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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. My friend Ralph is in a band called Thrash Or Die.
    Here is a post he made this morning.

    "Don't know if its fake or real. I got an email from a well known label showing interest in Thrash Or Die. I replied that I am not interested. Now this email could be fake. But regardless I am not gonna owe anybody anything plus give them the rights. Those rights belong to everybody involved in writing those songs and only they can press and release those albums if they like."


    I bought his first album, just because it was cool that a friend had started a band and done so well, but not really my kind of music.

    But I'm glad what I paid went to him and his band.


    One day there will be a documentary made on how the music industry managed to take massive advantage of all artists, then allow itself to implode by failing to react to new technologies.

    The loser throughout is the artist who, unless they struck it big, never received what they deserved.


    Likely the most stable throughout were local pub cover bands etc who had 3 to 4 gigs per weeks and made a decent living doing what they loved.

    Good point re local pub bands etc. Maybe more artists could use that route temporarily eg play covers to get booked but include plenty of their own material in each gig too and have their CDs for sale so at least their music is getting out there.


    I suggested to HMV that they have local talent play live gigs in their stores (or have them playing on a big screen in the store) to encourage footfall and new artists. Then they could have a nationwide competition where the 'best' artists actually get played on the screens (or invited to gig live) in stores across the country - and have their CDs for sale too of course. They said they were considering it.


    There are great forums like this one and networks like the Creative Arts Federation which are worth joining plus the Indie Music Newsletter which is full of suggestions and routes to get your music played or self released so you can cut out the middle man a bit. But that sure= a lot of work so maybe there is a major gap in the market for some middle men with a more ethical and 'fairplay to the artists' mindset?


    Don't you think the tide is slowly turning though with the help of social media etc?



    I think there is obviously more awareness of the issues.

    Sadly I think it will have to progress further, wih less bands making new music, and the variety of good music diminishing before things really change for the better.

    To a degree it's in the hands of governments (mainly the US) who will eventually get to sorting out file sharing more.

    My kids generation simply don't buy music, it's all just downloaded. Soon enough making new music will only be for the passion rather than what little money is currently around.

  3. Everyone upsets me, whether they like it or not. Saying things that makes no sense (when they're meant to) just angers me too easily. Like I said, mate, do what you wish. However, on a final note, if you like a few of many AOR bands, why are you worried about a band being "too AOR?"


    Mate, it's all just stupid. Just listen to the band and forget about labels and silliness. The only conspiracy is why something can be too much of something you already supposedly like.



    I seriously don't understand what you are going on about.

    Let me try and rephrase what I feel deep inside my heart, just for you.


    I like all types of music, some more than others. I like music with keys. When keys are synth keys, I for some reason, am not naturally partial to. Particularly when they are syrupy and overshadow the music. But I do like some of this type of music at times.


    I hope I did that well enough without using a single label.

    Simply, for me, a lot of AOR I simply don't like. You and others may think it's great music, but it just doesn't click with me. I can recognise good aspects to the music, but if my ears don't like it, I can't change that. I could post a whole bunch of songs from a load of bands that I really like, but many here wouldn't.

    eg: Hot Action Cop would be LABELED as rappy metal, or new age funk metal, or something. I don't label it, but I understand the need for someone to describe why they don't like it, and I'm cool with that, if they gave it a listen and decided it wasn't for them.

  4. One day there will be a documentary made on how the music industry managed to take massive advantage of all artists, then allow itself to implode by failing to react to new technologies.

    The loser throughout is the artist who, unless they struck it big, never received what they deserved.


    Likely the most stable throughout were local pub cover bands etc who had 3 to 4 gigs per weeks and made a decent living doing what they loved.

  5. Whether you meant it or not, comments like that - to me - always come across as "I'm so fucking heavy and I hate wimpy music for poofters. Only fags listen to AOR, but fuck me, I love some heavy shit."


    So fair enough, maybe I'm reading more into it, but like I said, the underlying meaning behind such comments just irritates me.


    Wow, you've really got me pegged!!! And all my "underlying meaning"

    I listen to music from ABBA, Sarah Brightman, Yanni, Chicago, Beach Boys through to Anthrax, Sonic Syndicate and Five Finger Death Punch.

    I also mentioned AOR bands which I like - a few of many.


    You've read into my comment some weird conspiracy theory about music hate simply because I said some music I find to be "too AOR" for me.



    As for you irritating me and you being happy with your job, don't worry. Most people here, and in the world, annoy the hell out of me. I just hate so many people. Almost everyone. My wife asks me why I'm always so angry... have you seen people?! That's why. ;)



    Dude, that was a reference to my user name.


