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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    that's more like it ;)

    I'm not sure you're getting an "If I Fall" type song though.

    They seem to have moved away from the more "AOR-ish" songs and the Eclipse influences are apparent.

    There's a pretty good ballad though and a more mid-tempo song that's interesting ;)

    I like the direction though. For me, Rise Up was better than the debut and this one is better than Rise Up.  

  2. 54 minutes ago, Glen said:

    sounding more like Eclipse than WET to me but that's hardly surprising 

    Erik can do no wrong imo. 

    Agree with you....Those riffs are very Eclipse-like.  The first single Watch The Fire had an Eclipse feel too, almost more so with Erik singing....

    That's just fine with me though.  Soto's vocals keep it sounding unique and blend well with the music.

    Really a great pairing with these guys and have to say I'm impressed with how Erik can keep cranking out all these great songs seemingly no matter who is singing them.

  3. 4 hours ago, simo said:

    It's been almost two years since the album came out...... does anyone know if any of the band members ever mentioned a possible follow up? I can't imagine them leaving it at only one album after the great response they got for the debut

    I could sure use a new instant hit like ''Love And Bullets''

    I think I saw somewhere that one is in the works.  I can't remember where....Think it was on FB somewhere.  For some reason I'm under the impression they were aiming for 2019.

    Might have been completely dreaming that so don't hold me to it lol.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Deuce said:

    Fun stuff! I hadn't heard of these guys until today. I think that they're above average for a modern band doing this sub-genre. 

    I saw the hatred too. I know that "party rock" isn't for everyone, but this type of music is basically what got me into music in the first place. My ears still have room for both silly and serious.

    Thanks for making me feel better as I was thinking maybe I'm nuts :)

    This to me isn't all that much different than Poison, Kiss, etc in the 80s.  Obviously not in their league...but similar approach.

    Agree...not anything to take real serious.  I kinda view it a little like Steel Panther...but better and more serious than that imo.  These guys aren't winning any Grammy's  lol.

    I'm digging this though......nice diversion for something a little fun and different.  




  5. 8 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    Sound good to me as well

    Shared this somewhere else and it's getting ripped apart pretty good.  To me it seems like some fun, mindless bubble gum listening with hooks, harmonies, guitars, etc.     

    Maybe I'm just in a good mood lately or have a really open mind, I don't know lol.  I like the 80's time warp though ;)      

  6. On 11/17/2017 at 5:54 PM, jondavis said:

    So does the album come in a Jewel Case for the U.S. version on Amazon?

    I know the Japan version has a jewel case and an extra song.

    Trying to decide which version to get.

    I'd say the US version is probably a jewel case.  I just looked on NEH's web site which usually lists the packaging and it's saying jewel case.


    I'm always paying attention to the jewel case thing as I absolutely despise digipaks.  There have been quite a few Cd's I've avoided buying solely because they're digipaks.  And when I do cave in and buy them, I usually end up making my own jewel cases out of the digipaks by cutting them up or making totally new inserts myself.

    I suppose a digipak CD is better than no CD at all.  But I really hate that packaging as they always just end up getting all bent and marked up.  And it seems like most times there aren't even booklets with them.....Although sometimes there is.

    Okay....Sorry for the rant lol.  


  7. Agree.  Comin' on to you is a good tune.  I like Under My Skin too though even though it's pretty simple and basic.

    Do think they are moving in the right direction with the newer songs.

    The Def Leppard covers they've been sharing have been pretty good too and that's what got my attention.

    I think I saw somewhere they're working on some new music so will be interesting to see how that sounds.

  8. Hadn't paid much attention to this but recently bought it after liking a couple tunes I heard.....Not too bad.  They probably should've cut a few songs from the album to strengthen it but likely were just throwing a bunch of stuff out hoping something would stick.  There's potential here and good to see a younger band playing this style of music much like Station.


  9. 1 hour ago, LV KIX said:

    Everything is recorded and mixed... cover art is finished... Everything looks and sounds great.

    Sticking the knife and and turning it!

    Can't wait for this one.

    I'm guessing we'll be seeing a new single pretty soon along with preorders opening if they're sticking to their early April release.

    Hoping More Than The Moon and Easier Said Than Done made the cut....both of those songs sounded pretty good live.


  10. Have tried but have struggled to get into these guys.  I thought I'd live them being a big Leppard fan but they just haven't clicked for me.  Mostly I think I just struggle with the accented vocals. 

    I recently got Thrill of the Night cheap off eBay though and have been giving them another try in preparation for seeing them at MRF5. I also have Idolizer which I think is a bit better than Thrill.  Although, that Rawk n roll heart attack song is pretty catchy.


  11. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    not demos no, but play it after something like One Desire or Eclipse or HEAT and it sounds flat and muddy

    No excuse for a shit production these days 

    Play it after Tokyo Motor Fist and it sounds great though :)

  12. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Nice,doesnt sound as immediate as Big Red's material but its early yet,Ive already preordered this and very much looking forward to them hitting the Limelight again soon for a live date :)

    Pretty much feel the same way.  Decent tune but doesn't blow me away. I like a couple of the other songs I've heard from the podcast I posted above better than this.

    Hoping there is some variety and more melodic stuff on the album.

  13. 1 hour ago, Captain Howdy said:

    This album was my surprise album of the year as did not expect much, yet got quite possibly the top album of the year spot (although I do go back and forwards on that with a couple of other albums). Just hope recording an new album so quickly won't hurt them.

    Obviously, I would expect some of the songs on the new album to have been written at the same time as the debut anyway, which could go either way on quality.

    I'm pretty sure I heard Rob say in an interview he had like 30-40 songs written for the debut album which might be one reason why they can turn another around quick.  

    Will be interesting to see what they come up with but I'm expecting more of the sane which will be just fine with me.

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