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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. From Pete Nudeck on Facebook:

    So I started pre production on the first 3 songs for the Midnite City album #2. We're winning already. Already loving the shape of these. All.killer no polyfiller.

    Rob Wylde also mentioned in the same thread that the new album is targeted to be out in October of this year. 

    Definitely looking forward to that one :)

  2. Absolutely loving this album.  I'd basically put The Crown, Harder to Breathe, People Like Us and Shangri-La as my "10" songs.  Then I'd put Tidal Wave, War Of Mine just a notch below as probably "9.5" songs but really like both a lot.  Then the others are all 8.5-9.0 songs that I still like plenty.  Carnival Days is quirky but an opener that puts the listener on notice.  Gotta Be Real and Hope are both solid ballads.  Shot of Life is a catchy tune and Reincarnation is interesting...almost a GNR "Coma" roller coaster type song.

    With how much I've liked this album I've went back to the first album to really give it a better listen as I really never paid much attention to it outside of just sampling a song here or there on YT.  While clearly not on the same level as this new one, I'm finding a handful of songs that are growing on me.  Maybe I'm warming up to the singers voice although he's definitely a bit screamy/high pitched in a few songs on the debut.

    This new one really hits a sweet spot though.  It's melodic as heck but still rocks with good variety.  And to me the production sounds fantastic while the singer is showing more range and control.

    Agree with Peter above....Really strong album.  Even with all the great releases in 2017, if this had been released in 2017 I probably would've ranked it in my top 3.  I know there are great releases coming this year but it's set the bar high for me.


  3. 13 hours ago, Caveman said:

    Have been listening to a few Station songs and they are fantastic! Do you guys know anywhere in Australia where I can buy their ep and album?

    Not sure about Australia.  But I know they sell the CD on their web site and have info on their Facebook page.  I'd just message them on Facebook if you need to ask about shipping to Australia.


    Really down to earth and humble guys from the interactions I've had with them....easy to support.

    Also they have a new album coming out in early April.

  4. 49 minutes ago, simo said:

    5 songs in and really liking it, already can tell this one's much better than the debut. And how good is "Gotta Be Real"? Haven't heard something so authentically early 90s sounding in a long time

    Pretty good :)

    I like Shangri-la too.  The variety on this album is something that surprised me and makes the album an interesting listen.

    Only song that really didn't grab me at first listen was Reincarnation...but it's growing on me.  Its almost reminding me some of Coma from Guns N Roses in a way.

  5. 3 hours ago, simo said:

    Looking forward to this one when I get home tonight, hope it's good!

    Got the album and only been through it once so can't say much so far.  It's my #1 album of 2018 so far.....even though it's the only one I've bought :)

    Seriously though, I'm loving it after one listen and sounds great to me.  I really find it hard to believe it's the same band as the debut as I didn't like that album at all. 

    Really liking this one though even after one listen....big production and much more melodic which makes it more interesting and catchy.  And the singer really sounds much more controlled.  I think they're ticking more boxes in the rock spectrum with this now instead of just being a pure sleaze band like the debut.  There's some AOR elements, melodic hard rock, melodic rock, maybe even a couple poppy moments.  I think I'll be spinning this one a lot.

    Another tune from the album...



  6. Is there an album actually coming or is this just a stand alone single?  For some reason I was under the impression it was just a stand alone single but would be great if an album is coming.

    Either way, I like this song a lot.  I really like the heavier, more modern direction they started going in on the last album and have continued with this song.  I'm guessing that some people who loved the more AOR vibe of the debut might not be as thrilled with this direction though.

    Good stuff.

  7. 16 minutes ago, LV KIX said:

    "Never Enough" and " All You Need Is A Heartbeat" were released to keep everyone happy while they worked on the new release. I've heard most of the songs that will be on the new release... all top-notch. The video for the new single has been shot and should be released fairly soon. The first single is for a song that I was surprised didn't make the first full length CD. Possibly my favorite Station song ever.


    Was hoping the new album would be out in time for MRF5...Looking forward to seeing the new songs live!

