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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I believe most of your concerns are unfounded for the simple reason that the Republicans still control the senate which means there will either be 100% gridlock and nothing will happen for at least 2 years or both sides will have to compromise and come up with legislation that most of the country will be able to live with....considering that Mitch is an even worse political hack than Pelosi I would bet on gridlock....of course Biden may take the same path that Trump took and make a lot of executive orders....
  2. Well CNN has finally called the election for Biden.....cue the screraming from Trump and his supporters.....
  3. The majority of the votes being counted now in those states are mail in ballots....the majority of Democratic voters listened to the Democratic party and the science and the doctors who said it was safer in a pandemic to NOT vote in person so they voted by mail....these battleground states for some reason count mail in votes last which is why we are seeing a large percentage of the votes coming in going Democrat....Ohio counted mail in ballots first and early on election night Biden was way ahead of Trump but once the in person votes started being counted he quickly lost his lead and the state....
  4. Looks like it is over except for the crying since Biden is now ahead in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania....the people have spoken, the votes have mostly been counted.....lawyers will now make out like bandits....is it any wonder that lawyers run the US....the best thing you could do is shoot all the lawyers...
  5. Looking forward to this one...love the band....
  6. It may be time to change the electoral system a bit....at least have all the states with the same rules for federal elections....
  7. There was no evidence of fraud in 2016 and I would be very very surprised if there turns out to any evidence of fraud in 2020...in order to get away with massive fraud you would have to believe that the people at the counting places are in on it, and at every place that is counting votes you have a rep from the Democrats, one from the Republicans and one from independents and they all have to sign off on every vote....even if this happened somehow, the only way they would get away with it would be if everyone at the FBI, Homeland Security and all the other agencies looked the other way, not to mention a whole bunch of civil servants which is impossible....it's just another in a long list of Trump conspiracy theories....
  8. If you want to believe there is fraud going on then so be it, that is your right but you are wrong...Trump has been complaining about voter fraud since he got elected in 2016, supposedly it was fraud that he didn't win the popular vote and now it's fraud if he loses the election...it's a load of crap....
  9. I was curious as to why some of the states were having a hard time getting the votes counted...so I checked into Michigan and found out that while the governor is a Democrat, the state legislature is controlled by the Republicans...it seems the governor tried to get the rules changed so that absentee and mail in votes could be counted before election day like many of the states do but the state legislature said no!....the only reason I can think of for the Republicans to do that would be so that they could complain about late vote counting and try to do something about it in the courts...talk about hypocracy...I have not checked out the other battleground states to see if this is happening there as well....
  10. I don't believe for a second that there is massive voter fraud going on.... for that to happen there would have to be a ton of people involved and it would soon be out in the open....the complaints of fraud from the republicans are just sour grapes...
  11. Well no surprises...a very close election with a bunch of states still counting votes...some of them will be counting votes for a week or more so patience is called for....
  12. Really good song...looking forward to a full release.....
  13. I actually liked a few of the bands....Nirvana , Soundgarden and Alice in Chains....can't think of any others at this time but I'm sure there are some....
  14. Despite complaints of late mail in votes not being counted and voter suppression in some areas, the bottom line is that the American people will make their choice today and considering the amazing amount of votes that have already been cast (100 million or so) I expect a fair and reasonable outcome...so whether it is Trump or Biden, there should be no reason for anyone to lose their shit.... I agree with a previous post about the US needing a third party ... a centrist party that takes the best from both the Dems and Reps ... I think such a party would have a good chance at power and the end result would be more common sense from the other 2 parties as they would hemorrhage votes to a centrist party.....
  15. So for the heck of it, lets say Biden wins and the right lose their minds and run riot and cause mayhem all over the place...I guess it would be reasonable for Biden to send out the National Guard and crush them? At least it sounds like the right move to me....and yes I believe this is a reasonable move no matter who the rioters are....
  16. I see it as a toss up...could go either way and yes the polls are useless....
  17. Dead Planet


    The world can not and should not shut down to deal with this virus as it is way too expensive to follow that path for long....however we should be using a little common sense , social distancing and face masks seem to work just fine if everyone would get onboard with this direction....the problem is many people seem to think this is a terrible infringement of their liberties which is ridiculous.....show a little respect and responsibility to your fellow man....besides wearing face masks has a real advantage, we don't have to see how ugly many people (Geoff) are, some people(Geoff) should have to wear masks by law so the rest of us can be spared the uglyness...
  18. Dead Planet


    Pelosi is no worse than Mitch Mcconnell as they both put party first before the country.....
  19. Dead Planet


    I doubt Pelosi will be going anywhere anytime soon but hopefully Graham will get his two faced ass kicked out on Nov 3.....
  20. Dead Planet


    The problem with the stimulus issue is that both sides have to be willing to compromise and the last time I checked the Dems had dropped their original ask by a third....what have the Reps done besides cast blame on the Dems? And the Dems aren't going to magically open everything up after the election especially if they win...quite the opposite, they will try to close things down even more and the Reps will be screaming blue murder over that instead of complaining that the Dems are only locking things down until the election....
  21. That is some funny shit in front of a mainly liberal audience so kudos to him....too many standup comedians these days are trying to be PC , there is nothing funny about PC ...
  22. Guess which team is the only one still undefeated? The big test will come next week when they take on the Ravens....
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