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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. i can't get past the 4 minute mark...my ears hurt!
  2. Id get the hair metal one for my niece and nephew, but they're abit old for lullabies
  3. Theres more! http://www.amazon.com/Rockabye-Baby-Lullab...d_sim_m_title_2 one for Fat Freddy's kids here: http://www.amazon.com/ROCKABYE-BABY-LULLAB..._sim_m_title_33 another cool one http://www.amazon.com/Rockabye-Baby-Lullab..._sim_m_title_17 this is pretty cool too http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-All-Holida..._sim_m_title_31 Honourable mention: http://www.amazon.com/Brats-Beat-Ramones-V..._sim_m_title_46 we need more kids versions of rock tunes, get them into it early!!
  4. you kinda just did comment on them... No i didnt Yeah, Matt's right. He only commented on the fact that Velvet Revolver are not worth commenting on. He didn't actually comment on the band itself. Now that we can all agree on. but he did contribute a comment about the band (even tho it was remotely) to a thread about the band. he basically said taht "VR arent really worth a comment", thats a statement. and when you state something about something, thats commenting it.
  5. you kinda just did comment on them...
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Goes-Metal-Vari...s/dp/B000SUKPIY how cool is this? i would love to have grown up listening to these lullabys!!
  7. Dead Men Can't Tapdance D I W B
  8. Wes>Geoff. I still say Velvet Revolver>Slash's Snakepit No Way! it goes like this: Guns N Roses>Slash's Snakepit>Velvet Revolver
  9. Easy one this... Seek and Destroy Ride The Lightning Disposable Heroes ...And Justice For All Don't Tread On Me although it was a very tough call between JFA and One
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps5dqc57hz0 theres the alternate ending...
  11. i only own the first on CD, the second is on my computer so hasnt had as much of a listen (with a CD i can lay on my bed and just listen to the music, on the computer i get distracted)
  12. The last Snakepit album "Aint life Grand" was killer IMO. He should make another album like that if there is no GNR reunion. both Snakepit albums were awesome, but i generally prefer the first because of the musicians on it (although sadly no Duff)
  13. I like them, only cause of the GnR guys tho....i have no interest in Dave or Scott. so even tho i like them, im glad theyre breaking up....i wanna see Slash release some less grungy stuff, more sleazy stuff!
  14. so add a new flavour......as long as its of another style that you listen to. if they change, even slightly....they will piss some of their fans off. like i say, you can please some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but never all the people all of the time.
  15. That's the way I feel. Stick with what your fans want but don't be scared to add in some new flavors from time to time to keep things from getting stale. last time a band used an outside flavour, people started saying theyd completely changed....
  16. Black Sabbath with DIO is a totally different band than Black Sabbath with crap ass Ozzy... The With DIO they FUCKING Rock... the latter sucks...IMO exactly, yet if sabbath stuck to their sound....you wouldnt get heaven and hell. so change is a good thing, you want the old sound....listen to an old album, you want to listen to the new sound, listen to a new album. i think its cool for one band to cover more than one style..
  17. yet ive never heard of Loud N' Clear but i was listening to Bon Jovi when i was 13... i think you need to find a balance between sticking to your roots and success....all the greats have changed their sound over the years (funny that Wes' fave album is Heaven and Hell, thats a different sound to what Black Sabbath were originally)
  18. LA Guns did tour... i shoulda known that cause a friend of mine was a roadie for them, Traccii gave him his nickname "Jonnii Guns"
  19. see, all those bands you mentioned only seem to tour the states... id love to see alot of those older bands but unless theyre Bon Jovi or Motley Crue, they never come over here!
  20. maybe over there! ive never seen them advertised over here and ive been into the band for atleast 2 years now.
  21. i love it personally, but like i say.....Motley fans wouldnt have expected it when they spun it....so it wouldnt have gotten many sales. Crue fans probably didnt bother with it after reading how different it is and non crue fans probably gave it a miss and dismissed it as "an old 80s hair metal band" and i cant think of any hair metal bands that have stuck to their sound and still have as much success as inthe 80s (like Jovi) so theyre not all on indie labels, bands like Poison survived.....but theyre not as popular as they were and they sure as hell dont tour as much!
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