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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. That don't make mental sense!! Nah, it does. Only I prefer more than ten songs. I love fourteen, for some reason. So much so, when I see a new album with only ten tracks, I honestly am immediately dissapointed.
  2. It had so much potential, though. Really sad.
  3. Haha, this was totally me. I thought a few years ago that very soon I would literally have every single CD I ever wanted to hear again and that would be it. Just put my feet up and enjoy the music I already own for the rest of my life. What a shambles that became. I want to say I wish it was the case, especially for the sake of my wallet, but by jeebers there is still amazing music being made... And yet you continue to let it pass you by, while you listen to shit.
  4. Loved this movie. All the slasher/horror movie cliches, yet still unpredicatable as hell. Believe it. This film has received far too much hate. Joss Whedon is incredible.
  5. How did you get this? I thought it wasn't released until 9/25? It's Dave. The real question is, "Why hasn't he got copies for the rest of us?"
  6. That is definitely interesting. I've never tried it - is it loads of work? Did you buy kits or something? How long does it take? I might have to have a go at this at some point. Beer = happy! Honestly mate, not much work at all. It truly isn't. The biggest pain in the ass, I admit, is the bottling stage. And yes, my wife bought me a kit for Christmas (thanks, my love!) and I've not looked back. It's pretty easy, mate. In a nutshell, you pour the contents of a syrup tin, 1kg of sugar and 23 litres of water into a big tub. Stir it around, add some hops and wheat flavour enhancement if you so desire (for fine pale ales in particular), sprinkle the yeast in last and then just leave that thing for a week. Get a couple of measurements a week later and then bottle it, store it and wait. So from day one to the day of your first sip, ideally, it's about 7 weeks. I was drinking them excitedly after 2 weeks with my first batch, but when I let them sit for a few more weeks, the flavour enhancement is worth the time in gold. But if you keep several batches on the go at ones, my plan is to never buy beer again as I hope to always have my own perfectly brewed supply. It's a lot of fun playing around with and perfecting the flavours. Hey Geoff,been doing this for a few years now and i love it.Have a try of the Munich Lager,it's a top brew and the pale ale is nice.K Mart has this new brew barrel that holds 30 litres and is around $40 for the full set up,i'm thinking of giving it a go. I had my buddy's equipment for nearly a year and never used it. Three weeks ago, I went on vacation one weekend, and, when I came back, my brother had a batch going. A pale ale from Brew House. I'm so excited to start doing this. My buddy wants his shit back, so I'll have to buy it myself. I've done a little researching, and Brew House looks like a good company. Coopers is also recommended. What have you guys been using?
  7. Well, there's your problem. You need to listen to them front to back. Listening to them in reverse will do you no benefit.
  8. Yeah, that's what I'm rockin'. It's getting a little slow, but that's my only complaint. It's got internets, and that's all I care about. I hate phones, so if I have to carry one, it better have internets and music capabilities. That's my standpoint, anyway.
  9. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Have mp3s, those were upgraded to a bootleg, and now that's gonna be upgraded. I can't wait to hear the difference. And, yeah, it's a little dissapointing to know there isn't a full version of "Spitting Image." It's one of my favourite tracks. I never noticed that. Guess I'll need to be hanging on to the original mp3 version. How long is the track you have? Mine's 2:33, and it fades out. That may have been the final cut, but if yours is different I'd like to hear it. (wink) This may clear up some confusion... I compared the mp3's to the new cd. Here's what I found but your results may vary... My original track 12 mp3 was labeled "Riot". It's actually "Spitting Image" on the disc. On my winamp the mp3 displays as 3:50 but actually plays as 2:33. The cd track is 2:31. My original track 13 mp3 was labeled "I Feel Good". It's actually "Riot" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 2:33 but actually plays as 4:42. The cd track is 4:36. My original track 14 mp3 was labeled "Spitting Image". It's actually "I Feel Good" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 4:42 but actually plays as 3:50. The cd track is 3:47. All 3 songs are about the same length on the disc as they are on my mp3's give or take a few seconds, only the last three mp3's were labeled wrong and display the incorrect running length (for me that was the case anyway). Hope that helps. ??? I understand what you're saying, but why we're the mislabeled, and, what's even more confusing, why did Winamp display the wrong running length? Just a bit confused. But thanks for clearing that up. Somewhat. Your version of "Spitting Image" is probably the same as everyone else's. I'm sorry if that means you're no longer special. Yeah I have noooo idea why winamp is showing the track length incorrectly, but I have run into that with other mp3's in the past. How long is your mp3 version of "Spitting Image"? Same as yours. 2:33. And it fades out in the chorus. So I have to wonder, does a "full version" of this song even exist? I dunno. Perhaps that's all it was meant to be.
