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Everything posted by hardrockhaven

  1. The song was ok but I wouldn't say that it's better than the new Treat album. I also hope the rest of the album doesn't clock in 6 minute songs. That's a little too long for me. Sounding like a decent effort though. I'd be curious to hear some more samples.
  2. I've seen Poison in concert Geoff. They put on a good show and I had a great time. Bret is an excellent front-man. And yes, the rest of the band played their instruments just fine too. Not sure where all the hate comes from on these guys. Granted, it still weirds me out that Bret is doing a duet with a teen-ager, but I digress. Other than that, rock on Brett!
  3. I can't remember his last post, but wasn't he the one releasing Live Tongue's second album as well?
  4. Yep, I got those three bonus tracks. Definitely rockin' tunes. They easily should have used those instead of the couple of filler tracks on the album.
  5. Bret singing with Mylie Cyrus, seriously?????????? Do we need to stoop this low Bret? While the song was ok, I was kind of weirded out by the fact that he was singing them with/to a teenager.
  6. I ran into the same thing the other day at FYE of all places. They had a used originals of Lillian Axe "Love and War" for $40, Vain "No Respect" for $25, and Helix "Walkin' The Razor's Edge" for $28. Whatever happened to the $3.99 bargain bins at big chain music stores?
  7. Too "punky" sounding for me. Lot of other good stuff coming from Sweden though.
  8. Went to the theater last night and caught FROM PARIS WITH LOVE with John Travolta. Kick ass action movie! Travolta OWNED that role.
  9. Awesome. Definitely gonna be one of the year's best.
  10. Another killer track. Thanks Dan. Can't wait for this thing.
  11. Sorry, I couldn't get into these guys at all. That lead vocalist's voice was grating on my ears. Ouch.
  12. Strange. Desmond has been involved with so many great classics, yet it still floors me how bad his solo album "discipline" was. I still consider him one of the best songwriters out there though.
  13. I wanted to see it but Starz doesn't come with my cable package. And I didn't feel like paying extra to get just one channel. I gues I'll have to wait til it hits dvd. Glad to hear its good though.
  14. Chris, I agree with you about the first release. I remember when I got my copy how dissappointed I was. The MP3 samples I heard just didn't seem to jive with the whole package. Listening to these new three tracks gives me the impression there has been a change in the bands style somewhat. More melodic and layered. I know this isn't really your style of music as I've often seen you drift toward the more intense and harder material. My only reservation is that only 1 track is actually destined for their new release and I hope these three tracks are an indication of the direction of the new album. Haha, yeah you are correct Delbert. I do tend to like the bands with a little more bite to them. But, I am also into pure melodic stuff too as long as it's done right. If you say they're going for a little style change this time around, I shall give them the benefit of the doubt and check out new sound samples off the album when they come out. Like I said earlier, it's not that they're bad, they're just not clicking with me.
  15. I just checked out all 12 sound samples of this new album, and I gotta say I won't be picking this up. While their 1987 self-titled release is a classic of the genre, this new one feels stale and generic as it comes imo. I'm all for sticking to your roots, but dang if this new one didn't sound boring and very formulaic. I would never reach for this on my shelf if I bought it. A shame too as Keel has done plenty of good tunes in their career.
  16. Yeah but has your hard copy got the three bonus tracks on it?? Including 'Cant Leave You Alone' (which is awesome) Sonuva..I guess I didn't search long enough before ordering my copy. I didn't realize there was one with three bonus tracks on it. I see the "special edition" (w/bonus tracks) available on iTunes, but do physical copies of the "special edition" actually exist? Haven't found anyplace selling it yet. Not that it matters...I'll keep my regular version that I only paid $7 for and just download the 3 bonus tracks. Yep, that's what I just did. My regular copy came in the mail today...talk about quick shipping. I just gave it a listen and what a fistful of metal anthems on this thing. Now I just went to Itunes and downloaded those three bonus tracks. That bonus track Glen mentioned is probably the best of the three. I'm surprised more people aren't all over this thing. Kickin' stuff here.
  17. Classics or not, "Beth" by KISS and "Home Sweet Home" by Motley Crue just never did anything for me. I never understood the appeal of those two boring songs. Haha, I'm probably stirring a hornet's nest here.
  18. Their first release didn't really do much for me, and I gotta say these 3 new songs don't really do much to change my mind. I mean, they're a solid enough band but don't warrant numerous repeated listens in my book. I know there seems to be great love for these guys on the board, so I guess I'm the odd man out on this one.
  19. Yeah but has your hard copy got the three bonus tracks on it?? Including 'Cant Leave You Alone' (which is awesome) Sonuva....I guess I didn't search long enough before ordering my copy. I didn't realize there was one with three bonus tracks on it.
  20. I got mine on the way from e-bay. But the cheapest place I've seen it so far is at amazon.com. They've got used copies starting at $6.86.
  21. I got my copy of the new Wig Wam in the mail today and just gave it a full spin. And why O why did they have to do a digipack? Anyway, back on track. This is another darn good release by these glam metal masters. I don't think it's better than "Wig Wamania" though. "Wig Wamania" ranks as one of my all time favorite glam metal albums. But this new release flows very nicely as well. I thought production on this new release was probably their best yet. Yes, I can see what a couple people have said about there being several fillers on this, which is true. But, the fist-pumping anthems far outweigh the decent fillers. Bravo to a band that continues to bring their game!
  22. Wow, I just caught those four sound samples. Awesome! I'd say they took a sledgehammer to Loud Minority. I am now officially stoked!
  23. Well, even Kip missed the boat too imo. I'm not sure why song-writing skills turn to crap on artist's solo releases. Although Johnny Lima seems to consistently turns out a quality product.
  24. Yeah I caught a couple of sound samples from his solo disc but was not very impressed. Wig Sam however is one of my favorite bands.
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