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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EputqxBgvz8


    Hold me now, I think I might be dying
    I'm not ashamed to say that I am frightened
    Hold me now, I used to heal like lightning
    Are yours the last eyes that I'll ever see
    Staring into me?

    Was I just because
    A mistake in love
    Two people who stop trying enough
    Don't want a brand new life
    This one's just right
    Why would I throw it all away?

    Won't you hold me now?
    Just before I stop breathing
    I know I promised I wouldn't leave here without you
    Please, don't let me go
    While they play the last song ever
    The last chance to hold each other forever

    Hold me now, I've still got words worth hearing
    I just wanna be a human being
    Hold me now, we all know what I'm fearing
    I think I see the light, am I disappearing?

    Was I just because
    A mistake in love
    Two people who stop trying enough
    Don't want a brand new life
    This one's just right
    Why would I throw it all away?

    Won't you hold me now?
    Just before I stop breathing
    I know I promised I wouldn't leave here without you
    Please, don't let me go
    While they play the last song ever
    The last chance to hold each other forever

    Won't you hold me now?
    Just before I stop breathing
    I know I promised I wouldn't leave here without you
    Please, don't let me go
    While they play the last song ever
    The last chance to hold each other forever

    Hold me now
    Remember how we were at the beginning

  2. They're all nice light rock songs, following a fairly basic and well used formula.

    Not really my cup of tea. Kind of music I'd like to listen to if I was on a long train trip or something dozing off to sleep.

    Not to say the music would put me to sleep, but if I was dozing it's the kind of music that will keep me content :)

  3. Unfortunately I let EZN fade into obscurity as well.

    Thought they had some great stuff in the past, and one of the best 80's bands not to really make it.

    Never was able to get into Fly High Michelle for some reason.

    For me, their best songs are


    Heaven Or Hell
    The World Is A Gutter
    Long Way To Go
    Mother's Eyes
    Baby Loves You
    Time To Let You Go
    Right By Your Side
    These Days
    Who's Got You Now
    Rainy Day
    Message Of Love
    Happy Holiday
    So Long
  4. See I don't understand that.

    Smacks of not really giving it a fair chance.


    Elation has some good songs that at the very least should allow any hard rock music fan to be happy to listen to.

    Nice melodies and hooks with decent vocals.


    For me it wasn't Jack GW, but I don't think they were trying to replicate that

    Having head Jack's latest offering, I'm looking forward more to a new GW album.

    But I'll give Jack's a go. Often the most average songs are released as singles, and the gems stay hidden.

    Look at Dee Snider who apparently recorded a video for So What.

    Which reminds me I need to review that album.

    I'll see if I remember tomorrow....

  5. Yeah, sometimes these albums come about from songs that have been created, worked on, and sat on for years, just waiting for the right time.

    After that, creativity dies off.

    Kinda looks like that happened with him.

    Looking back, not sure how I ended up buying a Duran Duran members first single.

    Was never a fan of DD, but obviously had heard much of their music and didn't hate it. He must have looked metal on th cover.

    Back then I'd but music based only on the look of the band...


    Not bad...


    By not bad you mean freakin' awesome? I love it. No idea who this guy is, but I immediately cannot wait for this album in 2017. That's great.




    I'd have to listen to it a few more times to see if it sets in.

    Sometimes a first impression is good and then later you find that it was maybe swayed by the mood you were in at the time.

    Other times you try really hard to like crappy music, to no avail.

    For instance I listened over and over to that Kiss Carnival Of Souls single, and started to like it.

    Years later I heard itr again and I really didn't remember it at all - my brain seemingly had omitted it from my memory.

    Maybe my tastes have changed and COS will be an easier album to listen to. Maybe I'll give it another go...


    Anyway, The name "The Rock Guy" kinda put me of. Wasn't sure if he was taking the piss, then the song sounded ok, then I wasn't sure what his game was...


    As i said before just look on you tube...all the evidence u need.


    Seems v odd to hate on someones talent just because its not a style of music you like.

    I stated his lyrics suck and that truly lousy song sounded like shit, and I have zero interest in anything he does because I find what he produces to be pure garbage. So because I don't like his crappy music, and don't find what he does to be remotely pleasurable to my ears, you take the politically correct stance that I'm "hating on someone's talent because I don't like their style of music". Wrong. It's the music itself, as well as the style I don't like. In my opinion, I'd rather listen to artists I feel are much more talented, and actually play things in genres that don't annoy the hell out of me. My opinion - I don't like him, and his crappy music. You have your own opinion, but to carry on as if people have to appreciate shit you happen to like simply because you like it is just another shining example of the pretentious bullshit you level against those daring to disagree with you. If that's something that bothers you, well, tough shit. I'll continue to offer my opinion on things I like and dislike, and again, if you don't like it, too bad. I really don't need your endorsement on anything anyway, so spare me the high and mighty opinion of your taste and lofty opinion of yourself. Your clique members might buy your holier-than-thou attitude. I don't. I'm just too old school to give a good goddamn about a-holes, who think they know it all, and expect everyone to see things from their self-righteous point of view.



    Not my cup of tea, but I don't feel compelled to lose my shit because someone posted the song.

    I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, and he's a hell of a lot more talented than me in every way musical :)

  8. So I had a drive to country Victoria to see some customers, so had a few hours to listen to some new music.

    Finally got to hear this a couple of times.


    Stand outs so far are

    Bull's Eye

    Face The World

    Last Beauty On Earth


    Haven't taken to

    Humanize Me

    Sickening ("sickening, sickening, sickening" lets it down)

    Was That What You Wanted (chorus lets it down)


    Can see myself liking

    When God Took A Day Off

    Heaven's Little Devil

    Civilized Monsters



    I can't stop playing this silky aor anthem!!! I'm already drifting in my subaru impreza wrx waiting for the summer...



    I listened to all 3 songs, and musically they are great.

    Unfortunately they are waaaay to AOR for me and that kills them.

    I'm not saying they should be different, obviously many here really like them, and if you described a band as a cross between Roxus and Harem Scarem I'd be sure that I'd be into them, but I thinki it's just been too many years since Roxus and for me that sound (keyboards and harmonies) just won't cut it any more.

    I'd love to hear the songs with a heavier production and edge.

    Anyway, like I said, everyone here is a fan, so enjoy.



    I'm with you on this one....I've just never been able to get into these guys. I think with a tad little heavier production these guys could fall more into my tastes.


    I agree too though that they do sound good and the album is put together well. I think this is the perfect example of an album that I would rate highly if I were reviewing it even though I personally don't care for it....if that makes any sense.



    Having said what I said, I was clicking around the other night and came across the Hard Rock Show.

    This is a little Aussie show which is OK, but can be very long winded in their reviews etc so I tend not to be able to be bothered with it.

    When I clicked over they were reviewing this album. Didn't know the band was Australian, which I was surprised at.

    They interviewed the band who seemed pretty cool, and then played this song again (above)

    Aside from a few moments of cringe, I enjoyed it more.

    I think if I pound it into my head a few more times I'll be able to like it, but doubt I'll be able to for the rest of the album.

  10. A couple that come to mind...


    Wish Firehouse would hook up with Frontiers and put out one more album. I think these guys could potentially do a fantastic album if they sorta followed the formula the Defiants used with their release.


    One other band I'd like another album from is Bad City....The chances of that seem almost zero though since they've disbanded and their singer is in the clink.


    That would be amazing, but won't happen.

    I think he may be out by now, or soon.

    I kinda lumped Bad City in with Warrant with Jani as far as likelihood goes...

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