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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. You do know there's an in-between though right?


    Even in my 'hater' comment I wrote "I thought the smutty lyrics were a lot of fun and a fresh angle with some great music."

    and "I don't think they should stop with the pussy songs, but an album for "any other melodic rock act" music would be pretty cool."


    I'll still like some of their music, and I'll still see them live again when they tour here.

    Not clamoring for a mainstream record, just think it could be really awesome.

    They should only ever do that of course if they feel right doing it, which they maybe never will.


    I hope there's some great stuff on Lower The Bar

    Thought She's Tight was a reasonable cover, but nothing too fresh on the original

    And Anything Goes is just a bunch of words thrown together to create a pretty average song to me.

    Will see what the rest is like :)




    I kinda see it differently.

    I thought the smutty lyrics were a lot of fun and a fresh angle with some great music.

    Then (to me) the songs started to feel a bit forced.

    They are pretty much restricting the song content a fair bit.


    I don't think they should stop with the pussy songs, but an album for "any other melodic rock act" music would be pretty cool.

    Mainly because I think the music is pretty damn good, and supported with some strong lyrics could be really great.


    I hate that the arguments still come up and the point never seems to get through to haters, but how is singing songs about sexy things forced, yet another band can record 20 albums about love and heartache and "rock" but that is not forced or tiring?


    I don't think anything they've done sounds forced to me, and they always have cool, new and fresh ideas. Yeah, it's all sexual, but I re-iterate, how is that any different to a band with non-sexual lyrics? Most bands have a loose theme across an album and some can be a hell of a lot more tiring than 10 songs of a sexual nature. Eg. 10 songs about sucking God's penis, or 10 dreary songs about the heartache of being left by a lover. These are two types of albums featured regularly on this site yet the artists have never have comments similar to the Steel Panther stuff levelled at them.


    Just be grateful they're doing something outside the norm, whilst still creating absolutely killer tracks. I cannot see why it is so hard to just to appreciate their awesomeness, and let the run-of-the-mill bands satisfy that part of your tastes without needing these guys to change in order to sound like everyone else.



    Well given that you quoted me, I'll assume that you are lumping me in as a 'hater'

    Far from it, and if you bothered to read my posts while taking off your holier than thou hat, you would have seen that.

    You made some rash generalisations about my post, none of which are accurate.


    I like Steel Panther. This is the opposite of hating them.

    Personally, I find some of their recent stuff forced, and possibly running out of fresh sexual ideas.

    This happens to many other bands.

    7800 Faenheight

    Generation Swine

    Psycho Circus

    Chinese Democracy

    etc, are some of the ones I'd choose, but others would choose different records which I wouldn't agree with such as

    Prisoners In Paradise

    Warrant 96 (hello?)

    Pissed and r*tist

    Native Tongue



    All I was saying that I think Steel Panther are talented musicians. They write great music and good lyrics.

    It would be nice to hear something from their heart rather than pussy and fucking

    On the other hand, I understand that they need to make money and earn a living, which is probably why they won't do it.


    So one thing that I hate is when people come in and grab a comment and twist and warp it into something it isn't just because they don't agree with what was said.

    It's a message board, where people come to say what they think, not what you want to hear...



    You mean like that post? ;) Read a bit more into it next time, will you. I quoted you, I guess (didn't really think about it as much as you) because you were the last comment suggesting that change would benefit them, when Glen had posted something in-between.


    The post wasn't directed entirely at you at all, but as a general comment towards critics of the band... but because you were such a tool about it, then sure, take it as it being directed entirely to you.


    Sensitive souls. They must be handled with care.




    I mean it's not like mine was the last post made of a chain of posts.

    It was a stand alone post that you addressed.

    But if you say that in quoting me your implication was to all who had 'hated on' Steel Panther, then so be it I guess.

    But then again, you said that it could be seen as directed as me because I was being a tool.

    Dangerous Toys told me all about sticks and stones and hurting words etc, so I won't hold it against you, let's just put it down to misunderstanding and move on.

    Can we still be friends?


    I kinda see it differently.

    I thought the smutty lyrics were a lot of fun and a fresh angle with some great music.

    Then (to me) the songs started to feel a bit forced.

    They are pretty much restricting the song content a fair bit.


    I don't think they should stop with the pussy songs, but an album for "any other melodic rock act" music would be pretty cool.