  10. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Have mp3s, those were upgraded to a bootleg, and now that's gonna be upgraded. I can't wait to hear the difference. And, yeah, it's a little dissapointing to know there isn't a full version of "Spitting Image." It's one of my favourite tracks. I never noticed that. Guess I'll need to be hanging on to the original mp3 version. How long is the track you have? Mine's 2:33, and it fades out. That may have been the final cut, but if yours is different I'd like to hear it. (wink) This may clear up some confusion... I compared the mp3's to the new cd. Here's what I found but your results may vary... My original track 12 mp3 was labeled "Riot". It's actually "Spitting Image" on the disc. On my winamp the mp3 displays as 3:50 but actually plays as 2:33. The cd track is 2:31. My original track 13 mp3 was labeled "I Feel Good". It's actually "Riot" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 2:33 but actually plays as 4:42. The cd track is 4:36. My original track 14 mp3 was labeled "Spitting Image". It's actually "I Feel Good" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 4:42 but actually plays as 3:50. The cd track is 3:47. All 3 songs are about the same length on the disc as they are on my mp3's give or take a few seconds, only the last three mp3's were labeled wrong and display the incorrect running length (for me that was the case anyway). Hope that helps. ??? I understand what you're saying, but why we're the mislabeled, and, what's even more confusing, why did Winamp display the wrong running length? Just a bit confused. But thanks for clearing that up. Somewhat. Your version of "Spitting Image" is probably the same as everyone else's. I'm sorry if that means you're no longer special. Yeah I have noooo idea why winamp is showing the track length incorrectly, but I have run into that with other mp3's in the past. How long is your mp3 version of "Spitting Image"? Same as yours. 2:33. And it fades out in the chorus.
  11. I'm sorry, I don't have time to read this. I'm too busy camping outside my local Apple Store so I can blow my money on the new iPhone 5. Why aren't you? I have employed a slave to do it for me. Seriously, though, a lot of people should be sprayed with bullets to rid the world of them, and I'd add these people to that list. For the last two weeks, it seems everyone on my FB newsfeed was talking about the new iPhone. Then yesterday one of my friends that works at one of our local phone service carriers, posted a pic of the new phone and, "We got the new iPhones. Come get yours tomorrow," and I kinda wanted to kill something--luckily I was already doing that in Borderlands 2. My phone plan runs out next year. My phone's been good to me thus far. I don't see a point in updating until then. I'm not an Apple fanatic, even if I do use there products.
  12. Oh you're just upset because it's not you nude on the cover. That's the alternate version. I have that one on order, too. Trust me, it's worth it. I liked how they asked me to keep the lion them in place and allowed a lion give me a blowjo- popsicle. Uh, the cover depicts a lion giving me an ice, uh cream. Ummm Geoff...just how drunk were you when you typed out that last post? Not drunk enough.
  13. I'm sorry, I don't have time to read this. I'm too busy camping outside my local Apple Store so I can blow my money on the new iPhone 5. Why aren't you?
