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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. I was looking forward to some music from these guys, but apparently they have put the band 'on the shelf' - from Facebook...


    Hello Everyone
    Wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your amazing support.
    Each and every one of you were the reason we were able to exist and thrive for over 15 years.
    We in Hair Force One want to let you all know that we intend to update this Facebook page with information pertaining to any future endeavors that may happen down the road.
    Keep in mind
    We're not saying goodbye forever
    But we are saying see you later.
    It's hard putting this band on the shelf for the time being but it's absolutely necessary at this time.
    If and when the time comes for us to pass along new information it'll be found here.
    Thank you everyone for giving us your support and now we thank you for your patience while we take our hiatus.
    Hair Force One
    Anyone know if they ever released anything?
    Their website is also gone....
  2. Tracks 10 and 11 were the ones which I took to the most on first listen.
    10 reminded me of their earlier song Highway? with the female vocals which is a great song.

    I'm thinking this one will be the sort that needs a few listens and I'll give it a go I guess.

  3. I kinda thought the same thing about the sound.
    I wanted it to be a bit rawer.

    Initially it came across as a bit overproduced, but after numerous listens I think that's just the type of songs and if everyone produced an album the way I like it then there'd be ahundred of albums all the same with no points of difference.

  4. Twisted Sister without Dee? Aerosmith without Steven Tyler? Stones without Mick?

    Some bands are defined by their singers.

    QR is one for me.

    Metal Health, Condition Critical and III are all amazing albums, but I never really managed to like much beyond them, Kevin singing or not.

    But he still defines the sound for me, so keep on making music.... um.... Frankie, I guess, but do it under another name.

    That wouldn't sell any records though would it?

    Just a money grab, and who can really blame them/him? Being in a band isn't exactly a licence to make money these days. They likely need the name just to be able to book a gig lol

  5. Yeah. What's worse for me is the overall rating of an album.

    If I used the song rating system for this release, maybe songs 3, 9 and 10 would get between 40 and 60% each, which instantly drops the overall album rating to around 85%, and that's if every other song gets a 100% which they wouldn't, so the overall rating for this album would probably be 75% for me.

    So a 75% from me is a damn good score, but many here would say I'm nuts. :)

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