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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. My how time flies. I just realized that it's a month past when I started the annual donation drive last year. I'd been giving it some thought but still hadn't decided on what I was going to do as far as the prize packages this year. Now that I've procrastinated, rather than run the donation drive into the Christmas season when folks are usually strapped thin for cash anyway, I think I will delay it until Spring when people have somewhat recovered from their Christmas expenses. Going forward that may be a better time to hold it anyway. (of course that doesn't mean you HAVE to wait until the donation drive to do so if the spirit moves you. ) -Dan
  2. Let me guess: it's been a while since you logged in to leave comments (like before I changed the ratings system?). I had to change what is stored in your browser. Clear your cookies for heavyharmonies.com, log in again, and all should be well. -Dan P.S. I edited your post to remove the information you gave there, since it is actually your password, albeit encrypted.
  3. www.music-n-shit.com HH/BM/HM used to be one large database/site, but then more and more bands started appearing on the fringe of what HH was about and that was when I split the sites. If people are complaining about Bonnie Tyler being on HH, methinks they might complain just a wee bit about Emperor or Marduk being included... -Dan
  4. Do not question mah authoritah! Reminds me... we need a Cartman smile... -Dan
  5. Actually, if you want to get technical about it, Cher's albums from the late 1980s and early 1990s are *THE* definition of melodic rock, so why not include her? Heart of Stone is an AOR classic, IMO. There will always be artists who are on "the fringe" of what is acceptable, or they may have one or two albums out of an entire discography that are suitable (for example, the glam-era Pantera albums are included here). To a certain extent, it's a judgment call, and frequently it comes down to "what is my gut reaction when someone mentions XXXXXX's name?" Of course then there's the fact that many folks will disagree as to whether XXXXXX should be included. No matter what you do, someone will think it was the wrong choice. *shrug* -Dan
  6. Blargh. Call me Amerocentric, but situations like this are one of the reasons why (1) I don't trade any more unless it's someone I know here, and (2) I REALLY don't like dealing with people who don't speak at least semifluent English. Yes there are assholes in all languages, but the language barrier just compounds the situation. -Dan P.S. If you take a look at my Ebay listings I refuse to accept PayPal from Italian buyers. Too much fraud in the Italian postal system (or in the Italian population in general). I would never have engaged in this transaction to begin with.
  7. Some people are just plain STUPID! http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-v...p&type=lgns
  8. Impulse is a shell of what they used to be. I had an issue with them about 3 months ago with a Gotthard CD I ordered. It will sound eerily familiar. A month later it still had not arrived, and my emails kept going unanswered. Finally I emailed them and said I was doing a credit card chargeback, and lo and behold I magically received a response within hours. I guess they have a special filter on incoming email that only unblocks emails with either the word "chargeback" or "cocksucker" in it (I didn't really use the latter, but you get my drift... ). I waited another two weeks for the promised CD (I'm less than a 3 hour drive from Impulse, so 2 weeks should have been plenty), and then said "Fuck this!" and made the chargeback. Avoid. -Dan
  9. Allen Lande - Master of Sorrow Allen Lande - Under the waves Big Guns - Woman Circus Maximus - Wither David Readman - Evil Combination Fatal Charm - If It Rains All Day Fatal Charm - More Than Goodbye Gotthard - Falling Gotthard - Master of Illusion Nightingale - The Fields of Life Primal Fear - Everytime It Rains Scorpions - The Future Never Dies Scorpions - You're Lovin' Me To Death Shadow Gallery - Don't Ever Cry Just Remember Slash Puppet - Hard on Love Slash Puppet - Squeeze It In Terry Ilous - Got To Believe Terry Ilous - Waiting For A Girl Like You Voices Of Rock - Harry Hess - Irresistible Voices Of Rock - James Christian - Voodoo woman Voices Of Rock - Johnny Gioeli - Phoenix rising Voyeur - Long Way from Home W.A.S.P. - Heaven's Hung In Black W.A.S.P. - Take Me Up
  10. Oy vey... Ya'd think I was giving away root canals... On down the list we go... eaglesfan3000, you're on the clock. -Dan
  11. aMetalhead1966 gets the Royal Box tickets... movin' on to phaffas... -Dan
  12. Well there's a feature I'm clueless on. What happens if you simply delete them from that list? I think the list is only supposed to be people you're blocking (although how people get on the list as "Message Allow" I have NO idea...) -Dan
