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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Fight - War of Words AC/DC - Rock Or Bust Care Of Night - Connected Issa - Crossfire Lawless - Rise Messiah's Kiss - Get Your Bulls Out Thunder - Wonder Days White Widdow - Crossfire Wicked Sensation - Adrenaline Rush UFO - A Conspiracy Of Stars Beyond The Black - Songs of Love and Death Eclipse - Armagedonize Harem Scarem - Thirteen Liquid Steel - Fire In The Sky Revolution Saints - Revolution Saints Scorpions - Return To Forever Adrian Gale - Defiance Last Autumn's Dream - Level Eleven Wolfpakk - Rise of the Animal
  2. Several decent releases there.....will be picking them up...
  3. Nice..will pick this up when released...
  4. The 2nd sample is okay but not great and the 1st one is a good example of how a musician's ego can blind them to their limitations....
  5. You can change any number of band members in any band you can think of and the bottom line for me, is the final musical product worth a damn....so I will wait until there is new music to judge before coming to any conclusions about this new version of Skid Row....
  6. Mohammad entered the classroom on his first day of school in the United States . "What's your name?" asked the teacher. "Mohammad," he replied. "You're in the U.S. now," replied the teacher, "So from now on you will be known as Benny." Mohammad returned home after school. "How was your day, Mohammad?" his mother asked. "My name is not Mohammad. I'm in the U.S. and now my name is Benny." "Are you ashamed of your name? Are you trying to dishonor your parents, your heritage, your religion? Shame on you!" And his mother beat him. Then she called his father, who beat him again. The next day Mohammad returned to school. The teacher saw all of his bruises. "What happened to you, Benny?” she asked. "Well, Miss, shortly after becoming an American, I was attacked by two fucking Arabs."
  7. The music is fine but I like to understand the vocals so non-english releases don't end up in my collection....shame really as it is decent...
  8. Decent stuff....would def check it out...
  9. Fortunately I do not work with anyone like that. He would be very quickly put in his place by the people I work with as that sort of behaviour would not go over well...
  10. Vega - Stereo Messiah Exodus - Blood In Blood Out Signum Regis - Exodus
  11. Always a must buy for me....also agree with Rocker's comments...
  12. Good music..shame about the vocals being unintelligible...
  13. Not terrible but too modern for my tastes.....
  14. Decent R & R.....may check out the actual release....
  15. It's okay...I don't have their previous release and I would need to hear more of this one before buying...
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