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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    That's how you see it in your head, so anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest? OK. using your argument we would align more with New Zealand or Canada.
  2. Ozzy Osbourne should count himself very fucking lucky to get to where he got with a voice like his. Lemmy must have been a great bloke, because as a singer he sucked. Metallica had a few great songs, but other than that were just another shitty speed (or whatever) metal band who make boring music.
  3. I said Warrant made some GREAt music, not good. I would assume that most people wrote them off after Jani. Also HS debut is one of the best and VOR is great but a shadow on it.
  4. CureTheSane


    That's a weird comment for me. Makes little sense. supply and demand. The reason news leans to 'English speaking countries" if it does, is because that is what they define as what people want to see. I can't see hoe people would be more empathetic to US citizens dying in a disaster than they would be to Asian or Indian, etc citizens dying the same way Look at the Ethiopian hunger crisis 20 or so years ago. everyone cared and helped. And it seems to be all starting again, yet has received no press. Maybe it's a "been there, done that" mentality?
  5. CureTheSane


    Very true. Has to be 'reality TV style' controversial to make it to the local news in Australia. Trump is the perfect example. Many would argue that own news is biased against Trump as the he's been little US government news since he was ousted. Nut the reality is that Biden is boring and bot 'newsworthy' Another great example is the building collapse. Just saw this morning that there were landslides near Tokyo, some dead, 20 missing. Not as spectacular as the Florida building collapse, so only got a mention on the world news on a lowly channel here, will be lucky to even get a mention on the main news. kind of racist as well possibly...
  6. He did a great job fronting the Angels when I saw them live a few years ago. Eventually I got to the Angels albums he did with them. The 2015 album is pretty good, has that Angels vibe and Dave does a great job singing
  7. CureTheSane


    You and Glen need to go have a beer
  8. CureTheSane


    Started watching Geelong vs Drugcheats and before the game they recognised what regional Victoria has brought to the game lol That's a new one....
  9. CureTheSane


    I agree on the theme rounds. A different discussion, but I see it as more decisive and counter productive to what they are trying to achieve with things like the Indigenous round
  10. CureTheSane


    haha, how many Hawks supporters named their dogs (and even kids) after Franklin before he ditched them for the mighty Swans?
  11. CureTheSane


    I agree. However this was not the reason for me preferring Pfizer. I was happy to risk the blood clots, no real risk at all, certainly less than many other day top day activities.
  12. CureTheSane


    Good to hear some positive news from other regarding how vaccinations are affecting life. Australia will eventually have no option to follow suit. Our low vaccination rate is due to the govt heavily investing in AstraZeneca as it can be produced here locally. And is was produced here, millions of doses of a dodgy vaccine. Say what you will about Trump, but the deal he did for vaccines saved the US He made the correct calls and we didn't, and we have 4% vaccinated and it's all on pause at the moment due to lack of supply....
  13. CureTheSane


    You live in Victoria, and soccer is your go to? wow
  14. Doesn't mean his music was good. Everybody says what a great showman and average vocalist he is.
  15. Oh, and Mr. Big are great, and Van Hagar. Also, and I think I posted a thread on this already. DLR solo stuff is better than his VH stuff, easily.
  16. I agree, in hindsight, but in the end it probably wouldn't have mattered, would still have been seen as Motley with Corabi. I love the album and I love Vince's stuff. Recently finally gave a few listens to Corabi with Dead Daisies, and that is a better album that MC I would say, song wise.
  17. CureTheSane


    My question goes out to other countries wher ethe vaccination rate is high. Has it changed life for those who have got the jab? Are there proposed different rules for those who have had it? Surely there have to be incentives for those who decide to get jabbed? Personally, I was only eligible for AstraZeneca, until a couple of weeks ago, they decided that it wasn't recommended for me either, so now I can get Pfizer, which is what I was holding out for. So now I'll get it as soon as I am allowed. I won't judge others who decide not to, so long as their inactions don't hold back my freedoms. Other than that, people are well educated, if they wanna risk covid and the ongoing shit that comes with that, be my guest.
  18. CureTheSane


    lol, I was there months ago. I dared to complain about the totalitarian government and what the unfair lockdowns were doing to our people and businesses, and was pretty much shut down with "ha, Australia - you have barely any cases, shut up and move on, don't you fucking dare comment on covid again" the main issue we face is the crazy reactions and restrictions that get put in place. Geoff, what you're dealing with in NSW, we've faced 4 times, one time for over 4 months straight. As I said before, no way would citizens of a country like the US put up with this shit, we are simps for our rulers...
  19. How is does one's sex affect medical treatment? I mean, maybe your nuts got smashed in a car accident? Wondering what the actual reasons are. Until now, I never saw M or F on a licence or passport being crucial in identifying someone, all you're doing is eliminating 50% of the population who usually are obviously not you.
  20. This is a better version of this song than Queens.
  21. So there are a bunch of people and groups running around suggesting that there should be no gender. No M of F on licenses or passports, no reference to male/.female/him/her/etc/etc, basically they are looking at making the world non-binary. My daughter has a friend who "identifies" this way and when she talks about her, she said "they did this" and they're going to do this" etc, so shit is even being pluralised to avoid a reference to her that would indicate a sex. So for me this is all pretty fucked up, and I refuse to play their game. But this is where my issue comes in. The people who are trying to eradicated males/females, and the VERY SAME ONES who support transgender people. Those transitioning from MALE to FEMALE and FELAME to MALE. How can they have it both ways? Surely these people who are anti and reference to sex should be fully hating on the people who are not only identifying themselves as a sex, but then moving to a different sex. What am I missing here? Have they created a fucked up little world of ambiguousness?
  22. Yeah, the more businesses and people come back and say "fuck you, we aren't racist, stop accusing us of that based on vague pretenses" the better it gets for everyone.
  23. Year that's what I thought. MS version is a little cleaner, and of course his vocals are pretty on point, but still a great version
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