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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Got to see H.e.a.t in Chicago this past weekend....Wow, they blew the roof off the place!

    Anyways, also got the chance to chat a bit with Jona and asked if there is any talk of the next album.  He said they have about 8 songs ready so far and were planning to hit the studio in the fall but that might be getting pushed back now to the spring due to a European tour.  He said they're definitely aiming to have the next album out by the end of 2019.  He said they really can't afford to take as much time off as they did with the last album as the band is the only source of income for most of the guys.  

    So hopefully next year at this time we're gearing up for the next album :)


  2. 20 minutes ago, PeterS said:

    Basically been playing this one since Friday now. Excellent. Great voice and wonderful songs.  All good stuff. May well make my top 10. 

    Finally got my actual CD and really liking this too....just good, solid throwback melodic rock and pretty catchy stuff.  I quite like Bad City Woman, Stone Cold Lover, What Goes Around and Never Surrender.  

    Nothing wrong with any of the other songs either though.  The singer can definitely sing and there is some good musicianship and production going on throughout.   

    I'd say this will surely be in my top 10.

  3. 1 hour ago, T-BONE said:

    A few tunes are decent, but this release has way too many mid tempo and ballad tunes. It got a little boring and I had to bounce around the the songs I wanted. And his voice does get a little irritating at times. Like he is trying to hit notes too high for his range.

    I tend to agree about the ballads....Does feel like at least one or two too many.  

    I think where I mostly notice it is toward the end of the album with Northport Sunset and Walking Away so close together.  I'd have rather had All You Need Is A Heartbeat or some other uptempo song in place of at least one of those songs.  I have to admit I'm a little irritated they left that song off as I liked it a lot and feel like it would've been among my favorite songs on this.  I even liked the other single Never Enough more than those other two songs.

    With the ballads and a couple songs being too long, the album does seem to drag just a tiny bit in a couple spots.  On my past couple listens I sort of find myself wanting to skip past Losing You and Northport Sunset.  But I do still like the album a lot and find myself really liking 7-8 tunes on this.  And do think I like it slightly better overall than the debut.  The debut might've had a couple stronger songs but feel like this tighter top to bottom.

    Solid release overall and looking forward to seeing some of these new songs live at MRF5 :headbanger:

  4. Listened to this and wow, pretty impressed.

    Really solid melodic rock album.  I'm not sure they made a great choice putting out In & Out Of Love as the first single as it gave me the perception that this was going to be a very lite AOR album.  Basically that song is the closest thing to a ballad on the whole album.  

    It's mostly just full of upbeat melodic melodic rock songs full of hooks, great vocals and some cool riffs/musicianship.  I think an album it sort of reminds me of stylistically is Harem Scarem's United in terms of just being a solid melodic rock album with some 80's vibes but still sounding modern and not copycat or cheesy.  However, there's a couple songs here though that feel like they could be perfect songs for like an 80's movie or something.

    Good stuff though and would say the last two songs above (Never Surrender and Stone Cold Lover) are more representative of the album than the first two songs (In & Out Of Love and Gone Too Far).   

  5. 59 minutes ago, gener8tr said:

    Sambora is a bonafide rockstar.   Phil X is a very good guitar player who would also make for a very entertaining animal-balloon-tier at kids' birthday parties.  Those two should NEVER share the same stage.

    I'm actually at the point in my life whereby I pretty much hate everything Jon Bon Jovi stands for... and as I've I've told y'all a million times here over the years, I was probably their biggest fan from 1986 - 1993.

    I'll always have great memories.

    I basically feel the same way.

    I can't think of another band I've had such a big swing with.  These guys were right there with my favorite bands at one point and I stuck with them and gave them the benefit of the doubt for a long time.....Up to about the Have A Nice Day album.  After that album though, they fell off a cliff for me with releases so bad that I couldn't even listen to them anymore.

    They're a band that I wish would've quit rather than turn into what they have.

  6. 3 hours ago, Delbert said:

    I agree, the last track was definitely the one that pulled my chain the most......may be a pretty good album when finished.......I'm sitting on 50/50 right now


    I think I'm gonna pre-order....Only $10 with free shipping on Amazon so not a bad deal. 

    Read a few reviews and all have been pretty positive.  I saw one reviewer say there weren't any ballads and the first single was the most "ballad" song.  And supposed to be a few pretty good melodic rockers outside the songs we've heard.

    The vocalist definitely can sing and songs are well written with some obvious good musicianship.  If there was a bit more edge it would be a no brainer.

    It's one that could easily go either way for me but I don't see too much coming down the pipe the next month or two so figure I'll give it a try.  Right now my rotation is Shiraz Lane, Maverick, Station and Dangerous Curves so maybe it'll strike a chord being different than those.

