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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Well, tomorrow I go to the fucking hospital for ANOTHER fucking surgery!! At the ass crack of fucking dawn!!!! I Have to be there at 6 fucking am!!!!
  2. Well this just sucks.. LOVE His voice.. Without Him it just ain't Barren Cross.. Least not to Me anyways.....
  3. Was the Maiden version one of their b-sides? I don't think I've heard it before. Real Rock Fan beat me to it... it was the B-Side to "Stranger in a Strange Land." I have the Castle Records 2-CD edition of SOMEWHERE IN TIME and "That Girl" is on the bonus disc. I've got that.. And the other 9 albums released as 2 CD versions..... I don't remember that song though, will have to play it again soon, once I am outta the hospital, definitely.....
  4. Yea You certainly could Man.. I remember that Trivia of Doom You used to give Me in College.. I knew some, but not ALL.. SO yea You could definitely stump Eddie Trunk.. NO problem.....
  5. I.... LOVE..... This..... Thread!!!!!! That is all....
  6. Yea NO Shit.. Too many crazy shoppers out there today......
  7. Nickelback "Dark Horse" Man I just can't get enough of this album!!!!!!
  8. This album kicks some serious Ass!! That is all......
  9. Wow that's a whole heap of good METAL!!!! Though I admit to being a lil suprized you are spinning Iced Earth - FRAMING ARMAGEDDON: SOMETHING WICKED PART I, and not Part II with Matt Barlow back on vocals.....
  10. You ain't the only one, bud. No.. NO yer not the only one.. RIP Joey and Dee Dee......
  11. Wow I am still in a lil bit of shock aftwer watching the finale last night... Sure it wasn't incredibly awesome, and yea I do feel slightly let down, but still it was good... I agree, Vic is now in His own private hell with His new job... Now, about how it ended?? With Vic pulling out His gun?? Was I the only one that thought, maybe He'd blow His brains out instead of living that life??? THAT woulda been one hell of a shock if He did..... Instead He just stared at it and tucked it in the back of His pants and left, and then it ended.... I was also shocked about what happened with Shane.. For those WWE fans, He basically pulled a Chris Benoit, killing His wife and kid before killing Himself.... I was not expecting that at all..... I was really hoping He would spend the rest of His life in Jail, along with that stupid bitch of a wife..... And yea it sucked seeing Ronnie going down, and Vic couldn't do anything to help Him.... He pretty much lied to Ronnie, saying they would BOTH get immunity, all along knowing Ronnie wasn't gonna get it, only He was...... Now there's no more new episodes of the Shield... and I am sad..... But I DO have the first 6 seasons on DVD and will buy the final season when it comes out.. Sometime next year.....
  12. While I don't LOVE it, it's certainly better than anything else They have put out over the past oh 10 years or so.....
  13. Hm,mm... Well the entire album is streaming on their Myspace page?? I am listening to it now.... Eh.... Nothing, and I mean NOTHING like Appetite for Destruction.... Hell even the Use your Illusions albums blow this away.... Not one really REALLY good tune yet to be honest.. I don't HATE it, but after 14 years or so, you'd think Axl could come up with something better than this...... I don't think I will be rushing out to buy this on Sunday......
  14. Consider me officially jealous!!! They have like 20 beers on tap, including Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Lagunitas IPA, Anchor Steam... to name but a few... it's AWESOME!!! Ok Where do You live??*Plans on moving...*
  15. Wow.. Did Vic just leave Ronnie out to get hung?? Hopefully Ronnie gets immunity too, or He's fucked.... And Shane's wife is one stupid bitch, and I HOPE she goes down as hard as Shane does...... Man she should NEVER have a gun in her hand.... Ever..... And yea I DID love Claudette's reaction to Vic getting immunity as she's listening to Him confessing to ALL the shit He and His team have done..... The Series finale is gonna be GOOD!!!!! I can't wait, but after it's over I am gonna be sad.....
  16. Their cover of "Don't Fear the Reaper" Is on their "Evil Star" Album... Pretty good cover too.....
  17. If I were you?? I would spin the new Edguy first.. Maybe forget all about the Guns and Roses???
  18. I Have this CD and it kicks some ASS!!! Damn I LOVE these guys!! Not one piece of filler on the entire album.... Check out the video for "I Will Kill Again" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFii5LGS1xo
  19. Well shit I live near Portland and I missed this.. Damnit.... But I am looking forward to hearing anything new from Keel.. Been a fan for about 20 years.. Thanks to My man Keith of course....
  20. Well They survived a Tour together without Dave and Eddie coming to blows onstage, but Can they survive all that studio time together??? Don't get Me wrong, I would be interested in a new album with Dave back on the mic, trust Me...... Now, they'd have to bring back Michael Anthony too......
  21. Having a pet put to sleep is Never easy.... I remember when I was 15 or 16, coming home from school to find out Our dog had been put down.. Now, this dog was around 14 or 15 years old at the time, but still I was pretty broken up over it...... Hey Keith?? Yer cat was named Lester eh?? I gotta ask.. Was He "Wicked"?? Sorry, obscure Kiss reference there to lilghten the mood a lil bit.....
  22. Did I mention, about 9 years ago or so I got carded in MY hometown, by a girl that graduated 2 years AFTER I did???? Yea I got the whole babyface thing going on too.....
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