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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Seems you're revisiting a lot of threads from 8 years ago.
  2. Short vocalist, good voice, throws horns quite a lot. Dead last time i checked Hi-fucking-larious.On a side note i saw Dio on the Holy Diver tour. Amazing gig!! On a side note? That is the whole note, Glen!
  3. Short vocalist, good voice, throws horns quite a lot. Dead last time i checked Hi-fucking-larious.
  4. HEAT in Sept should be massive. I have v high expectations....i want them to absolutely nail this one. If it was anyone but HEAT, I'd be all like oh no, not a selfie cover! But it's HEAT, so it's okay. Absolutely cannot wait for this one. ha ha I didn't even notice the selfie. Classic......I agree , only HEAT could get away with that. Or Reckless Love. Why them? Because they're sexy as f*ck? Because they have the charisma to pull it off.
  5. I'm no medical genius, Karpetface, but I don't think that's how Parkinson's works. That makes me really sad to hear that about Pat Torpey - these types of diagnoses are so cruel. I too am glad he's still in the picture, but there's no way around the fact that it's just shit, and a sad thing. Anyway, I really hope this one's okay. As per usual, I expect as many fillers as good songs - it is Mr Big, after all - but I hope the good stuff is great. And for the record, Eric Martin looks better with short hair, but Paul Gilbert desperately needs to regrow his hair. Yeah, I dunno. They just made it sound like it was too much for him to do it all, but why would that be the case? Why could he do some songs but not all?
  6. hmm looks interesting, I like some French flicks here and there. Some more recent ones I watched were: Amour & Turbulences - fluffy romantic comedy Qu'est-ce qu-on a fait au Bon Dieu - nice comedy. Rust and Bone- drama Cool me too, but I GOTTA have subtitles otherwise I don't unterstand a thing Seen the quest quon fait (Monsieur Claude) too, was funny but just like Radin a bit "cliché" I thought . But I'd definitely recommend LOLO and will have to watch it again The only French film I've seen is Incendies. Pretty good, too. It's actually French-Canadian. What about Intouchables? That was a big hit about 5 years ago (at least in Europe), about a guy in a wheelchair becoming friends with his black caretaker despite their obvious differences Oooh and Amelie was pretty enjoyable, thought it seemed to go on a bit too long. Plus La Reine Margot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFZ7gErZ1o I LOVE foreign films, but then I love learning languages too which helps. House of Flying Daggers is awesome - so beautiful to watch and the costumes OMG Yeah, I prefer foreign films over anything Hollywood.
  7. Sad news about Pat Torpey. I watched the video thinking, "Who's this Starr guy, and why is he playing?" But I could see something was off. I'm glad he's still a part of it, though. Would have been nice if they had more time to record, and, therefore, given him more to recover between recordings.
  8. Haha. Yup, that's definitely not the same band. The other Seed are a Punk band, and are from my city, and prolly next to no one remembers who they were. Though, I should send them a message, and be like, "You guys changed." ;}
  9. Now this isn't gonna be for everyone, even those that do like the Synthwave movement, but I figured the sax was just too irresistible.
  10. hmm looks interesting, I like some French flicks here and there. Some more recent ones I watched were: Amour & Turbulences - fluffy romantic comedy Qu'est-ce qu-on a fait au Bon Dieu - nice comedy. Rust and Bone- drama Cool me too, but I GOTTA have subtitles otherwise I don't unterstand a thing Seen the quest quon fait (Monsieur Claude) too, was funny but just like Radin a bit "cliché" I thought . But I'd definitely recommend LOLO and will have to watch it again The only French film I've seen is Incendies. Pretty good, too. It's actually French-Canadian.
  11. Whooops and I haven't listened to that one yet I don't think... or have I? I've been listening to so much recently There were like five or six suggestions.
  12. HEAT in Sept should be massive. I have v high expectations....i want them to absolutely nail this one. If it was anyone but HEAT, I'd be all like oh no, not a selfie cover! But it's HEAT, so it's okay. Absolutely cannot wait for this one. ha ha I didn't even notice the selfie. Classic......I agree , only HEAT could get away with that. Or Reckless Love.
  13. I didn't realise this was out already. Dammit. I'm always behind.
  14. Europe no longer has anything to do with AOR Honestly? Gosh. TBH I've never followed them, I just remember them from their 80s heydey. Now I'm gonna have to check them out and see if I liked what they've morphed into ...but now you're confusing me. I thought I'd got all this AOR stuff clear in my head. They still sound AOR to me or would you say they are more metal now? I'd better not start another 'what is AOR?' discussion else I'll get banned What????Listen to their last album. That is NOT aor in any way shape or form. Awww i'm never gonna get it! It was their last album i listened to (or at least a couple of tracks from it cos it wasn't really my thing)) I don't think it was really anyone's thing.
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