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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. Up to $102 with 5 bids since it very obvious is a bootleg, beats me up how naive some people could be to bid on this phony cd, exsiting or not
  2. I don't care what other people think, or if they are too polite to speak up, or simply doesnt care, or whatever. It is my own opinion that matters to me, so I speak up If it really bothers you, you can try bribing me and I may shut up, but I wont take cdrs
  3. None of course, but a person whose name is irrelevant has been kind enough to show me couple
  4. I believe you. Apparently only very few labels never screwed anyone. Plus I yet have to hear for a label that pays royalties to the bands from the russian license deals, so that's probably one of the reasons labels dont care much for the ebay leakage. They get their share anyway
  5. I hear you buddy and I agree with you. But as we all know this will never happen, so we take it easy and just look from the bright side of it
  6. Alright, I'll give you a chance. Show me another US label which has more generic releases than yours and I'll gladly edit my post. How's about that for a fair game, eh?
  7. Okay, but were those two on legit licensed labels (irond/soyusz, fono, cd-maximum), or just one of the cheapo nameless bootlegs like Alkatrzz or Guitar Heroes series for instance? Also bear in mind there are even bootlegs of the bootlegs, or bootlegs of the licensed releases (like some fake CD-max, or Agat 2-on-1), so it is really hard to judge. There are Russian CDs and Russian CDs. As I stated above you can get cheapo one, and you can get great one. It is like with the NOISE releases. German pressings are great, while US pressings are total cheap garbage (at least the ones printed in Canada are). In my personal opinion I'd prefer licensed Russian pressings to be clearly "budget" one (like with generic white sleeve with only band logo or something), so big powersellers cannot sell them for the full retail price on eBay and escape with it, but seeing how buyers will take ANYTHING for ridiculously high prices and still leave positive feedback, I somehow doubt it would have any effect. Anyway, my thought was that it all depends, and it is not fair to make such broad generalization and say "Russian pressings sux" based on a release or two, because I can take any one of the King Fowley poor-cheap releases, or *coughretrospectcough* and tell the same "US releases sux" for US market
  8. Depends which version you've got. Becausde of the unique Russian economy and the HUGE difference in the living standards between the 2 major cities (Moscow, St. Petersbourg) and the rest of the country, the major Russian labels print two versions of all domestic Russian band releases: 1. REGULAR (aka podarochnoe) which is made for sale in the wealthy regions and usually comes with full 16-24 pages booklets and all other extras we rarely see even in MAJOR Western releases! 2. BASIC (Uproschenoe) which usually comes with single fold insert (4 pages) and respectively costs twice cheaper! Now you can imagine which releases the eBay powersellers stock on for eBay, haha!
  9. You rolled the snowball.. now look what you have done
  10. Just some verbal acrobatics, that's all. One party says it is "original CD, not home-made CD-R", while the others rightfully point to the fact that while the first statement may be valid in certain circumstances, this particular release in fact is re-issue on duplicated pro-printed CD-R. So it is kinda rhetorical debate - all bits by itself are true, but put together could mislead you quite good. Since you obviously assumed it is "not CDR," you got mislead too. In other words we have very rare and unique oxymoron here: an original* CD which is not homemade CD-R, and yet is ...CD-R Funny, isnt it * - i'm not really sure if it is really original, just temporary taking their word for it for the sake of the argument.
  11. I told you guys he is a quack. Did he speaks to you in gibbersh like Tarzan from the jungle when you ask him something inconvenient, and then suddenly would get his English miraculously sorted out when something doesnt go his way? Way uncool guy, I'm sure I'd have gotten the same paypal treatment if I havent rejected his payment...
  12. Taken from their website: - You set your selling price at whatever you want. - We keep $4 per CD sold. - We pay checks every week I'd HARDLY call $4 a "hefty cut", considered they handle all payment/shipment work for you and all you have to do is send them your stuff and then just sit back and cashing the checks. PLUS, with them you get GREAT online promotion having a dedicated page on their server (150,000 unique daily hits) with audio samples, artwork, YOUR OWN CUSTOMIZED info, customer reviews, etc. etc. Sorry, but no one can beat CDBABY when it comes to supporting independent bands! Not even close!
  13. Hey chocularok CDBABY is outlet which carries independent releases mostly, and if the artist opted in pressing it on cdr, they will carry it too. So time to time you may get cdr's from them, yes. The good thing about this store is that the artist determine the retail price the CD would sell, and collect most of the money. CDBABY only gets flat commision of $4 per CD. It's a very good store for underground artists!
  14. Oh, I think I saw this buy-now-pay-later program on deepdiscountdvd site. I hate anything credit, so I didnt pay close attention to it. Yes, I still have the MACH 1 cd available on my site.
  15. Hmm, I think he reffers to www.cdandlp.com, not eBay seller with similar name. Correct me if I'm wrong
  16. This site is the French version of GEMM - you pay the site, they pass the funds to the seller, and then the seller ships your stuff off to you. I've bought only once from them, it took FOREVER to get my CD. I paid for expedited shipping, but the seller screw me and shipped it ground. I send gazzilion e-mails and every time I got generated answers thanking me for my patience and advising to wait 8 weeks before contancting them again Why the heck would you want to send them m.o.? Pay via CC or GayPal, so if you get screwed at least you will have a means of getting your money back.
  17. I agree with you, and my policies are very open. In general I wait 3 weeks to receive a payment and then file for NPA/FVF. If a buyer contacts me and ask for extra time, I always agree and try to be helpful (well, in case he is not james arWhine of course). But if I havent received the payment within 3 weeks NOR havent heard form the buyer, then the deal is off and I may not accept late payments if I dont feel I like to, that simple. If they dont like it, too bad, try Amazon instead.
  18. Yep, i'll wait to see if eBay will take his moans seriously and contact me before forwarding his e-mails to the safe harbour. eBay is a mess and I prefer to stay away unless it is absolutely necessary to get involved.
  19. This guy is some serious quack! He never contacted me, nor paid, so after 3 weeks or so I started the FVF refund process. ON the 27th day, in the very last minute of the grace period erBay gives for responding to the FVF, this twat paid me via unconfirmed PayPal account, and on top on that requested his CDs to be shipped to a different mailing address. Yet he DID NOT respond to the FVF Accepting such unconfirmed LATE payment with instructions to send to outside mailing address rang a huge warning bell for me, so I said "no thanks, your CDs are no longer available" (which is true btw as they went to other interested buyers already), and immediately refunded his payment. Then on the next morning I accomplished the FVF (he failed to respond within the 8 days required period, so I was able to complete the process and receive the refunds). Now, as you can imagine this sent him straight into the sky, and now he pestering eBay AND threathening to give me negative if I dont removie his non-paying bidder strike immediately... I usually would laugh at such phony threats, but given what horror stories I've read here recently one starts to wonder if eBay could somehow screw me in this twat's fawor... So beware
  20. Thanks man. I checked the samples and agree with you - they are some sort of modern post-punk. Not my cup of tea, but at least dont irritate me as limp bizkit to say, so they must be good
  21. For the purpose of this site I'll go for Def Leppard too, with Pretty Maids following very close. Otherwise in grand general I'd go with Iron Maiden or Judas Priest
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