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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Yep, I remember the shooting an arrow on a cliff or something and it didn't work and they abandoned it.

    Classic. And set the scene for the rest of the show unfortunately.

    Best ever was when Cody Chose Tina to the final 2 in US version Survivor Australia (season 2) over the rich dentist? guy who everyone hated.

    Massive mistake and she got every vote I think.

    Runner up gets 100K so I guess he was happy with that risk.


    Series 7 was Pearl Islands and didn't air in Australia because the Aussie version was on. Don't really recall any specific people, but it was Boston Rob's first season.

    A couple of African Americans did well and played the black card through the series. Also VERY religious.


    I'd personally be much more partial to being on the Amazing Race. I travel a lot and reckon I'd do pretty well. Although these days rely heavily on my smart hone, particularly in non English speaking countries, so that might set me back a bit.

    Everyone thinks they'd kill it on Survivor, but I think it's a whole different beast when you get there. At home you think you have it all figured out, but then you'd end up on an island with people who are waaaaay more into the show than you.

    I'd be blindsided and probably come home with an idol.

  2. I was happy with the chick who won Aussie Survivor. In the end she owned it completely.

    I was just happy that Lee of his chick didn't win...


    You'd think that the gameplay would be on par with US Survivor, but no, Aussies are too loyal and nice.

    Americans have moved past that.

    I recently watched the 2 US seasons that I missed. 1 and 7

    Very innocent and basic compared to the more recent series'


    The Aussie Survivor was far far far better than the previous Aussie attempts though.

    Didn't try out. Too many commitments. I have a different business in Canberra which also needs attention as well, so too much going on I guess.
    Either than or I found some good excuses lol

  3. Yeah, I tend to have different ringtones for different family members.

    My daughter was into screamo, so I founld a screamo version of MJ's Black Or White.

    Another kid loves the Muppets, so Mananama was her tone

    Another love Chasing Rainbows - Wig Wam.

    Coole because you know who is ringing you.


    I had a short version of New York Groove as a text tone, but every time I got a text, everyone around me started rocking to the beat so I made a longer version which everyone enjoys :)

  4. Anyone use any cool ringtones?


    The ones I've rotated through are... (keeping in mind you only hear the first 30 seconds)


    All Of My Life - Mike Tramp

    Beautiful - Marvelous 3

    Got To Choose - Kiss

    I Wanna Party With You - Trucker Diablo

    Just Like Paradise - DLR

    Mama Told You - The Fuzz Drivers

    Other Side - The Last Vegas

    Rose - Buckcherry

    Slave To The Machine - Lynam

    The Oath - Kiss

    The One That Almost Got Away - Burning Kingdom

    The Special - Hot Action Cop

    Tragic Comic - Extreme

    White Lies - The Last Vegas

    Six Feet Under - The Last Vegas


    Currently I am using Matt LeBlanc's ringtone from Episodes which I think is, Two Time - Syd Dale


    Best ever text tome is the start of New York Groove - been using that one for ages

  5. I enjoyed Hudson Hawk, but I didn't buy it.


    I got

    American Sniper

    Black Sails Seasons 1 & 2

    Batman Vs Superman

    Star Trek Beyond

    Independence Day: Resurgence

    Vikings Seasons 1, 2 & 3

    The Brothers Grimsby

    Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates

    Now You See Me 2


    Gotta love Xmas presents and Boxing Day sales

  6. Latest Amazing Race season was put on the backburner and airs April 21. From memory the show they put on in its place rated very well.

    They are filming S30 at the moment,which is said to possibly be its last.


    I have problems with Survivor spoilers. this year they were a week behind up to the finale.

    Far worse than that is Game Of Thrones and The Walking Dead.Need to be seeing those as they air, otherwise you her far too much.

  7. Arnold Schwarzenegger replaces Trump.


    You mentioned the biggest problem with all TV is Australia (not just free to air)

    We see the shows later than the US, usually weeks, sometimes months, rarely a few days.

    Don't want spoilers? Unlike these shows from your f\Facebook feed,and delete friends who talk about them.

    We are forced to download, just to stay current.

    Different alternatives offer these shows soon after original air date, but you'd have to subscribe to them all (Stan, Foxtel, Netflix etc) to see all your shows.


    As for the Apprentice, it's not on TV currently, although the new season may be due to the publicity.

    I've been watching online - only problem there is that you get the US version, which has all the beeps for the swearing.

  8. I don't like it.


    I recently bit the bullet and bought a Blu Ray player, I know unrelated to music but you'll get the point and when discussing the pros and cons at various stores and online review reading the bulk of the reviews were centered around the "smart app's" the players could access not how well they played the media or what varieties of media the players could play. Sad.



    I was the same, and still have my whole collection.

    But it's so rare that I pull CD's to listen to these days I start to wonder if it's just worth ripping them all and selling off the "hard copies"

    So much good music is hidden away from me because of convenience....

  9. No I meant inbetweeners as opposed to either loving or hating the band.
    I love some of their stuff. Fat Girl, Girl From Oklahoma, Stripper Girl, Asian Hooker and others are killer songs.

    You didn't label me a hater, and I'm happy to be a hater if the hat fits.

    I hate the new HCSS, I could be called a Metallica hater because I don't really like them aside from a few of the radio friendly songs.

    No biggie, I hope the new SP has some great tracks on it as well.
    when sales drop off (and they will at some point for SP) bands switch it up a bit.

    Bon Jovi started targeting 40+ females, Kiss took their makeup off, bands break up, or change singers.

    I hope that before anything like that happens they try to do a Fozzy and have a go at a more traditional lyric - I think it would be interesting to hear.

    And it may not work, the one thing people recognize them as being will be gone and maybe they'll be seen as just another wannabe 80's band...


    LA Guns - their first album.

    I started with them on Cocked And Loaded, and moved from there.

    Eventually I decided to go back which was a big mistake.

    The new Hardcore Superstar would be up there as well, but thanks to the internet, I never bought it...


    oh quite surprised you don't like their first. Some songs are really awesome such as 'No Mercy', 'Sex Action', 'One More Reason', and 'Shoot for Thrills'.

    Couple of fillers such as 'One Way Ticket' and 'Down in the city' but the rest are pretty good. Maybe you need to pull it out and give it another shot ? :)



    Maybe, it's been a long time I guess.

    I don't really keep many bad albums, only where dumping one would leave me one short of the whole set, kinda like Carnival Of Souls, which would be equally my worst.

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