  8. I remember asking this same question at some point along the way :)

    Being a huge Leppard and H.e.a.t fan i'll toss out a few bands to check out:

    Station is one new US band that's playing that style:



    Midnite City is a new UK band you absolutely should check out:



    Tokyo Motor Fist also fits:


  9. Looking forward to it!  Any idea when the first single might hit?

    I was surprised to hear Chris say in a recent interview that All You Need Is A Heartbeat and Never Enough wouldn't be on the new album and those songs would just be stand alone singles.  Both are good songs that I was hoping would be on the album.  Must mean they've got plenty other good songs to leave those off though :)

    Either way, looking forward to the album and one of my most anticipated albums this year along.

  10. 3 new Maverick songs are buried in this podcast for anyone interested that isn't good at waiting lol.


    Very first song in the podcast is Cold Star Dancer...it's about a minute into the podcast after all the intro stuff.

    Then go to the 3:08 mark for Myrmidon followed by Devils Night. 

    Sounding pretty good to me :)

  11. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    The one band which was accurate was recent FM.

    Safe as houses....and just as dull. 

    I sort of agree....FM is a good comparison.  

    I'd need to hear more edge and I'm doubting it'll really get much more edgy.  No way this turns into W.e.t or something.


  12. Not too bad....pretty much pure AOR.  Not sure if it's quite my taste as I generally like a little more edge.  But the song does seem well put together and still sounds pretty good.

    I'm not sure I'd be comparing it to bands like Eclipse, W.e.t or One Desire though....doesn't seem to have the edge those bands have.

    More like Work Of Art, Palace, maybe Brother Firetribe, etc.

    I'd like to hear a little more from these guys before making my mind up though.  I've seen on FB the band commented there are edgier songs on the album.

  13. New song is fantastic to my ears.  Almost a Guns N Roses type intro and then it shifts gears a bit.....good stuff.

    Really liking all these new tunes which is a complete surprise to me as I didn't like the first release much at all outside of maybe a song or two.  I like the variety in these new songs and they're just sounding much more interesting. 

    Have pre-ordered this one and looking forward to it.

  14. On 2/12/2018 at 7:30 AM, Mafisen said:

    I like this album. There are 4 or 5 excellent tracks on here. A few good ones and the odd filler. The foursome Walls Come Down, Unite and Divide, No More Fear and Man of Sorrow are belting tracks. We Bow To None is really good too. Vagrant of the Night and Bloodsucker are sniffing around the 4 aforementioned songs but does not quite reach that level. Path of Destiny and Whistleblower are ok but The Other Man doesn't do much for me.  

    I agree.  I've never followed these guys or bought a release from them up until a month or so ago.

    Like Headstrong quite a bit...Only a couple songs that don't do much for me...mainly Path Of Destiny and Whistleblower.  I like the rest though.

    Have since went back and picked up Ceremonial also.  It's a bit different....More production, more melodic and maybe more modern sounding.  I'd say I like Headstrong a bit better but like Ceremonial also for a little change of pace.  The first song is pretty terrible but I mostly like it after that.  Special and The Tide are the standouts for my ears.

    Good band though and may continue investigating their back catalog a bit.  

  15. On 1/30/2018 at 2:27 PM, Kristian said:

    1. New Jersey

    2. Keep The Faith

    3. Slippery When Wet

    4. Bon Jovi

    5. These Days

    6. Crush

    7. Bounce

    8. Have a Nice Day

    Other than that, no thanks.

    About the order I'd put them in....might flip flop KTF and Slippery but otherwise probably my order.

    And totally agree about the rest of the albums.  Frankly, I might even leave Bounce and HAND off the list as the downward spiral started with those.

    They'basically two different bands for me....The band we all loved in the 80's early 90's and then the adult contemporary, elevator music band they turned into.  

  16. I've never been able to get into these guys and have even been revisiting some stuff lately since they'll be playing at MRF5 in Chicago.

    This new song almost sounds borderline country to me....I almost get like a Rascal Flats type vibe.....not that I've listed to much Rascal Flats lol.