    Mainly because I think the music is pretty damn good, and supported with some strong lyrics could be really great.


    I hate that the arguments still come up and the point never seems to get through to haters, but how is singing songs about sexy things forced, yet another band can record 20 albums about love and heartache and "rock" but that is not forced or tiring?


    I don't think anything they've done sounds forced to me, and they always have cool, new and fresh ideas. Yeah, it's all sexual, but I re-iterate, how is that any different to a band with non-sexual lyrics? Most bands have a loose theme across an album and some can be a hell of a lot more tiring than 10 songs of a sexual nature. Eg. 10 songs about sucking God's penis, or 10 dreary songs about the heartache of being left by a lover. These are two types of albums featured regularly on this site yet the artists have never have comments similar to the Steel Panther stuff levelled at them.


    Just be grateful they're doing something outside the norm, whilst still creating absolutely killer tracks. I cannot see why it is so hard to just to appreciate their awesomeness, and let the run-of-the-mill bands satisfy that part of your tastes without needing these guys to change in order to sound like everyone else.



    Well given that you quoted me, I'll assume that you are lumping me in as a 'hater'

    Far from it, and if you bothered to read my posts while taking off your holier than thou hat, you would have seen that.

    You made some rash generalisations about my post, none of which are accurate.


    I like Steel Panther. This is the opposite of hating them.

    Personally, I find some of their recent stuff forced, and possibly running out of fresh sexual ideas.

    This happens to many other bands.

    7800 Faenheight

    Generation Swine

    Psycho Circus

    Chinese Democracy

    etc, are some of the ones I'd choose, but others would choose different records which I wouldn't agree with such as

    Prisoners In Paradise

    Warrant 96 (hello?)

    Pissed and r*tist

    Native Tongue



    All I was saying that I think Steel Panther are talented musicians. They write great music and good lyrics.

    It would be nice to hear something from their heart rather than pussy and fucking

    On the other hand, I understand that they need to make money and earn a living, which is probably why they won't do it.


    So one thing that I hate is when people come in and grab a comment and twist and warp it into something it isn't just because they don't agree with what was said.

    It's a message board, where people come to say what they think, not what you want to hear...

  4. Why Him

    This was a great movie. Typical James Franco type flick, but with a bit more depth than usual.

    Think This Is The End without the drugs and so much slapstick. Probably closer to The Interview.

    In fact there was a lot of stupidity. My wife would have hated it.

    Lots of swearing and gross out humor.
    I loved it, so did my 17 year old daughter.


  5. I kinda see it differently.

    I thought the smutty lyrics were a lot of fun and a fresh angle with some great music.

    Then (to me) the songs started to feel a bit forced.

    They are pretty much restricting the song content a fair bit.


    I don't think they should stop with the pussy songs, but an album for "any other melodic rock act" music would be pretty cool.

    Mainly because I think the music is pretty damn good, and supported with some strong lyrics could be really great.

  6. Yeah back when I was around 12, my best friend and I had every intention of going to the Kiss concert first Aussie tour, whenever it was. Maybe '81

    We had all the Kiss cards, posters etc and could see no reason why we shouldn't go.

    One evening my mother told us to be back home before dark - we were out riding our BMX bikes.

    So of course 'dark' is a very general term, and even though we could still see quite well outside when we got home, she was pissed.

    Then she banned us from going to that concert.
    At the time it was the biggest injustice ever.

    As we got older it became clearer that she used it as a reason not to let us go, and she was never going to let us go at that age.


    Made up for it many times over.

    Reunion, Symphony, some unmasked no frills show at the Palace, etc.

    Probably seen them 7 or so times by now.

    Second best live act ever :)

  7. I ended up with GNR tickets.

    Lastix were half price or something so we got pretty good seats for 90 bucks.


    I got a notification on my mobile that the Nelson Brothers had posted something on Bands In Town, but when i went to read it, I had to download an app.

    So I didn't download and didn't read.
    Doubt they are touring Melbourne, but I'll have a google.

  8. I dunno.

    Steel Panther are basically Kiss now.

    Do what makes the money, risk free, and stick to the T&A songs

    Nothing wrong with that, it's their living, and probably the best way to earn some real $

    But I kinda tired of it.
    Would love to hear some more serious songs. although maybe they'd suck.

    This new song is OK, but fairly standard and routine.

    I'm sure if I listen to it a lot it won't get any better.

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