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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 2 hours ago, lettard said:

    Nothing? Didn't Whitesnake-Forevermore,The Magnificent-s/t,White Widdow-Serenade,Grand Design-Idolizer,Reckless Love-Animal Attraction,King Kobra-s/t,Shy-s/t,Hell In The Club-Let The Games Begin & Dynazty-Knock You Down come out in 2011? to name but a few  :) surely one of them would fill a spot?

    Didn't buy any of those mentioned.  Honestly, I'm not even sure I bought any new releases in 2011.  I think I spent that year catching up on stuff and I was big into live shows that year.

    I hadn't thought about it much until this post but looking back I'd say 2011 is easily the weakest year in the last 10 years for my tastes.

  2. Gave this a shot...

    1.  H.e.a.t  - Tearing Down The Walls (2014)

    2.  H.e.a.t - Address The Nation (2012)

    3.  Pretty Maids - Undress Your Madness (2019)

    4.  Midnite City - There Goes The Neighborhood (2018)

    5.  Defiants - S/T (2016)

    6.  Midnite City - S/T (2017)

    7.  Crazy Lixx - New Religion (2010)

    8.  Eclipse - Armageddonize (2015)

    9.  Pretty Maids - Motherland (2013)

    10.  Couldn't even come up with one for 2011.  Terrible year for my tastes.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

    It's still pretty darn good. I like it plenty. All 4 are great but I don't think you're touching "Come Clean" as Song Of The Year a month into 2020.

    Yeah...I don't know.  I really can't decide which of the 4 I like best.  

    All great to me in different ways.  

    Just fantastic stuff and can't wait for the full album to drop :headbanger:

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    I don't mind Beg Beg Beg.


    I don't mind it either....But the song is definitely enhanced live when they go in to the snippets of the other tunes and usually results in some kind of crowd antics from Erik.

  5. Not sure on percentages but for me:

    1.  Tearing Down The Walls

    2.  Address The Nation

    3.  Into the Great Unknown




    4.  Freedom Rock

    5.  H.e.a.t

    The big gap is because there is a huge one between the Gronwall albums and the Kenny albums for me B)

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Well you can be guaranteed they're smashed avocados. 

    Seriously, though, I'd love to see an actual proper reason. Sure, they might like Eric's vocals better, and they're definitely a lot "ballsier" in sound with Eric in the band, but I remember the fanfare (in "our scene") when 'Keep On Dreaming' hit in 2008 and I think you'd be at a stretch to find a better album than that debut in 2008, and the second one was every bit as good, if not better. 

    I dunno, weird things happen. Maybe people listened to and preferred Eric's vocals and thought Kenny wasn't as good and it suddenly blew up into somehow thinking they were actually bad albums with Kenny, just because Eric's vocals were preferred? I don't know.

    If I'm being honest, I actually switch off when I see the discussion and can probably honestly say I don't know why people (HEAT fans) wouldn't like the first two albums. I don't think I've ever read on because it just seems silly talk to me. ;) 

    It'd kind of be like liking Bon Jovi from 'Slippery' onwards without acknowledging how good the first two were. Perhaps poussuers are at play? ;)

    Well....Count me as one of the weirdos that don't like the first two albums :)

    For me, I never even discovered the band until Address The Nation came out.  That was the first I heard and was immediately hooked. 

    Shortly after that, I went looking to see if they had other albums.  I remember sampling a bunch of songs off the first couple albums and those just didn't do much for me because of the different vocals from Kenny.  I like the songs themselves and like them when I hear Erik doing them live....But don't care for the Kenny versions.  They're okay....But he brings a different style than Erik for sure.   I keep wishing they'd re-record some of the older tunes with Erik doing vocals as like bonus tracks or something. 

    I just think it's always touchy when you have bands changing vocalists.  Sometimes you'll have people liking the old guy more or the new guy more...Or maybe liking them both.  

    I agree with you in that they aren't technically "bad" albums though.  They're still good stuff....obviously just don't sound the same as the Erik albums.  Kenny is just more of a smoother, laid back AOR type guy where Erik brings more power, energy and edge IMO. 

