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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Saving Private Ryan

    Hadn't seen it since its release, so I'd forgotten most of the movie (aside from the general premise)
    Opening scene was longer than I remembered. It was called "the most realistic representation of what war was like" at the time of its release and that holds up now.
    Also made Hacksaw Ridge seem pretty over the top, as I suspected it would.

    Kind of expected some shots of the real people during teh credits, but I saw that I have a bonus disc so I'll check that out tomorrow and see if there's anything on that.

    Still a great movie though.

  2. Yeah, haven't heard a song I'd want to skip yet, and I'm up to track 9

    I think Steve had unTedded Ted's voice. He's lost a lot of his particular twang.

    It's a safe production, which you'd expect given the band members involved.
    What I found is that moving the Bass/Treble to neutral enhanced my listening experience - even leaning towards the treble at times, which is rare.
    Normally I am sett more on the bass side, but it made it a bit 'murky' for me

  3. I have a fair collection


    Started with The Shawshank Redemption and Goodfellas and went from there


    If you're worried about the bald Matt, wait for the fake front tooth which is even more alloying, particularly at the end where the light illuminates it a completely different colour white.


    This movie smacks of one written for an award.
    Shave your head, put on some weight = oscar.

    Also, it is VERY LOOSELY based on a true story.

    After the movie I looked it up and while there were parts that were fairly accurate, most of it has been written.

  4. So I saw Hacksaw Ridge.

    Pretty decent movie.

    Reminded me of Saving Private Ryan as in that movie was described as having the most realistic war 'footage' ever shot.
    I though that while HR pretty much cloned this vibe, it probably went a little too far and over the top.

    Amazing story, glad I saw it.

  5. The vinyl revival will only last until all those young urban hipsters who are snorking up LPs right now have to change apartments, and they find out how heavy it is to carry an LP collection from place to place. :D


    Yep, it's a fad.

    My daughter bought a record player because a band gave her some vinyl.

    this will last a few plays.


    Music will soon only be available as downloads.

    I really should get motivated and rip and then sell off my massive CD collection.

    Some of my shit would be worth a few $$$ I'd say.

  6. I'm the same.

    Not because of the cost, but more the experience. Look at the image below for GNR.

    You're at the back,150 to 200 meters away from the stage, and the band are dots, so all you do is watch the big tv's

    And you're paying over $100 for the privilege

    I much prefer a small venue show, or even a larger 10,000 person venue where you get to see what's going on and be involved rather than be a spectator.

    Unfortunately, GNR don't leave any other option.



  7. Ended up not seeing Gold because it's either already had its run or the few sessions I saw were early release sessions.

    So instead I saw Passengers.

    Preview made this movie look different to how it actually was.

    My wife said it was ok, and it was a bit more of a chick flick, so I'd say see it if you have an afternoon to waste and need something to do.

  8. Everyone was going on about how killer Axl was live.

    I always thought he was an OK singer, kinda like Vince Neil.

    Suits the songs and holds his notes when he wants to.

    Clearly he has been making music well within his range and it's all held up well for him over time.


    One thing they didn't really do was interact with the crowd much.

    A few "how are you all" comments but not much more.

    Did a bit of sing along during Knockin' On Heaven's Door, but didn't play the crowd, just put his hands up a few times for the crowd to sing.

    This was a big miss in front of 70,000 people who would have sounded great if he'd got them going.


    There also seemed to be a newly created Slash intro to most songs, which got a bit boring. Almost like they were trying to fill the 2 1/2 hours a bit.


    Small things to complain about for a great show though.

  9. What I was saying earlier in this thread.

    And I wasn't bagging them, if there's a market, great. Go for it. Make some money.

    There will come a time when many others follow me and become disinterested and not bother too much.


    If they drop the smut, they will at least get a couple more albums out and maybe turn the tide a bit.

    This will happen at some point, and it probably isn't yet, but hopefully they don't leave it too late...

  10. Last time GNR toured Melbourne was in 1993 in what is generally referred to as a debacle or a mess. With temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius, water bottles banned and no shade for the 75,000 people attending and nowhere near enough toilets.

    Happy I didn't attend.


    They came back last night, and played the MCG stadium in front of 70,000 fans.

    We rocked up early to get a car park in the surrounding streets which we did.

    Spent 30 bucks on crappy food outside the stadium.

    Went inside and took up our seats to watch Woldmother.

    They were as shit as I thought them to be. Other states got Rose Tattoo. That would have been nice.

    Anyway, the seats were reasonably shit for gold section.

    Stage was partially blocked by the sound booth. We ended up with discount tickets, and I assumed that was the price we paid, but people around me had paid full price and were pretty pissed.

    After Wolfmother, some dude came around and was talking to a few people who had complained.

    I listened in and joined that little group who were taken to the ticket box and had our tickets replaced with some near the side of the stage.

    This may sound not that much better, but given where we were (8 or so rows from the front of the stand directly in front of the band, with a 150 meter football field between us and the band) they were dots originally.

    Where we were moved to were platinum seats, and the view was pretty damn good, 6 rows from the front of the stand.


    Show started poorly.

    What is a GNR concert without waiting an extra hour for the band to appear? I guess this is just a part of the experience.

    Then as they were about to come out the announcer said "Hello Sydney" Pretty big fuck up at a Melbourne show.

    Coming on to the stage amidst a wave of "boo's" is not ideal.


    So they played. Sound in the end was not top notch, because it was a stadium and there was echo etc and the speakers had a tough job.

    Axl sounded...... pretty damn amazing.

    I actually watched closely looking to detect prerecorded vocals.
    He hit all the notes, and far exceeded what I thought he could do in his prime, let alone now.

    I expected Vince Neil type missing words etc, but he did none of this at all.

    He'd also trimmed down a bit.



    It's So Easy
    Mr. Brownstone
    Chinese Democracy
    Welcome to the Jungle
    Double Talkin' Jive
    Live and Let Die
    Rocket Queen
    You Could Be Mine
    (Misfits cover) (with "You Can't Put Your Arms… more )
    This I Love
    Civil War
    Slash Guitar Solo
    Speak Softly Love (Love Theme From The Godfather)
    Sweet Child O' Mine
    Whole Lotta Rosie (with Angus Young)
    Riff Raff (with Angus Young)
    Wish You Were Here
    (Pink Floyd cover) (Slash & Richard Fortus guitar duet)
    November Rain ("Layla" piano exit intro with… more )
    Knockin' on Heaven's Door
    Don't Cry
    Paradise City
    Great Concert - far better than I thought it would be.
    Only song omission that I though we may have heard was Patience.
    Would have loved to have heard some others in place of Chinese Democracy crappy songs, like Bad Apples, Yesterdays, Get In The Ring, but never expected these to be played.
    Angus Young appearance was a crowd pleaser.
    Whole Lotta Rosie was a great pick. Riff Raff wasn't
    Would have been better to play an anthem song, but i guess I understand maybe why they didn't.
    Axl kind of fucked up Paradise city. For whatever reason that song sounded like shit.
    They screwed up the sound and it just sounded a mess, but no biggie.
    See them if you get a chance.
  11. So I just looked up John Wick 2 and it's released here in..... 2 months.

    Yay, this is why downloading is prevalent.

    No reason for this in our modern age.
    I see US TV series pretty much as soon as it's aired in the US, yet they expect me to wait 2 months to see a movie that everyone is talking about and by then spoilers are all over the place.

    Looks like I'll see Gold instead.

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