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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Not bad at all...I need to hear more and I see that all their releases are available on youtube....
  2. At least they changed the schedule so that the Orioles won't be playing the Yankees, Red Sox , Jays and Rays as often.....
  3. His illness in part explains the poor quality of his films in the last several years....the film industry obviously knew about his health problems but paid him for the use of his name....
  4. I like what I hear...usually AC/DC influenced bands stick to sounding too much like their influence but this band has their own sound and it is decent....
  5. I actually like the Superjudge song the best of the ones you posted.....
  6. Yeah that Money song is direct from 80s new wave and I liked some stuff from that time and don't mind this song.....
  7. I usually like most thrash but LR just never did it for me.....but I do like the song you posted and listened to the full release on youtube and it definitely has thrash on it but they have mixed in a decent dose of heavy metal as well.....another that I'll grab when I see it for a decent price....
  8. That Climb release isn't too bad.....
  9. Kissin Dynamite - Not The End Of The Road
  10. Not sure what the big deal is....considering all the crap Rock and other 'comedians' have spewed over the years , it was just a matter of time before someone took umbrage and smacked one of them....it would be a different situation if Smith had beat the shit out of Rock but a slap isn't the end of the world for either of them....Rock will make jokes about it for years and Smith will be back making films after the woke film industry feels they have shown 'concern' over the incident.....
  11. Agree 100%......seems to me that sex ed and the insanity of the woke left should not be needed before 10 years of age at the earliest....the kids will have plenty of time to realize that not all people are the same from 10 onwards otherwise it starts to look like a form of brainwashing.....and sex changes for anyone under 18 years should be illegal....want to change who you are then wait until you are an adult ffs.... If they really want to make schools a safer place no matter who you are or how you look then do more to combat bullying and violence......
  12. I always try to discuss issues on the forum rather than taking personal shots at other commenters but those on the right always get personal for some reason....I get that you don't agree with my take but how about actually discussing the issues for a change.... It seems that insults and labelling are the only way that Trump lovers have to defend their hero, if I don't worship Trump then I must be woke or a commie or a socialist... what crap....it's a sad situation and maybe that is because there is no way to really defend the indefensible....
  13. I assume you mean Biden...as for Trudeau...stupid cunt would be closer to the truth....
  14. You make a good point....when Trudeau first became PM I thought finally some new young blood....the reality is that he quickly became the most woke leader on the planet with no real understanding of the issues or any real policies to combat said issues.....instead he is a weak and indecisive leader that Canada seems to be stuck with....so the moral of the story is to be wary of all politicians and choose where to place your vote wisely.....
  15. I'm just tired of seeing these old fucks running things.....there needs to be an age limit IMO....I hope you are correct and both parties pick younger qualified candidates but I'm not holding my breath....
  16. I agree neither Trump or Biden should be allowed to run in 2024....
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