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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. Hmm.... I don't really miss Jin, because I don't think he's really dead. After watching last night's episode, I must amend my thoughts on the whole "who's in the casket" theory. I no longer believe it to be Michael (not because he returned as Kevin Johnson last night) but because I think the casket we saw at the end of last season contained............. NOONE. It was simply a memorial service for one of the other passengers from Oceanic Flight 815 who was local to Jack and Kate. Whoever it is, is still trapped back on the island, and that's why when Jack asked Kate, "Did you go?" she replied with "why would I go?" She knew the person wasn't really dead, so she saw no reason to go just maintain the Oceanic Six's "story" I also believe that Sun was crying last night, not because Jin is dead, but because he remains stuck on the island of the damned... That also kinda explains the comments between Sun and Hurley when he asked "Anyone else coming?", she replied with "No", and he said "Good". It's easier for Hurley to maintain the lie with fewer members of the Oceanic Six around. The Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, & Ben (probably under the assumed name/identity of one of the actual crash victims)
  2. Was it just me, or was the moment Stanley pulled the trigger last night one of the most satisfying TV moments in a long time?
  3. For anyone interested, here are the Lindsay Lohan nudes from New York magazine:
  4. As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. Some random thoughts/questions... Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope... Ahh... I love this show.
  5. Not going to post any spoilers til after the west coast airing, but who else had the big swerve figured out about midway through the episode?
  6. Yep, they work, and they are quite good IMO.
  7. Enjoyed the episode from last night... it made alot of sense the way they moved the storyline forward, especially considering they only had 7 episodes to do their second season. I just wish more people were tuning in: http://tvbythenumbers.com/2008/02/13/niels...il-jericho/2658 Still, anyone who missed the episode can watch it here: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/video...y=true&cc=3
  8. Hmm... my guess on who the Oceanic Six are: Jack Hurley Kate <--- the first 3 are obvious Sawyer Michael (I also believe he's who was in the casket) Walt I believe at some point, these 6 are going to be faced with a choice; take your opportunity to leave the island NOW, or stay and help all your friends...and of course, they made the wrong choice, and now can not live with themselves. I found it interesting that Hurley was able to see "Jacob" Is Oceanic Air actually intertwined with the island's dark secret? Damn good episode...a damn shame we're only going to get 8 of 'em this season...
  9. Well done chap!! - finally you can relax and stop keep hassling me about it Just discovered Carmen Gray earlier this year myself. Damn good CD!
  10. To clear your cache... If using Firefox, follow this path: Tools---->Options--->Network Tab--->Press "Clear Now" button in "cache" section If using Internet Explorer, follow this path: Tools--->Internet Options--->General Tab--->Browsing History--->press "delete" button--->Press "Delete Files" button--->Press "yes"
  11. Everything's working fine for me as well.... First thing I'd suggest, if you haven't already done so, is clear your browser's cache, and empty your cookies. Then log back in to the board, and try those features again and see what happens. Mike
  12. Check out Stone Gods' video for "You Brought a Knife to a Gunfight" http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=26941055 Fawk yeah!
  13. Wow... seems that sick feeling is pretty common: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/01/24/movie...ness/index.html ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- "Cloverfield" is the first adrenaline-pumping monster hit of the year, bringing in more than $40 million dollars on its opening weekend. The thriller is told from the point of view of five young New Yorkers using their handheld camera. But for some viewers, being "part" of the movie is making them sick -- literally. One blogger on the popular movie database IMDB.com said, "I had to get up and leave the theater for nearly 20 minutes just to keep from hurling." Other moviegoers have reported being nauseated and dizzy. Most viewers are unaffected by the film, but for those who are, experts say the problem is in their heads. "This is a classic case of vertigo," said Dr. Michael G. Stewart, chairman of otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose and throat medicine) at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weil Cornell Medical Center. "You can look around and feel like things are moving, when they aren't." Vertigo is caused when a person's balance system gets confused. Your body feels a strong visual sensation of movement but in reality, you aren't moving at all. The disconnect confuses your brain sensors and can cause dizziness and nausea, Stewart said. AMC theaters across the country have posted signs warning moviegoers of potential "side effects associated with motion sickness similar to riding a roller-coaster." Don't Miss So why does the film style affect some viewers and not others? "People have different levels of susceptibility, similar to how some people cannot ride on a small boat without getting sick," Stewart said. "It's just a natural variation." The good news is, experiencing vertigo is rare for most people. So if you are itching to see "Cloverfield" but are worried you might get sick, experts recommend taking a dose of over-the-counter anti-vertigo medicine, sold under such brand names as Bonine and Dramamine II. "It might not protect you from all the symptoms, but it could, and it certainly can't hurt," Stewart said. Another tip is to briefly close your eyes during the movie. It may be enough to recalibrate your sensors and soothe your symptoms long enough to finish the movie. advertisement And if you're really concerned, just wait to rent the movie. "A person would be fine watching from home," Stewart said. "When you are on your couch, you have perspective around the screen so your mind knows the movie is moving and the room isn't."
  14. Jen Hilton, cover model from the Bang Tango & Hollywood Hairspray discs
  15. Grand Theft Parsons Nothing to get overly excited about, but Johnny Knoxville actually does really well in the role of Phil Kaufman IMO. Plus, Christian Applegate and Marley Shelton have roles...and are hotties!
  16. Yeah, pretty damn bad. There are a few visually stunning shots throughout the film, and you do connect with the characters a bit and feel sorry for their situation, but overall, it's just a clusterf*ck of a film. IMO, the Blair Witch Project was a masterpiece compared to this....
  17. DON'T! One of the most disappointing films I've ever seen... But, if you do decide to go, I urge you to sit as far back from the screen as possible. Due to the fact that the entire film is from a hand-held camera perspective, there is CONSTANT movement and spinning, and I actually began feeling sick to my stomach as I watched.... Just a miserable film going experience all the way around.
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