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Everything posted by chocularok

  1. Yet another reason why I won't go digital...I'll stay with the real thing, thank you very much.
  2. I really like What Do You Got, but the other 3 were kinda standard, lame, & forgetable to me. In fact, one of the songs on the 2nd disc (can't remember which one) sounded like it came from that Big Time Rush show my son watches...
  3. No, not different...but hell, the Yankees have been (trying) to buy the World Series for the past 15 years. I just hate to see the Filthies following their lead. I liked it better when teams signed a young kid, developed him in the farm system, etc. The Braves are one of the best teams at doing this.
  4. Yet another reason to hate the Filthies...talk about buying the World Series.
  5. What's up with them? I haven't heard any news in forever, & dammit I was really looking forward to the Femme Fatale release. Are they still around?
  6. What's going on with SunCity? I haven't heard any news in months...are they still around?
  7. Your cd's called & said they were lonely...get well soon buddy.
  8. I was contacted by a Riccardo Caputo...he got my contact info from the review section on the main HH site when I had requested some artwork & posted my email. Just wondering who else he's contacted or if anybody has bought from him before. Thanks
  9. Welcome to the big 4-0 club, brother...hope you had a great one!
  10. Isn't it funny how whenever a league director happens to also be a coach, his team is usually the best one out there?
  11. From a couple posts, it looks like this was a rec league, but this particular undefeated team stacked their team from the best players they could find, rather than forming 2-3 teams & thereby giving ALL the kids in their area who wanted to play a chance. I don't blame the league on this one...this was brought on by a couple of hyper-competetive coaches (who probably sucked when they played & are trying to make up for it...) who just had to win, win, win despite the rules. As a parent & coach of my son's soccer team, I'm well aware of this type of crap going on all the time. It's people like this who ruin sports for the kids...
  12. Leave the cunt a false positive, & explain that he tried to extort you. Even if he knows that you're technically not allowed to do that & can have it removed, it may make you feel better. I've left a couple of these, & the idiot buyers didn't know that's a no-no.
  13. Boring as hell by the numbers typical Bon Jovi song that sounds like everything else he's done in the past 10 years....
  14. Just wanted to show a little love to Dave (LV KIX). First time trading with him (I think) & everything was hunky-dory. Thanks man. Also completed another trade with Terry (matinsane) & as always a great trader. Let's do it again soon. Cheers to all...
  15. I thought you were talking about a bluray of LAV...my bad.
  16. Where'd you find that info? I don't see it listed on Amazon, Deep Discount, etc.
  17. Oh yeah...cheesey as hell, but it's probably one of my top 3 guilty pleasure movies. Seems this movie used to be on at least every other weekend back in the late 80's (on USA "Up All Night"). Christ, the ending of that movie just rips your heart out, or at least it did mine. Found this on Amazon...I'd love to make my own boot of this just to have. Definitive 80's soundtrack if you ask me. http://www.amazon.com/Last-American-Virgin-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B001D8WL82/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1282875149&sr=8-1
  18. Another great movie whose soundtrack never got released due to licensing disagreements: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kPP45npLaQ&feature=related The Debbie Harry - Robin Zander duets were never released on any album that I'm aware of. I thought this soundtrack got a release on vinyl back in the day...?
  19. Man oh man...I wish they had released the soundtrack for The Last American Virgin on cd. Love that movie!
  20. Very cool song. And the guitars & bass with all the chips & paint missing...now that's metal!
  21. Wanted sounds very kick ass...can't wait for that one.
  22. Is it that obvious? By the way, I prefer the term "Fanboy," thank you very much. My bad...course me sayin' that is pretty much like the pot callin' the kettle black, brutha.
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