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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Name change

    Don't feel like you need to change your name, probably everyone knows your name since most of us own your CD's, Bob. J/K Pete! (I should have mentioned above that I think I am funny and often try to be so but my wife likes to remind me that I am not) Cool, another Duran Duran fan from back in the day....I have been meaning to ask my parents what happened to the 3x5 Seven And The Ragged Tiger poster I had in my bedroom as a kid. I'd like to hang it in the living room and see the look on Mrs. Jeff's face when she comes home.
  2. Jeff

    Name change

    Hey everyone, I had my member name changed today from Madd Mortigan to Jeff...not to be confused with the very popular "Geoff". Madd Mortigan was a name I used when I used to play Quake online as part of a group of people. Now that I have been on the board for while I realize I am here to stay and I figure just using my name is better because as I have read your posts if I know your name it helps me remember what type of music you prefer, associate a name with a personality, etc. I never did an introduction when I joined back in January. I am from Hudson, WI. My first favorite band and the one band that got me in to music was none other than Duran Duran. It didn't take long before I moved to the genre's we discuss here. My preferred genre is sleaze/glam but I like it all really. Hard to pick a favorite band but if I had to it would be Dangerous Toys. When the grunge took over in the 90's and we didn't have the internet like we do now I lost track of all the great music that came out between then and now. In my search for that old style sound I came across the HH main site and I used that as a resource for awhile and I eventually decided to join the message board. It has been great being a member (though I have to watch my budget now because of all the great music you all find!). Better late than never on the intro, huh? Check ya... Jeff
  3. Untied and True....and Psycho Cafe is my preferred BT release. Was just listening to Do What You're Told last night.
  4. I've had a listen to Group Therapy a number of times in the past few months and I find it pretty boring. I cannot even compare it to Tyketto. I would howerver like to give Tainted Angel a listen, maybe start from the beginning and get a better feel for Southgang. I want to keep an open mind and I really WANT to see the comparison because as DaHun72 says, I love Tyketto as well, so I want to have another band to love...and to hold and to hug and to squeeze and to call them my very own.
  5. I did not know it from a series of books...interesting to know.
  6. The Mrs. and I just finished up Season 1 and we think it is great. My friends are current with the series and they say it has its ups and downs but overall they really like it. And I agree, a very unique show.
  7. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Direct from the band's website. I think it was a link from their myspace page? It gave the option to receive a fully signed copy or a non-signed copy. I chose signed and they signed the cover but then on the inner sleeve photo they put a mustache on one of the dudes and a teardrop on the lead singer's face... in this thick silver pen. Kind of wish I'd gone for the non-signed option. And yeah, no worries, Rick. Hope it works out for you. What did you think of the tunes themselves? Same here, though I didnt go to the Myspace page first, I was directly at dirtypennysucks.com. I ordered the non-signed version...for some reason I've never been into having my cd's autographed. Though I did meet Faith No More in Eau Claire, WI when they were promoting their The Real Thing release and one of them gave me shit about my long hair being straight and that I should get it like his (major curls like that Troy Palamalu from Pittsburgh) and they signed my "cassette". I have no idea where that cassette is. Anyway I digress. Rick, I did not get the Dirty Penny cd today unfortunately.
  8. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I didn't get mine in the mail today. Geoff, where did you order yours from?
  9. Dead Jail Or Rock And Roll - Micheal Monroe
  10. For the first time we just got DirecTV about 4 weeks ago. It's like 200 channels (or more maybe) with lots of HD channels and it is $50 a month for 12 months, then $75 a month after that (which is a little much). The HD looks amazing but really I only watch a handful of channels: Science Do It Yourself History Animal Planet Travel HGTV Nat Geo FSN Wisconsin for the Brewers games (a lot in HD so far) Any channel the Packers might be on So far it has been good. One dish for the HD signal, the free HD DVR required 2 cable runs which works great for recording stuff. The only issue I had was submitting my rebates. There system wouldn't accept it and the morons on the phone kept saying there was nothing they could do. I asked for a supervisor and the supervisor got it to work in a few minutes.
  11. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Grrrr, nothing today. I'm waiting for the Dirty Penny, a package from swedmetal.com, a package from Perris Records (just ordered though) and a copy of Guitar Hero Van Halen. I hate opening the mailbox and finding nothing but bills....or a wasp building its nest in the summer.
  12. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Seriously? I would send an email to the admin on their sidte dirtypennysucks.com I ordered it off their website, wonder how if mine will be like Geoff's or yours? It should arrive this Saturday or early next week. I'll report back. Just left them a post on their facebook page. I think they check that fairly frequently. If you dont get a reply do try their main site. I sent an email when I bought their first cd and received a reply. Here's the reply I got on facebook: "amazon is just an on demand album. we have autographed albums on our website. sorry bout the confusion" What is that supposed to mean?? Maybe it means sorry about the confusion so here is some more confusion for you? Their reply to you reminded me of this: Dark Helmet: Before you die there is something you should know about us, Lone Star. Lone Starr: What? Dark Helmet: I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Lone Starr: What's that make us? Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become. I dunno, I didn't get my copy yesterday, maybe today. Stay tuned...
  13. Jeff

    Gemini Five

    They just ask that you vote for them on a internet radio site. Great sleaze rock for those not familiar, but maybe everyone here is, I dunno, anyway... http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=510935508 And you don't actually "Right Click and Save" as the instructions tell you to, just click each link and download the tunes.
  14. Lillian Axe - Sad Day On Planet Earth (first 3 songs didn't impress me, but that is as far as I got) W.A.S.P. - Best Of The Best
  15. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Seriously? I would send an email to the admin on their sidte dirtypennysucks.com I ordered it off their website, wonder how if mine will be like Geoff's or yours? It should arrive this Saturday or early next week. I'll report back. Just left them a post on their facebook page. I think they check that fairly frequently. If you dont get a reply do try their main site. I sent an email when I bought their first cd and received a reply.
  16. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Seriously? I would send an email to the admin on their sidte dirtypennysucks.com I ordered it off their website, wonder how if mine will be like Geoff's or yours? It should arrive this Saturday or early next week. I'll report back.
  17. Trespass Ice T, Ice Cube and Bill Paxton, you can't go wrong....or maybe you can.
  18. I am not a real fan of live music on cd, I do enjoy live music when I'm actually there. And yeah, how about some new music? At least do a cd of cover tunes....or maybe don't.
  19. L.A. Guns - Never Enough I'll never forget the black and white video "Ladies and gentlemen, the L.A. Guns"
  20. Good call. And whilst on the subject, how about - by far - the best song Dangerous Toys ever recorded - 'Demon Bell'. DT has too many good songs for me to pick a "best song"! I do like a few of their songs off the first 2 discs, and especially 'Promise the moon' off 'Pissed', but imo 'Demon Bell' does easily crucify them all. Huge DT fan I am probably one of the few that even though I didn't welcome the change that came with R-Tist 4-Merly Known...I still found a few songs on that CD I liked. But hell yeah, Demon Bell is a good one!
  21. Good call. And whilst on the subject, how about - by far - the best song Dangerous Toys ever recorded - 'Demon Bell'. DT has too many good songs for me to pick a "best song"!
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