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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. About Nordic Union, well, in my case, I love the Ronnie Atkins bittersweet voice, the 'hardness' of the album is perfect (it has 'balls' but not in excess) and songs like 'Hipocrisy', 'Falling' or 'When death is calling' are top-notch. But everyone has different tastes, mate, we're not clones, even liking the same music style. What's your Top-3 this year, then? I love Nordic Union as well. Erik wrote a great album for Ronnie. Agree! And "Falling" is my #1 song of the year.
  2. Band name spelling a side, this is just ok for for me (needs a little more balls) but there are a few really good songs on it. Aim For The head, Hard To Get, & Set Me Free are the best of the album.
  3. Will definitely hold us over till a new Art Nation album!!!
  4. Really? I think it's much better than that tune. A throwback to the 'Hell On High Heels' / 'Wouldn't Miss You' type vibe, which has been missing for a few albums now. I love it. Matter of tastes, mate: "Little drops" is my absolute favorite from them. I respect yours, of course. "Little Drops" is a very good tune, but the new for me is better and even"My Soul To Take" for that matter.
  5. Been saying i Really? I think it's much better than that tune. A throwback to the 'Hell On High Heels' / 'Wouldn't Miss You' type vibe, which has been missing for a few albums now. I love it. Been saying it for years now about them writing more songs like them 2!
  6. What he said! Kee needs to rejoin Europe and give them the kick in the balls that they need. What he said!
  7. Great White is one of my favorite bands! I would minus a few songs, but for me you are missing one I really like- Wooden Jesus.
  8. Pretty much been my response to a lot of stuff this year. ?
  9. Love Danny and the first 2 Tyketto's, but this is only him and the drummer so we will have to see if it sounds like Tyketto or a Vaughn album.
  10. I forgive(I guess!) LOL. With that said, what ya think? Really Good, Ive seen it a few times before on youtube.
  11. I check in here and Facebook(Mafia Member) a couple times a day. Everyone is different, I work 50 hours a week, wife, 2 young boys, family gatherings and what not, but music is my thing(mainly Hard Rock/Melodic Rock/Hard AOR). So when I'm not busy with the other things in life this is what I do. I do check out most of the threads, but like some have said, most of these "new" bands just don't interest me( unless they fall into my small genre section)so I just move on. I would never tell someone to "Stop" posting new stuff, maybe just pull it back a bit.
  12. Agree. For me CD was a little bit of a let down after the awesome IC. This new song sounds great.
  13. I've been waiting for this, and by this song it is sounding like it is going to be killer
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