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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. I don't have much to fuckin' say!! Since fuckin' when?? I meant I didn't have much to fuckin' say TODAY. Don't fuck with me dude. I'm on a big fuckin time nicotine jag. I'm on EDGE , bro!! Well Fuck...*Hands you a fucking can of that dip You like so fucking much*
  2. At the rate I watch DVDs, I probably won't get to it until my kids are in college. So you might wanna just read up on it at IMDB. Oh I have read up on it, I just wanted Your opinion on it Man....
  3. Hell, pull out a CD from Dr Demento and list every song on it...... Steve Martin's King Tut springs to mind...... Among many others......
  4. What about..."Wooly Bully"?? Sam the Sham and the Pharohs!!! Truly silly, but also good.....
  5. That's the CD I Have too.. I don't think the second one is even in print anymore......
  6. Yea Queensryche for Me too, and um I kinda LIKE some of their stuff between Empire and Mindcrime II... I don't LOVE it, but...... I wonder how many votes Q5 will get?? I have one of their CDs, thanks to Keith letting Me know about em a few years ago..... Decent 80s Metal actually.......
  7. Sweet vids Dude!! I am digging these gals...... And yes I DID notice PJ Soles as Riff Randell too.....
  8. Dude.. Lemme know how Pulse is.. I been meaning to get that......
  9. Dude.. War is freakin AWESOME!!!! As is the Bourne Ultimatum... Hell ALL the Bourne movies are damn good.... I have the others, except Shoot em Up, haven't watched em yet though......
  10. Yes... yes they did. Are you telling me that you just remembered that NOW? Man, you musta been drunker than I thought when we went to that gig... No no I just re-read Your post, mentioning UKJ was on HH but not Scatterbrain.. and, since they OPENED up for Scatterbrain that night, I think Scatterbrain should be included on HH..... And, for the record, I believe Our buddy Chris was the most drunk that night.. As I recall He got up onstage to GET a beer before diving back into the crowd onto You and Dave..... Man that HAD to hurt.....
  11. The stage dive(s) that evening were to "Earache My Eye" and "Don't Call Me Dude," my friend. If you'll recall, I called stage dive rights during "Dude" while we were on the way to the venue... I just checked the main Heavy Harmonies site and Scatterbrain aren't even in the database. If I were to submit their album info (I have all of their stuff, even an Australian-only EP with some live tracks!) do y'all think they'd be added? I dunno if they're exactly "H.H. Material," but then again, Faith No More are on H.H., as are Ugly Kid Joe, and I think Scatterbrain kinda falls in between the two. Dan? Pete? Whaddaya think? True, true You DID call stage dive rights to "Don't Call Me Dude" On Our way to the show that night.. But, didn't You decide to stage dive to their first song as You were right up front anyways?? I forget what They opened with though.... Just noticed something... You mentioned ugly Kid Joe.. Didn't they OPEN for Scatterbrain that night???
  12. The Gameplan... Pretty good movie actually.....
  13. Same here Man.... Mindcrime is, undeniably their BEST album... Period.......
  14. Welp, so much for that faint hope... I heard from my reporter friend yesterday and he ain't gonna be able to get free tix to the Maiden gig like he did last time they came thru... apparently the show sold out to the rafters faster than expected so there were a very limited amount of press seats, and he didn't get his bid in for comp tix in time. Sigh. Well that does indeed suck dude..... Maybe it's not that bad though?? I mean I would HATE to have to fly back to NJ and have Yer legs broken for going to see Maiden TWICE for free...... Of course I kid.....
  15. So... Much.... CHEESE!!!!!!! OMG those clips were SO Bad they were actually GOOD!!!
  16. JetBoy's FEEL THE SHAKE has a coupla good songs... the little else I've heard from them has been pretty "meh" Yea Jetboy's another one... LOVED that tune "Feel the Shake" I don't think I heard much if anything else by them though....
  17. Saw this T Shirt and busted a gut laughing..... http://313merch.com/313_shirt_order/britney+bitch.html
  18. Not surprising. In the U.S. at least, nine times outta ten, you ask somebody if they like Rage, they think you're talking about "Rage Against The Machine." Yea, and doing a search for Rage on like Amazon?? brings up a TON Of Rage Against the Machine CDs..... And I'm like.. No that's NOT what I am looking for!!!!!!
  19. The Few.. The Proud.. The RAGE Fans!!!
  20. I know Saw V comes out in time for Halloween.. I WILL see that.....
  21. Iron Maiden "Live After Death"!!!! I had it BEFORE Keith too!!!!
  22. Thought of another one.. Now I haven't read alot of the recent posts, SO if they are mentioned already I apologize.. But, what about.. Autograph?? They had 3 pretty good albums and then just faded away...... I really did like the "Sign in Please" Album too...... On a Major label, but they just didn't go anywhere really...... I mean Who DIDN'T like that tune "Turn Up the Radio"????
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