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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. Only started playing this CD today so maybe too early to form an opinion but I certainly don't hate it. It's heavy but nothing I wouldn't expect from JSS. Track 4 'Break' is an early favourite.
  2. The title of all their albums just blur together, I'm sure they've already used Return to L.A. before.
  3. That 'Orphan' is pretty excellent. Like Jez said, unmistakeably Toto. In fact it sounds really similar to another Toto song but I just can't think of which one. Really like this band and looking forward to the new album.
  4. I loved Beautiful Mess as well Yep Beautifull Mess was excellent. I still think 'Our Song' is up there as one of his best songs in the JSS catalogue.
  5. Thanks Geoff, ok so it doesnt look like many wonderful discoveries will come from this but I'll keep looking anyway...there must be a few gems among them. Cheers.
  6. No I haven't downloaded all of that but that list is just some of what is on this site so I thought I would investigate a bit and see if anything is worth listening to. Thanks to Stefan for the Geneva samples. Cheers.
  7. Thanks Stefan ☺ Checking these clips out now. Cheers.
  8. Yeah I recall a release by them called Crown of Thorns or something but can't remember if I listened to it.
  9. Ok cool, thanks Kristian actually I have heard of Sweet Cheater...but can't recall having heard them. And Little Angels I know of too but not this particular release. Will check out Sator. Cheers.
  10. A bit of a random post here but I stumbled across a website that has a bunch of music for download including lots of hard rock / glam etc from the late 80s through to the mid 90s. I won't list the site here (pm me if curious) because I know it's naughty to download but I was just hoping some of the very knowledgeable hard rock fans of that era could tell me if any of these are worth a look at. I compiled this list based upon band names, album covers and year of release only, so for all I know the music could be complete shit but hopefully there are some cool bands among these. This is just a fraction of what is on the site. Im guessing there is probably a lot of mid 90s sell out junk here too but hoping to find a few goodies. Some of these are just band names, others have an album / EP title beside them. Cheers. PS melodicrockoz could you please be among those to reply because you have heard of every band out there and recommend good shit, Geoff too... you are a bit of an encyclopedia of hard rock as well. And everyone else. Please reply now ..."please reply now" wasn't that an old joke from years ago on this forum? Applehead-Meaning-1992 Bad-Applz-Bad-Applz-1990 Bangkok-Shock Big-City-Make-Your-Mark-1993 Blak-No-Bed-Of-Roses-1992 Borderline Bradford-Youth-Gang Briar-Too-Young-1985 Buster-Rogue-Buster-Rogue-1994 Chainsaw-Jane-Jane-Is-A-Four-Letter-Word-1992 Cryer-Cryer-1991 Dead-Ballerinas-Dead-Ballerinas-1989 Ded-Chaplin-Ded-Chaplin-1St-1990 Ded-Chaplin-Final-Revolution-1992 Ded-Chaplin-Rock-The-Nation-1991 Degree-Xiii-Demo-1994 Dirty-Dealin Dubeel-Dubiel Duq-N-Cover-Incoming-1992 D-Z-Stanz-Brimstone-And-Fire-1994 Engine Euphoria-Jack-1989 Fifi-La-Rou-Lick-And-A-Promise-1990 Freak-House Geneva-Temptation-1988 Goat-Medication-Time-1991 Grand-Vision-Honor-And-Glory-1988 Guttersluts-Beg-Borrow-And-Steal-1995 Hat-Trikk-Hat-Trikk-1997 Haze-And-Shuffle-Get-Your-Haze-1993 Hollyrock-Legalize-Freedom-1987 Ivory-Tower-Usa Jamie-Laritz-Jamie-Laritz-1990 Juicy-Lucy Jump-Dreamin-1987 Kid-Sin Knights-Reign-Knights-Reign-1994 Landslide-1 Leggesy-Leggesy-1987 Lions-Share-Ghost-Town-Queen-1988 Little-Angels-Too-Much-Too-Young-1992 Mad-Atchu-Liquor-Cure-1993 Madhouse-Everything-Kills-1990 Mark-Hafer-Wanna-Get-High-1998 Minaton-One-Day-In-Paradise-1995 Nations Otokogumi-5-2-1992 Otokogumi-Im-Waiting-4-You-1991 Otokogumi-Otokogumi-1988 Paralyce-She-Loves-Another-Man-1987 Pata Poobah-Switch-On-1989 Priority-Priority-1990 Priority-Undercover-1989 Rattlin-Bones Remo-Calling-Out-For-You-1987 Rich-Rags-Psycho-Deadheads-From-Outer-Space-1993 Riff Ritmo-Tribale Rozy-Coyote Sand-Rubies-Sand-Rubies-1993 Sator-Headquake-1992 Savino-Destiny-1995 Scam-Luiz-Heading-For-The-Dream-1992 