  7. Listening this morning and sounding good to me. 

    I think the title track More Than The Moon is my early favorite and maybe my new favorite Station song. That would be followed in some order by Easier Said Than Done, I Won't Break Your Heart, Always Be A Part Of Me and When I Came Undone.  I do think it sounds a bit more huge than the debut and also is more concise with 12 songs. 

    If I have a criticism, it might be that a couple songs feel a tiny bit too long.  I think Lie To Me is close to 7 minutes and Losing You is just over 6 minutes.  And also still disappointed they didn't include All You Need is A Heartbeat on the album as I really like that song and feel like it would've fit well somewhere early in the track list on this.  I hope maybe they include it somewhere in the future as I'd just like to have it in CD quality to listen to.

    Tough to say much else at this point though only having been through it once.  I think initially I'm feeling like it's stronger top to bottom than the debut and a solid release.

  8. I do think I liked that last song Never Surrender the best so far after listening to it properly.

    I'm squarely on the fence here if I want to preorder this or not.  It does sound really good, the songs seem very well put together and the singer can definitely sing.  It just doesn't seem to have the same sort of melodic hard rock edge that is where my tastes normally lie and while it sounds good, not sure it'll really blow me away.

    That said though, part of me still finds myself kind of liking it if I'm in the right mood. 

  9. Have to say I'm really digging this album and think they did a fantastic job with this.

    Yeah, it's a tad heavier than the last two but sounds great.  Among the rockers I really like Cold Star Dancer, Kiss Of Fire and Viper.  And I also really like the more melodic numbers in Seize The Day, Goodbye and Kings that lend a little variety and break up the rockers.

    I'm not sure yet how I'll rank it among their other two albums.  I liked Big Red a bit better than Quid Pro Quo and my initial reaction is that I like this one a little bit more than Big Red.  For me, Big Red tailed off just a bit in the second half and I'm liking this new one basically from the first note all the way to the end.  It's really splitting hairs though.....All are great albums.

    The only thing i don't like is the digipak it came in.  Oh how I wish artists would stop using these things as they always just end up getting bent, frayed, or whatever.  I know it's not the "collectible" thing to do, but I either cut these things up to try making jewel case inserts out of them or scan them and make my own inserts.  So in that regard the first two albums had a leg up even though this might be the best artwork of the three.  It's a shame they wasted it with digipaks even though I guess digipaks are better than no CD at all.  Okay....sorry for the rant.

    Ultimately it's the music that matters and enjoying this one a lot.  

  10. On 4/7/2018 at 12:35 PM, Crazysam said:

    I gave this a listen and thought it was pretty good.  A fun, late 80's style hard rock album.  They remind me a little of Roxy Blue.  My initial favorites are Art of the Heart, See You Again, Locked Down and the title track.  

    Pretty much my thoughts too.....definitely a fun, pretty good debut with that 80's party vibe.  And Roxy Blue is a great comparison.  

    I'd even agree on the favorite tracks.  I also thought they did a pretty good job on the ballad Forbidden Love.

    Nice little surprise.      

  11. My top W e.t songs would be very different than above...and many near the top would be from the new album.

    I'd probably put Learn to Live Again first, followed in some order by Watch The Fire, Calling Out Your Name, Urgent and Dangerous.  Then maybe The Moment and One Love.  I'm not sure after that...Probably Walk Away, What You Want would be next.

    I'm sure though that for me nothing from the first album would be in my top 5.  


  12. 1 hour ago, The Rocker said:

    They made it very clear before this was released that they were giving us what(most of us) come to expect with a W.E.T. album. Nothing new, nothing different, W.E.T. doing W.E.T. plain and simple!  And I for one am just fine with that. GREAT album!


    I like the Erik influence on this and the more Eclipse feel.  It's like the best parts of Eclipse though...melodic as heck mixed with JSS vocals.

    I really like the vibe of this and super easy to listen to all the way through.  

    Still feeling like it's my favorite W.e.t album.

  13. Really is great all the way through. 

    Quite a collection of music in their three albums....Really cover just about everything in the spectrum between AOR and melodic hard rock and they do it all really well. 

    I don't know if it'll be my favorite album this year....I do really, really like Shiraz Lane....but both are basically perfect IMO and really couldn't ask for more.

    And still some fantastic stuff coming with Maverick, Station and Midnite City :)

    I'm just glad we're getting such awesome new music to listen to :headbanger: 



  14. 15 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    After one quick listen, I think "Elegantly Wasted" is my favourite tune, if only for the subject matter. ;}

    Good tune.  I almost wish that song had another verse or something though....Feels a little short for some reason even though it's 3 minutes long.  Maybe it's the kind of abrupt ending it has that is making it feel short to me.  Interesting song though.

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