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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Yeah, especially with new songs.
    I swear some of them put them on the album in such a way that they mean for this to happen.
    Also sometimes at the start or the end of a song will be a weird clicking or grinding noise. This makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with my car for a few seconds.

  2. Sounds like it's pretty hit and miss.

    For me, some of Dee's stuff since TS has been OK - Desperado and Widowmaker, some of it pretty average - Widowmaker, and some surprising - the Mack The Knife which I really like.
    Then there is his other 'solo' stuff like Love Is For Suckers, which is excellent, and Heroes Are Hard To Find, which is probably his best song IMO.

    If there are a few great songs I'll be happy.

  3. I have Quid Pro Quo, and I don't re\call it being all that great.
    I'll have to listen to it again and see if it's one of those albums where I ended up liking a few songs.

    I REALLY like Whiskey Lover though. Great hard rock song. My type of music.

    Based on that alone I'll try this new one out :)

  4. Both bands seem to be fairly unknown. I'll have to track them both down and find the one which I liked. Likelihood is it's the one with the EP released and I added the wrong band in my Facebook.


    Edit: Yep, that's what happened.

    The band I was looking for was likely because of this thread. Just listened to their soundcloud songs again and they're pretty good.

    The other HF1 I have on Facebook seems like a pretty shitty band doing average covers

  5. I've always struggled with Pretty Maids.
    Never really my cup of tea, but some songs such as Please Don't Leave Me are great.

    Not sure why I opened this thread, but from what is posted here...

    1st song - sounds really good

    2nd song - meh

    3rd - this song kind of sums up where I'm at with Pretty Maids. The song isn't terrible, just kind of boring.


    I think when bands get over 40 or so, they should be making clips without the band members in them. They detract from the song, where say a half naked girl on a pole would probably add to it :)

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