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Status Updates posted by Jez

  1. 'Super sonic silver flying machine, made of metal it's a NASCAR dream'

  2. This girl is quite sexy. A Little mad, but quite sexy.

  3. Great taste in tunes, great taste in beer, and a smashingly great chap to boot. On of HH's finest, upstanding gentlemen.

    A Bishops Finger for you Sir.

  4. Jez

    LoLo is Lovely you know!!

  5. Jez

    Stefan - He's Finnish you know!! Great taste in tunes and a generally all round fine chap in these parts. A beer to you sir!

  6. With Norks like your's I think you should be in Playboy!! :)

  7. Good to have another Hot Chick on board. Nice pics too!!

  8. Jez

    Another Brit to the ever growing HH fraternity. Nice to have you onboard Glen. Top chap, good taste in tunes and lives in Southend, so can be called an Essex Boy for all his shame!!

  9. Jez

    Another upstanding 'Brit' on the Boards. Excellent taste in tunes with some very similar tastes to my own. A large Speckled Hen for you Good Sir!!

  10. Jez

    Freak!! Seriously a good guy, good taste in tunes and a lazy bastard!!

  11. Jez

    The mail is good, The Speckled hen mine, come on in the waters fine! Didn't know I was a poet did ya!!x

  12. A Fine figure of a man, although marks deducted for being slightly Australian (one is enough on HH surely). A Fellow musician with a fine taste in tunes to match and a generally top chap.

  13. Damned fine bloke and mean guitar wanking expert. Top taste in tunes and Guitar heroes. A tip of the hat to you Sir.

  14. Jez

    One 'L' of a lady is our Widow (oops). I am honored, delighted and quite frankly speechless to be added to this her Buddy list. A sherry for the lady with a cherry on top. I gotta 'RUN' Bye for now.

  15. Jez

    Chris is an all roung top chap here on HH. Great taste in music, great sense of humour and a guy who has my complete respect.

  16. Wes - Another of the HH's Bloody good chaps and a Maiden and Kiss fan to boot. Great fun on the boards and all round good guy.

    Remember Shirley is watching you!!!!

  17. Jason, LL Cool Jay -Geographical and Comic Genius. Well he makes me laugh if no one else. Bloody top chap.

  18. Jez

    Cool gal from Cali with an extremely small head. Good taste in Tunes and a good laugh on the boards. A Sherry for you my dear.

  19. TIM Is the man with probably THE most varied taste in music on HH, From Westcoast, AOR throught to thrash and everything in between. Very knowledgable on all subjects and a damn top chap to boot.

  20. Paul is another of the AOR connoseurs on the HH boards, so a man with good musical taste is guaranteed. Top chap without a doubt and a beer guaranteed if we ever meet.

  21. A Toptastic kinda guy with a great taste in music and A person on HH with whom I have the greatest respect. Rock on Bro.

  22. Jez

    Geoff - The man with a slightly dubious taste in music (make that Very), but he is an Aussie so understandable. he is a damned funny, stand up type of guy so all is forgiven, + he has a passion for Pink drinks and Norkage of the highest order so more kudos for that. A berr for you sir!

  23. Jez

    Dave. What can ya say about a man that bows to the alter of Sir Paul Rodgers. nuff said!.Top taste in music, great sense of humour, and a person on HH that thas my utmost respect. He is Australian, so one point deducted (Just joking mate)

  24. HH's Heavy Metal, Beer swilling monster and a bloody funny and damned fine chap. Bring on the Raven albums Keef!

  25. Jez

    Bernd - The German equivalant of the Wotster with an equally large addiction to all things AOR. Grand chap who deserves a large glass of fine beer and often.

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