  14. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Have mp3s, those were upgraded to a bootleg, and now that's gonna be upgraded. I can't wait to hear the difference. And, yeah, it's a little dissapointing to know there isn't a full version of "Spitting Image." It's one of my favourite tracks. I never noticed that. Guess I'll need to be hanging on to the original mp3 version. How long is the track you have? Mine's 2:33, and it fades out. That may have been the final cut, but if yours is different I'd like to hear it. (wink) This may clear up some confusion... I compared the mp3's to the new cd. Here's what I found but your results may vary... My original track 12 mp3 was labeled "Riot". It's actually "Spitting Image" on the disc. On my winamp the mp3 displays as 3:50 but actually plays as 2:33. The cd track is 2:31. My original track 13 mp3 was labeled "I Feel Good". It's actually "Riot" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 2:33 but actually plays as 4:42. The cd track is 4:36. My original track 14 mp3 was labeled "Spitting Image". It's actually "I Feel Good" on the disc. On the Winamp the mp3 displays as 4:42 but actually plays as 3:50. The cd track is 3:47. All 3 songs are about the same length on the disc as they are on my mp3's give or take a few seconds, only the last three mp3's were labeled wrong and display the incorrect running length (for me that was the case anyway). Hope that helps. ??? I understand what you're saying, but why we're the mislabeled, and, what's even more confusing, why did Winamp display the wrong running length? Just a bit confused. But thanks for clearing that up. Somewhat. Your version of "Spitting Image" is probably the same as everyone else's. I'm sorry if that means you're no longer special.
  15. Same here. I do most of my internets surfing, in general, on my phone. Perhaps he doesn't have a data plan; just wifi. It's sad to lose members, though.
  16. Better late than never, But never late is better. Wowaweewoo. I don't imagine I'll ever catch up to you lot, especially with all those EE threads you lot frequent. Half of Ian's recent posts seem to be what wakes him up each morning. I don't mind. Keep 'em coming.
  17. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Have mp3s, those were upgraded to a bootleg, and now that's gonna be upgraded. I can't wait to hear the difference. And, yeah, it's a little dissapointing to know there isn't a full version of "Spitting Image." It's one of my favourite tracks. I never noticed that. Guess I'll need to be hanging on to the original mp3 version. How long is the track you have? Mine's 2:33, and it fades out. That may have been the final cut, but if yours is different I'd like to hear it. (wink)
  18. Giving this SafetySuit thing a go. Spinning "These Times."
  19. Oh you're just upset because it's not you nude on the cover. That's the alternate version. I have that one on order, too.
  20. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Have mp3s, those were upgraded to a bootleg, and now that's gonna be upgraded. I can't wait to hear the difference. And, yeah, it's a little dissapointing to know there isn't a full version of "Spitting Image." It's one of my favourite tracks.
  21. Haha. Nice. I honestly truly reckon, though, that if we put this to a poll and the majority of the forum listened and gave an opinion, I'm 95% sure that most would agree there is no similarity. Because it's true. The worst thing is, I keep thinking you guys are serious and trying to hear this apparent similarity, but when I realise (again) it's just not there, I know y'all are just having a lend of me. He's taking the piss, now isn't he? Geoff, I'mma fly out there and smack you.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Nf8oR_YrU
  23. lol.....that was more then 1 question. LOL. Keep em coming guys!! I want 10 great questions presented by YOU guys. JK So you're saying you still need 10? Heh. Don't mind me, I'm just being a fool.
  24. Really? Sounds kinda overrated to me. And Blue Charvel is Uncle Pete.
  25. As am I. Dave might could know something, but do you really need anymore incentive? Really? Might be 2 or 3 more... but I can't really say... May be a pretty cool add that most here know and would love to see play together again. Other 2 just kind of middle tier (IMO) bands. Last time Ted Poley said he would try to get Danger Danger out next year. He's already booked, but I wonder if he's still trying to get the other boys.
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