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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I listen to everything posted in heavy metal, hard rock and aor...but unless I like something I usually don't respond...I figure its not much use in saying something is average or crap.....ahem I consider this one to be average but I wouldn't mind hearing more....
  2. Yeah I had not heard about this incident either until a week ago...hard to believe this is unknown to almost everyone except members of the African-American community...can't be found in history books.... I hate to admit it but Trump is responsible for at least some of the attention now being shown to Juneteenth....
  3. The police just keep getting assaulted....lol https://globalnews.ca/news/7072117/man-charged-for-farting/
  4. I don't know what is going on in Australia concerning racism but maybe all 3 of your reasons are accurate...and I suspect they are accurate in Canada and in many countries...until these latest protests I never even thought about racism as an issue probably because I'm white and have never had to think or be concerned about it...I think the latest generation is more socially aware and active than preceding generations and are willing to get out and make their voices heard....
  5. I think the major issue is not being seen as a criminal because you are black...being pulled over by the police because the car you are in is too nice to be owned by a black person or because you are in a neighborhood that is predominately white....being watched and followed around a store by security because a black person is automatically expected to be a shoplifter....stuff like that doesn't usual happen to white people and we are blind to it happening around us...
  6. A lot of people are tired of all the bullshit in the media and are tuning it out but this is a very bad trend IMO as we need to know and understand what is going on , not just in our own country but in the world, burying our heads in the sand out of frustration will not make the world a better place, it will just enable all the people who do not have our best interests in mind....
  7. Yes as long as they are not too far to the right because then all you get is propaganda, conspiracy theories and pure bullshit...this applies to the far left as well....bottom line, always question everything you hear and read.....
  8. I think the guy was an idiot...getting in the face of a group of cops in riot gear advancing like that...but there is no evidence that he was anything more than an idiot.... As far as the news outlets are concerned, I'll admit that it is a problem finding a unbiased source or at least a source that gives both sides of an issue fair treatment...I watch CNN, BBC and several Canadian news channels and I read a lot online...I never rely on any one source...CNN is still a good source for info as long as you realize that the talking heads are liberal and as a result the opinions lean to the left...
  9. One America is so far to the right that Trump chooses them over Fox these days....I don't pay attention to them or the left wing news outlets...
  10. I don't see the 'empathy for criminals' thing that you are talking about, personally I would be in favor of the death penalty returning for horendous crimes...and I dislike the PC crap that seems to be everywhere these days....none of that means that I support treating people differently because of their race, creed, color or religion.... from some of your comments , it sounds like you would prefer to live in a police state , we are fortunate to live in a democracy where 'peaceful protests' are allowed and the authorities don't shoot everyone that disagrees with them....
  11. They are protesting this death because it was filmed clear as day and can't be denied by anyone....the others were not filmed as far as I know....
  12. I was thinking about the second wave of this virus....what with the protests and now Trump starting up his rallys again, August could be an ugly month for covid 19.....
  13. First time that I've heard it....good song....
  14. He was never very stable mentally and now he is starting to break down completely....the closer we get to the November election and if the polls don't favor him it will get even more interesting
  15. The first release by the band that I will pass on....
  16. Excellent release IMO but not as good as the first 2.....
  17. I only just heard about the new bill, it sounds about right...hopefully it will actually do something positive....I was talking about the signs at the protests and the far left saying that the police needed to be defunded....
  18. My point is that until this 'new way' is proven to work there should be no drop in police resources....
  19. Lets not forget the latest crazyness...DEFUND THE POLICE.....how stupid do you have to be to think this is an acceptable path forwards? I don't have a problem with putting more money into social services and letting them try to fix some of the issues that have been dropped on the police, but lets wait to see if this actually causes a drop in crime before we strip the police of resources...If I get assaulted and robbed I don't want a social worker showing up to tell me that it is society's fault and that I should forgive and forget...
  20. Maybe the Chinese government needs to spend less on their military and wish to dominate Asia and more on food for their people so the people do not have to eat everything that moves in order to avoid starvation...
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