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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Agree! One of favorites actually
  2. I'm with you. I have about a dozen live albums from the 70's,80's 90's(KISS,Maiden,Scorpions etc) but that is it for me.
  3. Its all a bit underwhelming though. All the tracks so far have been good but not great imo. Agree, but there is a lot worse out there also. But yes expect a lot more.
  4. Disagree on the better production and more guitars.
  5. Yes! and for me more melodic and catchy songs.
  6. As much as i love GoG, (and I do) it doesn't touch CDG for me.
  7. Yes It's still debatable but I think CDG is their finest hour and the best of their entire career, edge out the classic like 'Organized Crime' or 'The Pleasure Principle' but of course by a small margin. Now, the new one might require at least 10 more spins to fully sunk in but I guess it's slightly weaker than CDG, Pleasure, Crime, or Dreamhunter Yes
  8. I chose The Defiants! Love the Treat(and is still growing), But for me the songs from The Defiant are more immediate, catchy right of the bat. It is hard not to compare GoG to CDG because for me CDG is one of very few albums for me that has come close to being a 100 rating( I said CLOSE), so that being said, for me this is not up there with CDG.
  9. Yes, holding up just fine. Falling is still my #1 song(so far)for the year.
  10. I thought that on first spin but theres depth here. Takes 3 or 4 spins to really hit home imo. 5 spins now, and as good as it is( really good) still not on par with CDG for me.
  11. Which hook you mean? Just talking about the chorus...i like it. Yes, chorus and the solo make the song for me!
  12. For me definitely better than the Treat, but the Treat is great to!
  13. Agree. I do like most of the songs, but a little more polished would have made this better.
  14. I don't get the favoritism here, It's actually like a 3rd-4th rate scorpions ballad. Cacumen, pre Bonfire, had tons of better stuff than this. No, no no... no, no. Cacumen were awful. For me, this new tune is better than basically any Scorpions ballad (ecause their ballads suck), but it's about on par with 'Fuel To The Flames'-era Bonfire ballads... which are much better than anything that followed after. Definitely not on par with 80's Bonfire, but a cool tune. I guess the test is if you bought this album would you skip this song?? For me, yes I probably would - heard it once and that is enough to be honest. I definitely would not skip it. Won't skip it. Is it an amazing ballad? NO, but a good song anyway.
  15. It does seem that Dennis Ward will be missed on this.
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