    But while the first two may not be "bad" albums, for me the Erik albums blow those two out of the water :lol:

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 1/25/2020 at 4:00 PM, Glen said:

    yeah do cos it's very good indeed.

    surprised the hell out of me actually. 

    Tried it again with full attention and I don't know why....But this is really doing very little for me. 

    Musically it sounds great...drums, guitars sound excellent.  But for some reason just not very catchy or memorable overall to me.  The choruses just aren't hooking me much.  And not sure I'm into the vocals all that much either.  He's okay but his screech in a few spots is like nails on a chalkboard to me.  

    Bit of a head scratcher as it feels like something I should like and I see many others really liking it but just not clicking with me.  I'll probably revisit in the future....Maybe I'm just not in the right mood right now or something lol.  

  8. 6 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Yep. I'm in.



    Yeah...liking what I hear so far.  I was worried they might have too much of a Bon Jovi Country vibe but think that Midnite Qyeen song is more of a one off type thing.  Could be good stuff of they stick to songs like this.

  9. Got the physical EP and have to give them a couple props.  I traditionally dislike EP's and not really a fan of buying them as the ones I've bought in the past are usually in cardboard sleeves and cheaply done. 

    This one though came packaged nicely in a jewel case with lyrics in the booklet.  Nice touch.

    That said, I still don't like the idea of EP's and that I had to pay a full CD price to get it.  Basically just get half the music for the same cost.  But at least it was well put together ;)

  10. On 11/22/2019 at 8:43 AM, Glen said:

    it's pretty good but not sure on replay value. 

    Gave this a listen last night and admit is was sort of a half-hearted listen while doing other stuff.....But above kinda summed up my initial feeling...

    Sounds decent but songs just didn't overly grab me for whatever reason and not really feeling a big urge to re-listen.  Kinda reminds me in a way how I felt about that Brink album last year when I listened to that.  That was decent enough too but just didn't engage me.

    I'll probably give this another spin or two just to see what happens though. 


  11. 49 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Yeah, I'd agree with that too. 

    Guess I'll be the oddball but for me it's the opposite.  I think I've liked each release a little bit more than the last.

    But for me they'd probably all be literally all be within about 5 points of each other if I were rating them and enjoy them all. 

  12. Anybody check out the Vibration I EP released today?  Probably could start a thread for it but I'm not sure EP's deserve their own thread :lol:

    Anyhow, for me it's pretty good.   We'd already heard 3 songs so only 2 "new" songs on it.  I think Do You, Keep Me Alive and Revolution are all pretty good and are probably the "keepers" for me here.  You Will Remain is okay but not really doing a lot for me.  And the last song To The Moon and Back is a cover and I rarely get excited about covers.  I guess the good thing here is I had never heard of the original song so it basically feels like an original to me and it's decent enough. 

    Overall, seems like it's a fairly "light" EP and doesn't have much edge to it like say songs like The Crown, Harder To Breathe, etc.  Still decent stuff that's melodic and catchy though.  I think mostly I just have a real hard time getting excited about EP's in general and there is nowhere near the same buzz as there is when it's a full album.  I kinda question the decision to release an EP and to switch away from Frontiers when they seemed to really increase their buzz with the last album.  Think they are planning a second EP later this year...Hopefully both are combined into a single CD down the road.  


  13. 14 minutes ago, simo said:

    I fucking LOVE the guitar solos on the songs so far, Dave is absolutely on fire!!!

    Agree...But I think I basically love everything about it :lol:

    Bands often seem to try to go backwards a bit to their "meat and potatoes" sound and many times aren't really that successful.  I have to say from the 3 songs so far and the samples of the other songs that it sure sounds like these guys have nailed it. 

    Great move by these guys to stop pushing forward with a bit more modernized/commercial sound that they experimented with on the last album and taking a step back to what they do best.

  14. I'd probably say Motley Crue back in 2014 for this.  Vince was terrible and it really mostly just felt like they were going through the motions.  I think partly why it felt so bad to me was because I've seen this band a handful of times before that show including a few times in the 80's and they always really killed it.  I have great memories of Tommy doing crazy solos, great energy from all the guys and hot girls on stage :)  And the 2014 show was just very forgettable with my only real memory being of Vince constantly holding the mic to the crowd for them to sing for him lol.

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