    It's just not happening for me.

  17. On 1/23/2018 at 10:35 PM, kourosofsteel3 said:

    This great cd-r effortlessly ended in my top 24 of the year!  And I say it  like I mean it!

    LOL.  It does bother me a bit that this is basically a CDR that was produced very cheaply.  I even bought my copy directly from NEH records and it was using an AORheaven stock number, so I thought maybe it would be like all AOR heaven releases.  It's clearly not though.

    It's still okay and there's some good songs here.  But it's clear the band basically did this CD as cheap as they could and just tried to get something out there.

    Really like the album though and hopefully this gets them with a label like maybe AOR Heaven for a future release for some better packaging and such.

  18. Searched a bit and didn't see a thread on this album anywhere.  

    Recently picked this album up and liking it.  It's one I never paid any attention to when it was released and haven't seen many reviews at all on it.  Basically melodic rock with a very Tesla-like vibe.  

    Might be worth checking out for anybody that likes that sort of Tesla-ish, gritty, slightly bluesy melodic rock.



  19. On 1/9/2018 at 3:02 PM, tts42572 said:

    Think I've settled on my personal top 10 for 2017.  What a year...Most releases I've bought in a year in quite some time.  I'm usually pretty selective as I know what I like and it usually only results in me buying a handful of albums in a year.  Not this year though.

    1.  Midnite City - S/T - Liked every song, hits my taste perfectly and haven't been able to get enough of this album since it released.

    2.  H..e.a.t - Into The Great Unknown - Like the album plenty, one or two songs that I don't care much for though that pushed it to #2

    3.  Crazy Lixx - Ruff Justice - My new favorite album from this band that for me edges out New Religion.  

    4.  Eclipse - Monumentum - Solid album but gets a tiny bit samey in spots.  For me, a little more variety could've pushed it up on the list.

    5.  Tokyo Motor Fist - S/T - Great debut that also hit my tastes perfectly.  One or two songs not doing much for me and thin production knocked it down a little but some great songs on this.  

    6.  Harem Scarem - United - I haven't been a fan of these guys and don't own any other releases.  However, something about this one grabbed me.  Fantastic melodic rock album top to bottom.

    7.  One Desire - S/T - This album wasn't instantaneous for me but grew on me more than any other album this year.  It's one I find that I keep coming back to.

    8.  Wildness - S/T - Great debut, good mix of songs and another that seems to be a grower for me.  I have to say the #5 through #8 are almost interchangeable for me.  

    9.  Degreed - S/T -  Another consistent album from these guys.  Shakedown might be my favorite tune this year.  I really don't like the piano ballad though and the second half falls off a little bit for me knocking this down.

    10.Romeo Riot - Sing It Loud - Solid melodic rock, good variety.  It's down on the list as I don't think it really blows me away but it's definitely a solid album and enjoy listening to it.  I dare say it might be my favorite Kivel release.

    Two that just missed for me were Warrant's Louder Harder Faster and Art Nation's Liberation.  I enjoyed both those albums at times this year but haven't had much desire to go back to them since filing them away.

    Will be interesting to see others lists to see stuff I've missed that I might like.  A couple that have shown up on other lists I've given some time to are Confess, Pink Cream 69 and Code Red but those just haven't clicked with me enough to buy them.  I've been real close with Confess and PC69 as there are a couple tunes on each I like but they haven't won me over for some reason.

    Finally came around on Pink Cream 69's Headstrong and after getting the CD it's all really grown on me and digging it.  Solid melodic hard rock.  I'd probably go back on revise my 2017 list and put this one in the #10 spot now.

  20. On 12/2/2017 at 4:05 AM, Glen said:

    talk about release the worst songs first.

    there are 4 or 5 corkers on this.

    nice return to form 

    I've never followed these guys but decided to check this out with things being a little slow on the new release front lately...

    Have to say I've liked most of what I've listened to.  There are probably 2-3 sings that are a bit bland but there's some good stuff here.

    I kinda like We Bow To None, Walls Come Down, Man of Sorrow and Bloodsucker.  

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