiere.
  24. I wasn't figuring on a champagne reception or anything but there are plenty who dig that grungified hard rock that blanketed the airwaves in the early 90's. I thought it interesting while trolling YouTube that there was a new UK band emulating Seattle grunge bands. Mother Love Bone was always my fave from that ilk but no one is copying them...
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