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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. So now Biden is responsible for all the crap that has happened over the last 4 years...the poor bastard isn't even president yet..and of course Trump is blameless for the insanity of his entire term as president...
  2. As I've stated before, both the far left and the far right are idiots but I expect things will improve over the next 4 years as they can't get much worse considering how much of a mess Trump has left...anyone who thinks the last 4 years were wonderful is living in a fantasy world, Biden may not be the best man for the job but he can't do worse than Trump so I would not be concerned about the country falling apart...at least not until 2024...
  3. Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate that the Dems have ever offered up for president and I would have voted against her myself if I had been able to vote...
  4. Socialist losers and anti-Semites are 2 of the tags they use and lets not even mention the nastiness they spew toward African-American voters for voting Democrat....most of the vitriol coming from the Left is directed at Trump for a host of good reasons which Trump is solely responsible for since he has done everything possible to cause the political divide that we see in America today...
  5. Do you really believe that the Right doesn't slam the Left's supporters? Both sides have made outrageous and ridiculous statements and claims about the other side...it seems you are viewing the situation from a right of center lens...
  6. I was referring to the party not the voters.....
  7. Yeah it has been over now for a while but I am surprised that the Republicans have fought reality for so long...they have embarrassed themselves in their unwillingness to admit Biden won and have dangerously undermined the tenets of democracy...
  8. Yeah I had to adjust my spending habits...but I got out of the city , sold my townhome condo and moved to a rural area and bought a home for less than a third of what my condo was worth and I'm getting by on about 50% of what I was making before retirement and I'm not really missing out on anything...the money is there if I need something...as long as the market doesn't tank that is....
  9. Mondays no longer suck...I'm up until 2-3am and get up around 11am every day...love retirement...only downside is I don't know what day it is most of the time...lol
  10. I worked for a telecommunications company until I retired a few years ago and we had remote working available for at least 10 years but the managers fought it tooth and nail because they wanted to be 'seen' to manage people and it was difficult to do if we worked remotely so we were only allowed to work remote 1-2 days a week even during the SARS outbreak...maybe attitudes have changed but I doubt it....it works financially for them if they aren't paying for office space but most will keep office space as they will want to see employees at least occasionally....
  11. As soon as this virus is behind us the travel industry will recover quickly and be back stronger than ever...the online stuff will recede somewhat as people get out of the house regularly....remote working will recede as well as most companies don't trust their employees to work unsupervised....I don't see a cashless society anytime soon, too much of a radical change for many people....the kids stopped partying!!! next you'll tell me the world stopped spinning too...
  12. I don't have an issue with the vocals and there are always several keepers on every release so this is a guaranteed pickup for me....
  13. Now I'm hearing that the vaccines might only give you 3 months of protection!.....WTF!
  14. I would not be shocked if he is president in 2024.....but he is done for now....
  15. I think most of the richer countries will have vaccinated the majority of their populace by the end of 2021 but I would not expect that to be the case with the rest of the world.....maybe by the end of 2022 .... but I expect that the virus will be with us in some form permanently and hopefully they will require people to prove vaccination before being allowed on airplanes....
  16. The Steelers need to find a running game or they won't be going far in the playoffs.....you can't throw every down and expect to beat the better teams in the NFL.....
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