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Everything posted by lettard

  1. https://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/topic/37218-tokyo-motor-fist-new-album-in-2020/
  2. Yeah its good for what it is...totally agree that the vocals are good but the songs just arnt hitting the mark with me...its good but it aint no Rest In Sleaze or Generation Wild...but im still enjoying it.
  3. Yes,I arrived back from work and it was there together with the new Crashdiet release Have listened now several times and it is brilliant,the track Allnighter reminds me at the beginning of a Nickelback song with similar content but I still love the whole thing...oh btw Crashdiet hasn't be tried yet...
  4. Yeah , hopefully its on my inside doormat when I return from work tomorrow
  5. 1st cd is pretty good so I will be for defs purchasing the follow up
  6. Arrived today... Black Star Riders - Another State Of Grace Platinum Overdose - Murder In High Heels
  7. Love the debut but Ive went with Balls Out cause I think I just like it marginally and its got tiger woods on it...12 tracks from the first set 5 from the second and 1 from the bonus
  8. Another tick in the to keep an eye on list...which is growing longer all the time
  9. But that's him singing on the September rain vid above? sounds like a good fit to me...agree on the Narnia pt2...looking forward to it.
  10. Jeez I must be one of the only people in the world that likes Wake Up To The Real World,some real nice tunes on that one also...to me anyway
  11. I certainly hope so...just not a fan of these re-released acoustic numbers at all
  12. Aww man you're joking me? This never made it to my local cinema so my wife ordered it for me on disc and we were gonna watch it on Monday whilst away on a short trek away
  13. Plenty of great releases but Ruff Justice is the only release (thus far) from em to be my number 1 of its release year
  14. Ordered this on Friday probably be a week or so before I get it.
  15. Ordered from Demon Doll.. Platinum Overdose - Murder In High Heels
  16. After the first two releases...which were iffy at the least imo...the release of Are You Ready To Rock? grabbed my attention ten fold and thus my liking for Eclipse was born,don't think any of the last few releases have disappointed...all pretty damn good but i'll stick with what caught me in the first place
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