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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Indeed.... My Sister saw Him live in like 1988 I think...... I USED to own one of His CDs, but I have long since gotten rid of it.......
  2. Yes You should definitely pick up their first 4 albums Man... MUCH better than the Black Album......
  3. Backed!!! What a tool. Yea the "Black Gordon Rasmsey"?? Yea, whatever dude.. You got LUCKY not to get cut......
  4. Alvin and the Chipmunks.... Hey it was funny damnit!!!!
  5. Yep yep got My DVR all set up!! Actually, never stopped it from LAST Season, so, um yea it's recording THIS season too......
  6. Yea, what He said.....
  7. Watched Hostel 2 Unrated, and 30 Days of Night last night...... Nothing like a good double does of blood, guts and gore.......
  8. Blade Trinity... I just LOVE that movie..... Saw Enchanted last week, and yea I enjoyed it.. that squirrel was pretty funny.....
  9. I went with Testament.. but Twisted Sister is a VERY close second..... I BET Keef gonna vote for Trixter......
  10. Latest DVD Haul.... Hitman Unrated The Mist I Am Legend Enchanted That's it for this week.....
  11. Er.. Um.... Yea, ok... Stop talking about Keef's Mom already!!!!! Bite the wax tadpole! Klaatu Barada Nikto!! klaatu as in the band from poland? Er, No, that's from the movie "Army of Darkness"....
  12. Yea, you kinda like Bart Simpson Bro...... WHERE'S MY SPY CAMERA? WHERE'S MY SPY CAMERA? WHERE'S MY SPY CAMERA? WHERE'S MY SPY CAMERA?? My point has been proven Bro.....
  13. Yea, you kinda like Bart Simpson Bro......
  14. Watched The Mist and Hitman last night... Both were VERY good..... The Mist was pretty creepy, and had just enough blood and guts to keep Me satisfied......
  15. Hmmm.. Interesting picks My Man.... I pipcked Of Wolf and Man off the Black Album, cause I am a lil SICK of hearing "Enter Sandman" Or "Sad But True" Or "Nothing Else Matters" They got the SHIT played out of em back in the 90s, so I went with a more obscure tune..... Kudos on voting for Orion too.. Freaking AWESOME instrumental piece!!!!!
  16. I was talking about METALLICA My Man.. Sorry, but um St Anger?? is NOT Metallica, least not the Metallica you and Me know and at one time loved......
  17. Ok here's My picks... From Kill Em All... Seek and Destroy From Ride the Lightening... Creeping Death From Puppets.. Damage Inc. From Justice... Harvester of Sorrow And from the Black Album?? Of Wolf and Man.... I got in a Metallica mood lately.....
  18. Ok, thought I'd try something different.. What's Your favorite tune off each of the first 5 Metallica albums?? I figured I would stop with the Black album, cause, well after that, it's NOT the Metallica I remember.. Some would argue the Black Album isn't Metallica, but I digress..... I gotta think about My answers for a lil while......
  19. Tough choice, but I finally went with The Scorpions... More quality releases over all......
  20. Yea No kidding, and it keeps growing......
  21. Eh, she's pretty cute.. I wouldn't be kicking her outta bed, that's for sure.....
  22. Not if you buy them enough drinks. Um ok Yer scarin Me now Bro.... Must be something in the water out there in Jersey.......
  23. Good to know. I was starting to wonder. By the way how much does a monkey cost? He's still at it! The price of a monkey depends on the brand and whether it's silver pressed. Does a silver pressed monkey have a certain matrix number on its inner ring? Yes, but you don't ever want to mess with a monkey's inner ring. I was gonna say.. Isn't that kinda.. Dangerous????
  24. Er.. Um.... Yea, ok... Stop talking about Keef's Mom already!!!!!
  25. I cannot believe you just said that about Keef's mother... Say wha? You must have used a different online translator than I did... *Hands Keef a baseball bat, pointing to Delbert's knees* You know what to do Bro..
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