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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. Yeah.... this album is bog average. A few decent tracks but a lot of weird.
  2. I like "Rags To Riches"! Can't wait to hear the full album! P.S. It sure beats this similar titled song:
  3. I'm with Dan. This is by far their weakest and most experimental disc. Doubt it makes my Top 10. Some good songs on it but also some WTF moments.
  4. I agree. This football in London shit sucks. Not only is it unsafe due to the terrorist attacks, the league has no business being in London. Period. Goodell is the worst thing to ever happen to the NFL. Ravens in London to play the "home team" Jaguars. How is London considered their "home". They aren't the London Jaguars for Christ's sake!
  5. This is 100% shit folks. Don't even bother. Great thread Stefan!
  6. I know Geoff really loves those "outside looking in" "inside looking out" "inside looking outside" songs!
  7. Ravens have as many turnovers (10) as points allowed in 2 games (10).
  8. Stefan....... bringing back threads from over 7 years ago.......
  9. Looks like the rebranding to MTV Classic has been an epic dumpster fire. (from Wikipedia) They got exactly what they deserved.
  10. from MONA LISA, this is a track from Ricky Thomas solo album:
  11. I was going to say White Widdow. Good call.
  12. Have no idea. Could only think of Chutes and Ladders. LOL
  13. Thanks for posting. Some pretty good stuff there. Something new to seek out!
  14. How can you call it a new song if it's a cover? LOL
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