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Posts posted by CureTheSane



    If I were trying to explain AOR to a teenager, for instance, I'd toss Frontiers on the turntable (trying to stay as period-correct as possible) and play FAITHFULLY.


    "That, son, is AOR."

    Oh I'm so gonna buy that album! What an awesome song. Showing my ignorance I know as Journey are such a massive AOR band who my partner just said we've actually been to see live but still they are new to me



    And they made the PERFECT video to accompany the song. My God I wish I could experience this for the first time all over again!




    I've never done Journey either.

    So I'm listening to this song for the very first time (that I know of)


    First thoughts - they ripped off The Winner Takes It All by ABBA with the piano bit.

    Or maybe ABBA ripped them off - not sure how old it is :)


    Song was nice enough. I liked it. No obtrusive synth keys so I'm happy

  2. MASH - Goodbye, Farewell & Amen - just because it was on. Wrapped up the series pretty well, in hindsight not so sure about the Hawkeye mental issues bit.


    The second half of the 10 Commandments,m again, because it was on. I'm not religious, but the stories are good to watch.


    PS i would never buy an automatic. Ever.

    North American drivers are very, very lazy. Most of our automobiles are automatics. It can become difficult to find manual transmissions.


    I prefer manual -- it's what I learned on -- but I couldn't find a single manual transmission on the car I wanted.



    Not sure driving an automatic is related to laziness.

    Fair enough if you wash your clothes by hand and do your dishes in the sink (both manual tasks)


    Technology improves so life becomes easier.

    Self driving cars will soon be referred to as 'automatic' and today's automatic cars will be seen as 'manual' because you used to need to hold the wheel and push pedals with your feet.


    Was just listening to Warrants version of We Will Rock You yesterday and thinking it's one of the best covers.

    They completed what I always considered an incomplete song.


    Anyone who tried to tell you the original version is in any way shape or form better than Warrant's version would be a sentimental fool. I die-hard Queen tragic. For me, the original is a bit of nothingness... fast forward to Warrant's version and it is just a monster of a song. Possibly one of my all-time favourite cover songs. So good.



    I'm kind of surprised that I didn't cop any shit for my comment.

    Normally when I say that all the Queen die hards come out and rip away.

    For the record, I'm a huge Queen fan, just able to recognise when something is done better, and the original of that song is very early days, and even a bit experimental, or perhaps a sample they didn't quite know what to do with.

    Like Bohemian Rhapsody which was the union of 3 songs that Freddie couldn't quite make something of individually.


    A good example of a song that was never complete and was covered and turned into a real song is below...



  5. I'm pretty much the same with covers.
    Either do it differently, or update the hell out of it.


    I've mentioned before that Radar Love is one of my favorite covers, and fits into the 'update' category

    Guitars, drums, vocals. Everything is better in the White Lion version.


    Of course the other category for covers is the "I don't think I ever heard that song before it was covered" category

    Songs like

    Mama Weer All Crazee Now

    Blinded By The Light (originally Bruce Springsteen)
    Torn (didn't know this was a cover until right now)
    I Love Rock N Roll


    Also the category "written by the artist who made it popular but originally released by another artist

    Amnesty Is Granted (Sammy Hagar/Meat Loaf

    Hide Your Heart (Kiss/Bonnie Tyler)

  6. Yeah me too.
    Without the first one, there wouldn't be the others.
    I remember seeing it at the movies and being blown away.


    Today I saw 2 movies.


    Mutiny On The Bounty 1935 version. Was actually pretty good, but makes me wanna watch the Mel Gibson version again


    Batman Vs Superman. Probably one of the few people on earth to see this twice, but I like it.

    That said, damn it's made in a very confusing way for the first hour...



    I've been playing this song a lot lately as it is one of the few songs that really suit my voice.

    I do the acoustic and my daughter has started doing the electric.


    Great song. When I relistened to it recently I became addicted to it all over again



    When are we gonna hear your version mate?




    Not likely any time soon.

    I don't profess to be a guitar god. I only ever wanted to be an adequate campfire guitarist, and I believe I got there.

    Sadly I really don't have much time for much at all these days.

    Picked up the guitar the other day and my fingers fucking hurt now (it had been a while)

    Hard to play well, when you are worrying about the pain at every cord change. having said that the action on the guitar I was playing was pretty high.


    My greatest achievement was learning the start of Tesla's Love song, which I'm sure is a piece of piss for many here, but a hard fought struggle for me.

    I'm self taught, and it doesn't come to naturally for me I'm afraid - it's all hard work.


    Not hiding from it however, happy to put myself out there.

    here's a clip from a few years ago at Christmas with my kids.

    A little bit cringe at times, but it was all just a bit of fun




    Lighten up dude. It was just a bit of fun making a stupid comment which to me was as stupid as you interpreting my "too AOR" as "pussy ass gay music" or whatever you said.


    But my comment wasn't even serious anyway, it was just fun.


    Thank christ I pointed out that I just put a winkie smilie in some other thread. Otherwise you'd see that as an attack as well.

    It's all fun, don't get so upset.

    I thought we'd moved beyond this bickering and puffy chest stage *sad face*


    You know me too well! I am extremely darkened up and taking everything very seriously. I see everything as an attack and am extremely upset. You got me down to a T! ;)




    I really want to pat you on the head abd tell you it will all be ok (in a very non gay way)


    Doesn't matter if it's Warrant or not.

    You either like it or you don't


    ***note winkie smilie***


    I don't care about your fucking winkie smile! FUCK! I am so angry!! It's not fucking Warrant! Fuck them! Fuck "Warrant!" Change your name, motherfuckers! I hate them for continuing and wish the world would end. Argh!!! SO angry!!


    Or, was I simply just pointing out it is a cool tune but sounds nothing remotely like Warrant? Not in the slightest. Just an obvious observation. ;)



    Stop classifying them!!!!

    They are a bunch of 5 guys who are making music.

    if you like it, you like it




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