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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. It's GO TIME!! Someone ring the bell!!! Tango Down is BACK, BIGGER, BADDER and BULLETPROOF!!! I give you IMHO the BEST Tango Down has yet to offer!! We know it has been a little bit of a wait. But we really wanted to ensure this would really knock your socks off!! Both label and Band owe it to you to deliver and not let you down Everyone from top to bottom wanted to make sure that this album was not only good, but it was THAT GOOD!!! Scott and myself have always taken a personal challenge to make sure every TD album raises the bar and surpasses the previous one. IMHO i feel that we have accomplished that, not only in the past, but have done so yet again. As Bulletproof, imho , no doubt, IS the BEST Tango Down has ever delivered . I couldn't be happier or prouder of everyone involved with this release. We Promise that its going to satisfy for sure. Of course It goes without saying, MAD PROPS to Ty Sims for being Bob Rock to our Motley Crue IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO PRE ORDER for the August release pay pal $16 (shipping is included) to RockHausemusic@hotmail.com for European customers , $21 (shipping is included) New website coming in August as well Now click it and crank it https://soundcloud.com/kivel-records/punching-bag-72016 Punching Bag 7.20.16 Listen to Punching Bag 7.20.16 by Kivel Records #np on #SoundCloud soundcloud.com Chat Conversation End
  2. I hope there is still an "Art Nation" for a 2nd album!
  3. Love Kelly, but I will give the new stuff a listen. Can't be any worse than new "Autograph".
  4. Not much love for this one? Some talk when the 4 single came out, but now that the album has dropped no real comments on it! Very good album for me, but not on the same level as the debut. Still liking it a lot.
  5. Agree. War On Love should have made the album, and is tied for favorite song with Take Me For A Ride.
  6. From FB: Down the Rabbit Hole 1 will now exist as part of a box set. We have no immediate plans for part 2 - the current project we're working on has taken precedence A lot of people thought the last EP was a bit too soft. The second part might have been in the same vein and now they possibly go in another, a bit of a harder direction with the release on Frontiers I really hope it has a little more umph on the new one, even Worlds Collied was a little lite for me.
  7. For me, as good as it is(and it is good!) it doesn't touch the debut.
  8. I have my free dl, but wait for the physical sometime next week. Really liking what I'm hearing!!!
  9. Agree about liking/loving 4 of the songs, Destiny being my favorite.
  10. I guess thats aimed at me. The reason is simple - if he had a better voice it would be 100 - never warmed to his vocal at all. I was just joking, buddy. Actually I love his vox on this. Hmmm, heavy comment, Glen. I like his voice too, quite a lot. Could be sickly sweet if abused, but I thought he sounded great on the rockers. Anyway, Kouros, I can't believe I lived to see the day where someone rated 'Home is where the heart is' a 6/10. Great tune. It's one of my favorite debuts/albums of the genre!
  11. I don't really rate by track, I just listen and then rate as an album. I think there are a least 4-5 really good songs on here, so I'm enjoying it. Could it be better? of course, but there are a lot of albums that "could be" better. I'm just enjoying hearing Claus' voice again(not that he is a great singer, just a familiar voice).
  12. I like the "more Melodic Rock" part for sure!
  13. Wow, 2013 is an odd year - I have to confess to not having listened to these much at all. The 3 which are a mile ahead would be - 1. Degreed - We Don't Belong 2. Vega - What The Hell 3. De La Cruz - street Level Defo need to pull some Maids out - the last 2 Never play WET (I do the debut - a lot!) or Find Me - both have those have fallen off the radar for me....bit too generic. Not for me, absolutely love the W.E.T., and the Find Me is great! The generic comment was aimed at Find Me. I should love it but for some reason both just miss the mark for me and not much longevity Defo stuff i prefer over those albums. I fear we will never hear another WET album W.E.T., I know! Damn JSS and his heavy modern crap! lol We can all still hope I guess.
  14. Wow, 2013 is an odd year - I have to confess to not having listened to these much at all. The 3 which are a mile ahead would be - 1. Degreed - We Don't Belong 2. Vega - What The Hell 3. De La Cruz - street Level Defo need to pull some Maids out - the last 2 Never play WET (I do the debut - a lot!) or Find Me - both have those have fallen off the radar for me....bit too generic. Not for me, absolutely love the W.E.T., and the Find Me is great!
  15. Yeah another one i need to pull out. Although truth be told i wasnt blown away by them live. Good but not great imo Love the album STILL! I don't go to too many shows anymore, so I could care less how bands sound live these days. Give me a great studio album like The Magnificent and I'm happy!!!
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