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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. Revisited this one today… For whatever reason, it didn’t do much for me when it came out last year, but it really hit the spot today. Good, solid metal that’s better than quite a few of Judas Priest’s releases from the last 25 years. Well worth checking out 👍
  2. Interesting 🤔 Techno featuring former members of Ghost… definitely not my normal listening fare. 😜
  3. Been through this one several times over the last few days, and am loving it! 😎
  4. Simple thread idea… whenever you get goodies in the mail; post em! Todays haul… a literal yin and Yang! 😜 Anthrax - XL Page 99 - For Imagination’s Sake
  5. If I were to do my 2022 top 5 list right now, Def Leppard are definitely in it… I find myself enjoying it more and more with each spin. FYI, the deluxe version of DSH features a Joe only version of “Lifeless”. I don’t mind the version with Alison Krauss, but I absolutely can NOT get into “This Guitar”; it’s the lone song that I usually skip.
  6. I’m thinking of picking up the new one and working my ways backwards 👍
  7. Well, the bad production is there throughout, but like I said in the Journey thread, hidden beneath it is a decent album, particularly if you drop your least favorite 3-4 songs from the running order. Regardless, I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews for the album out there, so it’s obviously not a big issue for some folks. 🤷‍♂️ Great production can’t save a bad song, but bad production can drag a great song down a bit unfortunately. On a different note, I always like watching Brendon’s stuff, as there are usually a handful of releases that I didn’t even know about in his lists. 👍
  8. Damn, these guys have been around for a while, and have somehow never had an album submitted to HH... I quite like Saturday Night... investigating further.
  9. Palace - One 4 The Road Junkyard - Lifer/Last of a Dying Breed single
  10. Top releases of 2022 so far for Mr Snyder... yep... bad production and all, Journey is in there . ;-)
  11. Much like Alice In Chains, I have to be in the right mood to listen to Disturbed, and this suits me just fine today!
  12. Listening to this one this morning; these guys have really hit their stride on Ashes & Bones! Damn good stuff!
  13. Yeeeeeaaaah, I’m sure he hears it, but just chose not to focus on that. The one part of his review that I totally agree with is when he mentions that it doesn’t sound like Arnel is trying to sound like Steve Perry on Freedom, and is actually allowed to be himself… I thought the same thing upon first listen. I think there’s a decent album somewhere in here; take the 10-11 best songs , and give it a decent production…but as is, it’s a definite disappointment. 😕
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