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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. I'm gonna rate this using my great, good, ok, average, filler criteria.

    Overall there are some great songs on this.


    1. The Walking Dead feat. Reb Beach - ok - This song doesn't really do it for me. Typical album opener.
    2. Boogeyman - great - Funky and fun. Certainly not afraid to make a song the way he wants to.
    3. Too Kool for Skool - good - Nice and catchy as well. I fond myself tapping the steering wheel when this comes on.
    4. The Loner - great - probably my favorite on the album. Not sure if this was the first single (does that even matter any more?) Cruisy, hookey song.
    5. Let It Loose - ok - feel like this one had promise but slid into AC/DC territory a bit.
    6. A World to Rely On - ok - again a bit AC/DCish at times, repeating the chorus as an echo is a bit ordinary.
    7. Fortune & Fame - ok - don't really like the chorus again.
    8. Easy Woman - great - nice medium paced swingy rocker
    9. If You Want Me - great - Catchy. Could be a single.
    10. The Best I Can - great - love the piano, very catchy, poppy song.

    Along with Tango Down, this album is a stand out for me this year.
    Does take a few listens to get the songs, but often they are the songs that stay with you long term, rather than the ones you like instantly but also tire of quickly.
    Always expect rough as guts trashy rockers from Gene, and he always surprises me with his refined sound and often laid back and bluesy songs.
    ***edit - haha, just saw that the first single above was The Walking Dead which ain't really my cup of tea. Not really surprised at that lol
  2. OK here goes.
    I'm not gonna assign numbers to songs because I find that system here weird and disturbing with most albums getting at least 70 to 80% and a lot of them in the 90's

    Anyway, I'll simply rate each song great, good, ok, average or filler


    1. Punching Bag - good - great opener, better than most songs that open records.
    2. Give Me A Reason - great - for the type of song this is, it's done pretty perfectly. Leans very AOR, but it works.
    3. Bulletproof - average - a bit slow and boring, nothing new here. I'd probably skip this song most of the time.
    4. Carry On - great - love the VH type start, then becomes its own song - kind of reminds me of Roxus a bit. Like the vocal changes within the verses
    5. When We Were Young - great - nice flowing song, love the music is my time machine lyric.
    6. Going Under - great - probably my favorite track on the album. Very catchy.
    7. Superstar - good - like the heavier type song, but for me the verses were stronger than the chorus which kind of lets the song down
    8. Edge Of Goodbye - good - nice ballad, bit sappy and droney, but still nice and easy to listen to.
    9. Anything Can Change - ok - nothing too exciting, just your standard template pop/rock song.
    10. Broken Heart - ok - Very standard average 80's type song, kind of boring.

    Overall, this is probably gonna be one of the best releases for me this year.

    Keep in mind that a great song is just that, and you don't come across too many these days, let alone so many on one release.

    Maybe some of the songs I didn't rate so well suffered because they were back to back against some great tracks, but only a bit.

    If I took songs from this to put on a Best Of CD, I'd struggle not to take 7 songs, which is a pretty nice result.




    I heard Secrets years ago and thought it was average.

    This song is not bad though.

    Maybe I come from a different POV where I don't know much about the band so am open to any music rather than preconceived ideas as to how it should sound.


    Haha. Make no mistake of it, friend. I don't like this because I think it's crap... not because it doesn't sound like Crystal Ball used to sound.


    I really couldn't care less about back stories when it comes to good music or not. Sure, I think it's sad there's no semblance of CB left in the band anymore, but 'Bite Down Hard' is my favourite Britny Fox album, and 'Helluva Time' from Jaded Heart is one of their best too (amongst many other examples). Neither sound like either band's previous output. I just like good music and it's as basic as that. I just think this new stuff is shit.



    But everything you said makes no sense because you don't like Belly To Belly....

    Illuminati confirmed :)



    Haha, and that proves my point on the other side of the coin. Love Warrant's first 3 albums, and 'Ultraphobic' is cool too, but just because I like those albums it doesn't mean I can force myself to enjoy that unbearable piece of shit that is 'Belly To Belly.' I mean seriously, no one on earth actually likes that album, do they? ;)




    What's not to like :)




    I heard Secrets years ago and thought it was average.

    This song is not bad though.

    Maybe I come from a different POV where I don't know much about the band so am open to any music rather than preconceived ideas as to how it should sound.


    Haha. Make no mistake of it, friend. I don't like this because I think it's crap... not because it doesn't sound like Crystal Ball used to sound.


    I really couldn't care less about back stories when it comes to good music or not. Sure, I think it's sad there's no semblance of CB left in the band anymore, but 'Bite Down Hard' is my favourite Britny Fox album, and 'Helluva Time' from Jaded Heart is one of their best too (amongst many other examples). Neither sound like either band's previous output. I just like good music and it's as basic as that. I just think this new stuff is shit.



    But everything you said makes no sense because you don't like Belly To Belly....

    Illuminati confirmed :)

  5. Listened to this album today.

    Reminds me of Danger Danger.

    Maybe D2 light. Or Cockroach time D2

    It was OK, but very syrupy for me.

    I'll give a few more listens and see how it goes, but I was disappointed overall, maybe because this thread built it up so much...

  6. Just found this album (and band) at Sleaze Roxx

    Always great to discover a new band like this.

    I suspect this is probably the first album this year that will get a constant play , not wanting to hear anything else for a while - high praise.

    Some songs get about as close to AOR as I like to get, Heavy keyboards would have killed it for me, but some really really good stuff here. :)

  7. I'll still give it a go.

    By all rights I should hate Bai Bang, but maybe the timing was right and I was open to that type of music.

    Can be subjective as well, I could say that pretty much all AOR needs more balls, but that's just the genre and it fits a large demographic. I just stay away from most of it.

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