    Cure The Sane.

    "drives you insane"


    I even put a smilie after the comment...

    Did you think I was actually going out to try and upset you?



    Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


    It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


    Rant ended.

    That's cool if that works for you.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

    So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


    Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


    Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)

    Try Devils Daughter or Kill City Kid off the debut.


    Wish they would do a few more like this



    Yep, they were both really good on a first listen. Sounds like the first album at least is just that bit more key subtle that will do it ofr me.

    More so than For Better Or For Worse, which may take a few more listens



    What on earth is C&W?
    Yeah, I dunno mate. Just sounds way too picky for me. If you're on this site, basically, you'd be foolish not to check this band out. Nit-picking about keyboards or potentially not being heavy enough (no offence, but this is my most hated gripe on the planet - just makes me angry)... jeez mate, not having a go at you, but that drives me insane. Just listen to the songs, man. ;)



    Not sure if you're being serious or not. C&W is Country & Western


    I'm not complaining. I'm sitting here openly trying out new music. Never said any music needs to be a certain level of heavy, I like a broad cross section of music, much of it has no weight at all.

    And if what I say drives you insane, then my work here is being done :)

    But calling me foolish for not checking a band out, where I am ACTUALLY posting on the thread asking about the band does make you look like a little bit of a tool.

    Before you made your post, I listened to samples, asked some questions, and then asked for more samples. Looks like I have a pretty dame closed mind eh?

    Everyone has their pet likes and dislikes. My likes lean more to songs with less synth keys. No big deal.

    It's not like I'm here slamming the band or anything...

  8. I haven't watched anything for the last week because I came back from China with a Chinese flu.

    I tried to get a vaccination before I left as well, but they weren't in yet :(

    I've literally been sleeping for an hour every hour or two, so managed to squeeze in a few shows (Black Sails, Walking Dead, American Survivor - yes Geoff it's back on again)

    So.... poor fuckin' me :( :( :( I just wanna be able to stay away for a few hours at a time and be able to taste what I'm eating and drinking....

  9. Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


    It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


    Rant ended.


    That's cool if that works for you.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

    So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


    Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


    Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)

  10. Not bad.
    Don't care about old Warrant vs new Warrant, use of the name etc.
    Same with Quiet Riot. If they put out new music, it's new music.

    If it's good new music, it's from a group of guys, who choose to call themselves whatever.

    Jani is dead, if the band can maintain some income through use of the band he used to sing for then go for it.

  11. I may be at a disadvantage as I was likely asleep when most of this was posted, but I'm gonna make a comment regardless of whether the discussion is over or not.

    I really don't care how you guys rate an album.

    I pay zero attention to 1. how you choose to use percentages, and 2. what other people think of music.

    If I see an album highly regarded by many, I'll try it out. Or I may choose to listen to some samples and decide not to.

    12 tracks may be the 'normal' amount. Personally I find 11 to be ideal. 10 is good if they're all great, and 12 is good if some of the fillers make the others stand out :)

    Let's compare Slippery When Wet to Hysteria.

    I rate both of these albums a 10

    They both have tracks I don't like, but as I said, I don't use your rating system.


    10 songs vs 12

    1 average song, 1 crappy song vs 2 average songs, 1 crappy song


    Would leaving Excitable off the album help it? For me yes, but for others no.
    If Def Lep chose to put 14 songs on that album, and the 2 extras were average or crappy, would it be seen as any less good? Not by me,.

    I hate the thought of either of those albums being dragged down by the songs I don't really like.
    But these are iconic albums.


    Bands that add too many songs are faced with the add-ins dragging the album down. (think Jack Russell and the acapella song

  12. As I've said before, I think the rating system is pretty silly and one dimensional, and gives a warped perspective of any album.

    Having said that, it seems well extra stupid to leave tracks out when rating an album.

    30 second intro? just write n/a

    Instrumental? n/alive track? n/a

    Acoustic version? n/a


    But if there's full 14 songs, they all should be scored.

    Chances are a few will be shit, and if they put shit songs on, that's what they get.

    Not rating a couple of tracks to life the overall score of the album is counter productive.

    Just as is rating a greatest hits album....


    Kingsmen: The Secret Service.


    I love this movie, it's really fucking awesome.

    Homage to old Bond movies with lots of modern twists.

    Great cast. Hope they make another

    We'll today's your lucky day, cause guess what?? They're making a second part!! :D


    Might be a prequel I don't remember anymore but there's a new one coming



    Prequel would be great.

    I'd say there's a lot to explore this way.

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