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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I would like to see all the people doing the violence and destruction get arrested and charged but not all of the people at these events are rioting , usually it is just a few idiots causing trouble BUT when you watch the cops in these situations, they charge the entire crowd and arrest whoever they can get their hands on and that is usually not the ones breaking the law so yes they get released without charges...however in places where to violence has been going on for weeks at every 'protest' they should be charging everyone dumb enough to show up...that might bring an end to the silliness happening in places like Portland...
  2. There are protests going on all over and the majority of them are peaceful but we don't hear about them because the media only covers the ones with violence and rioting...and I said MAYBE Biden getting elected would calm things, actually the only way for things to calm down is if the cops stop killing unarmed blacks and that will take a legislative change where police aggression and systemic racism is dealt with and that will only happen if the Dems win all 3 houses...
  3. Those helmets only help so much...there is a long list of guys with brain injuries in football and hockey....
  4. I hope I'm wrong but I expect that we will have to get a shot every year to combat this virus as I think it will mutate constantly...it will be the same as influenza....which means we will be fighting it forever....I can't believe it will ever be mandatory anywhere except places like China where you have no choice in anything.....
  5. It depends on whether they rush a vaccine into production.....many people will be wary if it has not been properly tested....I know I wouldn't take a vaccine that wasn't fully tested and most people would feel the same.....would you take the Russian or Chinese vaccines?.....I think it will take more than a vaccine just before the election to help him out....of course anything is possible, I would not count him out as people are extremely gullible these days.....
  6. You guys may as well get used to it as the protests are not going away anytime soon...maybe if Biden gets elected things will cool down...another 4 years of Trump will mean another 4 years of mayhem.....
  7. I thought it sounded more like Accept......
  8. Really good band ....looking forward to the new cd.....
  9. I can't understand why anyone would want a racist leader with no integrity or honor....just because he throws out a few political bones to get a few good headlines does not change the fact that he is a despicable human being and should not be in charge of anything....his latest action is to stop anti-racism training in the federal service....
  10. Everything that isn't pro-Trump is fake news to his delusional supporters.....just because it is not on film does not mean it isn't true...it is exactly the sort of comment he would make as he has no respect for anyone but himself....
  11. So now Trump has said that war vets are suckers and losers....his supporters will excuse that like everything else outrageous he has said but considering he is a draft dodger himself and proud of it... it sounds like something he would say since he would never put his life on the line for anyone besides himself...
  12. Glad to hear you are back and doing well.....
  13. Good song...did they put out a full release?
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