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Everything posted by manicego

  1. I have an extra copy of 'Requiem ...' and listed it on eBay a few weeks ago but it didn't sell. Good band, though.
  2. Did Alan or Roy let you hear any of it yet? I am waiting for the final mix session on Nov30 for any final tweaks before I hear it... So far I've only heard "You Lie" (which is fantastic) but I should be hearing several more in the next week or so. Get rid of the drummer and the bass player and you might have a great album here! LOL Obviously kidding - this is how we all speak to each other with that bunch ....
  3. I've actually been talking to Roy about this (and Alan hit me up a few weeks back on Facebook) ... yep, it's gonna be pretty cool, indeed.
  4. This entire album is fantastic. What's funny (to me) is, way back when, tons of people were wanting them to cover "Shout at the Devil" and, if you listen closely, they kinda do steal that riff on one of the songs on the new album ...
  5. manicego


    Wow, there's someone in here that lives near me??? I used to live not far from the Mormom Temple (Univ. / Stapley) and those f-ing guys would come knock on the door at 9am on a Sunday. We have 5 dogs, two of which "bark like I'm REALLY fucking mean" and they'd get back on their bikes and haul ass. Now we're in Tempe (right at the Snotsdale border) and I don't think I've seen one since we've been here.
  6. From that era? I disagree... unless the catalog number on the spine has a promotional designation that differs from the released version and there's either a promo stamp or designation on the disc and/or the tray card. As you are intimately aware, back then the record labels did separate press runs for their promos and a label that size had them professionally done. This has all the earmarks of a Russian/Greek bootleg. I personally wouldn't touch it. EDIT: Looking at the current and completed eBay listings, with several sellers having quantity of supposedly "brand new" copies of this, I'm guessing there's a boot floating around. They were on PolyGram if I remember correctly. I have several PolyGram promos from the early 90's that were exactly like that. But, yes, all of the UPC's have a "Promotional Copy" stamp over top of them and the discs have the same thing.
  7. My RV was sold three weeks ago, I took my ad off of Craigslist as soon as the guy left my driveway with it, and yet at least once per day I still get at least one of these messages in my inbox: "Sizzling" huh? Wow, I must've written the sexiest "RV For Sale" ad in Craigslist history. Who knew? The wording changes slightly from one message to another but the idea is basically the same in each one, they want me to click on a Web link to access their "profile page," which obviously I am not doing... and there are usually one or two naked lady pictures attached to each message, but I am not clicking on those either... At first I was responding "Oh, please fuck off" to each of these but they just keep on comin'... so I guess my e-mail address must be in the "address book" of whatever automated "bot" sends these things out now. Oh, joy. Ahhhhh, shit, that's YOU I was sending those messages to??? And, yeah, it did hurt my feelings a bit when you told me to fuck off. Damn!
  8. I think overall Ratt has a stronger catalogue. Live though, Kix absolutely wipe their asses with Ratt. Zero comparison, 99.999999% of the reason being the travesty that is Stephen Pearcy. And, with all of Ratt's songs that are "better" than Kix's, the song "Cold Blood" (from Kix, in case someone is out of the loop) is one of my favourite songs ever. The intensity and the hook in the B section through to the chrorus in that song almost makes your spine bleed. I cannot turn that song up loud enough.
  9. This would make a great, "When you see it you'll shit bricks" poster thingie.
  10. That's because the Brits had already "figured it out" (Rob). I have the above as a CD and this one on vinyl. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Point-Entry-Judas-Priest/dp/B006BB8IWO/ref=sr_1_5?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1382344443&sr=1-5&keywords=point+of+entry There we go with it not embedding again ...
  11. That's because the Brits had already "figured it out" (Rob). I have the above as a CD and this one on vinyl. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Point-Entry-Judas-Priest/dp/B006BB8IWO/ref=sr_1_5?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1382344443&sr=1-5&keywords=point+of+entry
  12. This is fantastic. And fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OgExE3VIUcM
  13. Oyyyyyy, that one fucking worked .... whatever.
  14. Oh, good Lord. Okay, so this video - how do you embed it??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teqk6opzD6k
  15. You mean like this? Yep. I've done it before but I can't seem to remember.
  16. I think we've had this debate on several threads now. If you're using Firefox, you just paste the link into the body of the post, like so (fingers crossed): That's what I did ... weird
  17. Ark Factory is baaaaaaack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWLhrHVySgA
  18. As an unabashed Bee Gees fan I hafta say that was impressive as hell.
  19. Jan was a fantastic person. No ego, lots of fun to be around, drop dead gorgeous. I probably interviewed her 4 or 5 times for different magazines between the first two releases. Whenever we had an interview scheduled, she would send out for chocolate chip cookies and we would eat the entire box and talk, part interview, part just living life stuff. Haven't spoken to her since 1992 but it seems like yesterday ...
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