Secret-Shelter-Beyond-The-Mirror-1996 Section-Eight-Bad-Girl-1988 Seven-Skys Shame Sister-Midnight-Satellite-City-1990 Sly-Boots-3-Of-A-Kind-1991 Smart-Ass S-O-S-Es-Wird-Viel-Passiern-1996 Sp-Science-Project-1990 Steelover-Unreleased-Albums-1986 Street-Kidz-Out-Of-The-Ruins-1994 Striker-Usa Sudden-Thunder Sweet-Cheater Sx-Sx-1990 Syrenade Tender-Fury-Garden-Of-Evil-1989 Terra-Flames-Of-Passion-1987 The-Four-Horsemen-The-Four-Horsemen-1989 Theode-Scott-Love-Game-1989 Theode-Scott-Wedding-In-The-Sky-1993 The-Outrage-Dirty-Fantasies-1993 The-Outsiders-Skin-1990 The-Shake-Smash-And-Grab-1993 Trace Traxter-Rock-N-Race-1991 Veralin-On-The-Run-1993 Virgin-Blue Watchmen-Generation-1989 Whatever-Sugarbuzz-1996 White-Friday-Lord-Of-Revival-1987 Wild-Ones-Writing-On-The-Wall-1991 Xx-Badboy
  11. 2014 was probably my least active year both here on the forum and with listening to new bands so unfortunately I missed a lot of these. However I did love both 5SOS and We Are the In Crowd...both catchy as hell. I'm doing my best to keep up with some more of the new releases in 2015. Hey Geoff didn't Yellowcard release some kind of Paper Walls remake or acoustic thingy last year or am I just dreaming that?
  12. I thought both albums were pretty enjoyable, can't recall which I liked better but think from memory the first has better songs and the second a better production? Looking forward to hearing more from these guys. Sad to say but I only recently learnt who David Hungate is, through promo for the new Toto album. He's a bit of a legend apparently?
  13. Really good stuff. Checking these out for the first time...have to track down the album for sure. Cheers for the recommendation guys!
  14. And that's how it probably is for most of us. Good luck to the guys who can easily afford to buy new CDs at will and support every artist they desire. I'm sure we all wish we could, but it's definitely not possible for me, so I do the best I can with the cash I have at my disposal... which is not much at all, haha! I agree 100%. I don't think there is anything wrong with buying and selling CDs on sites such as eBay; and like others have said, how does this differ from used CD stores, buying used vinyl or any other kind of used media with copyrights. Dan makes a good point too that buying and selling 2nd hand CDs on eBay has been going on for a long time and did not coincide with more recent declines in sales of new CDs. Personally if it wasn't for 2nd hand media I wouldn't be involved in this music scene at all. I simply can not afford to buy more than a handful of new CDs every year, those days of splurging on CDs ended when I got married and starred a family. So I say go ahead, buy and sell as many CDs as you want on eBay. I don't believe it is harming the artists because the alternative for many is not hearing the music at all.
  15. JC_AOR

    Blakk Boobz

    Maybe they will become one of those obscure cult bands...20 years from now people will be asking around for copies of the elusive blakk boobz demos.
  16. Cool, very nice find Stefan. So these guys are not the new band who just released "We're Back", also from Sweden? Two separate bands?
  17. Yeah excellent songs but the album kind of sounds over the top as far as production goes and tends to sound a little poor as a result. Great band and I love all their albums but something is definitely aniss with the sound here....
  18. Only played it once so far and would have to say that it falls a bit short of my expectations. Not bad by any means but the songs probably weren't as memorable as those on their early albums. Still a good album and I'm sure it will grow on me over time.
  19. Good stuff, will check this band out for sure.
  20. Sounding heavier than I was expecting. I love Soto and just about everything he has been involved in but I do hope this album has some ballads too.
  21. Sounding pretty good, will check out some more samples.
  22. Excellent single, looking forward to hearing the full album.
  23. Excellent album, excellent band, bring on album #4.
  24. Yeah good stuff, one to look forward to. I liked Three Lions though it was a little samey at times. I really like the vocals here and musically sounds great too.
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