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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Horrible....GNR should have been history years ago....
  2. That fucker has better teeth than I do...
  3. Dead Planet


    Karma is a bitch.... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dick-farrel-newsmax-right-wing-scamdemic-dies-of-covid_n_610f50d3e4b041dfbaaabac6
  4. I haven't met anyone who wasn't an asshole at one time or another...including me....the trick is to not be an asshole 24/7...
  5. Trump is such a polarizing figure that if he runs again it will bring all the people together who can't stand him and he will lose again.... the Reps should hope and pray that he drops out or drops dead so that they can get control of the party back and then have a good chance of winning the next election with whoever as their candidate...
  6. I doubt Biden will run in 2024 but I do believe Trump will run which means 2024 should look a lot like 2020 as I doubt Americans will want to bring back the Trump clown show for another 4 years....unless of course Biden and Dems stumble badly....
  7. Dead Planet


    Countries that used to treat Covid-19 like the plague are starting to think of it more like new seasons of American Idol—just a fact of life. Countries like Singapore. With 67% of Singapore's nearly 5.7 million people fully vaccinated, officials said yesterday they’ll continue with their plan to ease Covid-19 curbs starting next week. In-person dining will resume, border controls will be loosened, and some employees can head back to the office. The reasoning is that perpetual reopening and closing of businesses will give the economy chronic whiplash. Why it matters: Singapore is the most significant example yet of a country pivoting from a “Covid Zero” approach to a strategy that accepts Covid as “endemic,” meaning it’s always present but remains at a manageable level. “Covid Zero” vs. “Living with Covid” Before its pivot, Singapore was part of a group of Asia-Pacific countries that played Whac-A-Mole to snuff out any trace of the coronavirus in an approach known as “Zero Covid.” And that’s still happening today: After recording more than 300 locally transmitted cases this week, China introduced new curbs on transportation in some cities and began mass testing residents in Wuhan, where the virus originated. The state of Victoria, Australia, instituted its sixth lockdown on Thursday after detecting eight new cases. Australia is just 17% vaccinated. Compare that to the more lax approach employed by countries like the US and the UK. The UK scrapped nearly all its pandemic curbs on July 19 in a strategy it called “Keep life moving.” After a Delta-fueled wave peaked in late July, cases have declined considerably...without new mitigation measures. Bottom line: As the story of Singapore shows, the only way to go from “Zero Covid” to “Living with Covid” is to mass-vaccinate your population, which largely prevents serious illness.
  8. Dead Planet


    I don't believe in shaming people over vaccination as it is and should be a personal decision...I do understand companies asking their employees to get vaccinated so that they are not passing it around to fellow employees and customers but when entering a store it is ridiculous to require customers to show proof of vaccination, masking in covid hot spot areas is acceptable however....
  9. Dead Planet


    One issue with this pandemic is that it is the first of the modern age and no one had a clue at the beginning how to properly deal with it because they weren't prepared....messaging was constantly changing as they figured out what was going on and to this day you have different people in the health care community saying different things as there is still no clear strategy except to get vaccinated....we are actually fortunate that they were able to make vaccines that are extremely effective at protecting us from this virus... People have the right to get or not get vaccinated, I just wish that there was a lot less misinformation floating around social media platforms and from people who know better but selfishly say things to stir people up (Tucker Carlson)....
  10. Dead Planet


    I'm hearing that lambda is the next variant.....
  11. Dead Planet


    One issue that bugs me is all the stress and angst we are piling onto doctors and nurses and health systems overall because of this virus....a lot of them are quitting because they can't take it anymore and many hospitals are on the edge of collapse due to lack of health care workers....the longer this goes on the worse it will get and those who are unvaccinated and catch this virus expect to be taken care of by their health care systems but they may be in for a shock in some places....then there are all the people who have followed the rules and gotten vaccinated who have other health issues that are not being treated because of the huge amount of covid patients...I wonder how many of them are dying because they can't get the medical care they need...we really need to get past this pandemic and the only path I see is vaccination...
  12. Strange because I can play it from my post....must not be available in the US for some reason...
  13. A firm NO from me as I'm tired of bands milking the fans for every cent.....as for QR they should have packed it in after DuBrow died...
  14. Love it and consider it another Foreigner release....it gets a regular spin from me as it is as good as any of the first 4 Foreigner albums IMO...
  15. Dead Planet


    A good portion of the large fines here in Canada have gone to reverends, pastors and priests who refuse to follow the distancing/lockdown rules because God forbid people are not allowed to attend church service since their spiritual health is more important than their physical health...not to mention the financial loss of not having the usual suckers in your church handing over their paychecks... Sorry but the source of this info is way too biased for me to ignore...
  16. I've always thought of him as a moderate and while I'm sure there are fans from the left, I expect there are many from the right as well...
  17. F9 (2021) - another crazy entry in the Fast & Furious series and if you enjoyed the previous films you'll like this one as well....
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