  13. I thought when this concert was first announced, tickets sold like wildfire and area hotels booked up faster than Rosie O'Donnell tears through the buffet line at Golden Corral? Dan, do you have any behind-the-scenes info. you can (or are willing to) share in terms of number of tickets sold? First-weekend sales were phenomenal... over 600 tickets sold. Then it pretty much died. I don't think sales have reached 800 yet. Considering that Andrew wanted to sell at least 1,500 tickets, that ain't good. Hey, I resemble that remark! While I'm not agoraphobic per se, I'm a hermit for the most part. It was a BIG step for me to start playing in a couple of local brass/wind ensembles on a regular basis. Too many people. The weird thing is that I wasn't always like this; I used to love going to bars and concerts... the last 10 years though, nah, I'll pass thanks. I prefer quiet intimate surroundings. I just don't like big crowds. But for a lineup like this, I'm willing to deal with it for 1 day. Hey, if you wanna come, I've got an extra Royal Box ticket right next to me... the boxes are at least somewhat separated from the rest of the throng. I'll probably be moving about between upstairs, downstairs, and backstage anyway, so that will be even fewer people for you to deal with. -Dan
  14. Well... I'm in a quandry... both winners of the contest cannot attend... and both have said I may do what I wish with the tickets (thanks guys). The question is what to do. It's been suggested that I auction them off, with the proceeds being considered a donation to HH. While I like the idea of money (don't we all ), the problem I have with that solution is that I don't think it's fair to the others who made the effort to participate in the contest with the hopes of winning tickets. So... I'm to give the other participants the first opportunity to claim the tickets, starting with Studboy, then aMetalHead1966, phaffas, EaglesFan3000, and Jacob M. I am asking that you only claim the tickets if you will actually attend the show. If you only need 1 ticket and not a pair, please say so, as I'm working with several small blocks of tickets and a "onesie" makes it easier for me to divvy up the tickets I have. All of the tickets are good ones (either Royal Box at the sides, or Front Row Mezzanine in the very center) so no worries. Given the lineup that's due to play, I really am surprised at the seeming across-the-board lack of interest in the show (those with logistical and/or prior commitments notwithstanding), and I don't just mean here. I would have thought the demand would be greater... *sigh* -Dan
  15. Screaming Symphony is my personal favorite. For a good cross-section of stuff, track down the Japanese greatest hits CD. -Dan
  16. Now that I've had time to process the last submissions and tabulate the results, the final count is: chocularok - 111 Rycheage - 50 Studboy - 19 aMetalhead1966 - 18 phaffas - 7 EaglesFan3000 - 4 Jacob M - 1 No surprise to anyone, chocularok wins the Royal Box Seat tickets to the Melodicrock.com concert. Congrabulashuns! And the random number generator decides that the Front Row Mezzanine tickets go to... Rycheage! Please PM me your address information and I'll get the tickets out to you this week. Thanks to everyone that participated. More than just the 7 folks listed above added CDs; several people knew they couldn't attend the concert but decided to help out submitting CDs anyway. This was a good way to spur additions to both HH and BM. I will probably do another contest like this again, but instead of event tickets (which limited the interested parties), I'll probably do a CD package giveaway like I do with the Annual Donation Drive. Thanks y'all! -Dan
  17. Did he just insinuate that I live in a fantasy world? The nerve. I have half a mind to get all the members of my Dungeons & Dragons club together and go kick his ass. Frankly, I'm offended that you would play a Satanic game like Dungeons & Dragons... Anyone else remember back in the 1980s when the PMRC and other organizations went after DND as being Satanic? Ahh, the "good ole days"... I remember the little comic booklets from these guys being sprinkled all over campus my freshman year in college... -Dan
  18. That's nice. Have a 7-day vacation to change your attitude. Valid criticisms from those who have firsthand experience or from longstanding members are acceptable. Drive-by bashing from a newbie is not. You're not off to a good start. -Dan
  19. 2 days left! Just today and tomorrow to get your entries in for the tickets! -Dan
  20. Just heard Vick's press conference after his pleading guilty. Overall it seemed straightforward and unrehearsed, but I have to ask: why does it seem that any time a superstar is doing a mea culpa, they've always "just found Jesus" as if that makes everything OK? I just don't buy it. I guess there's a cross section of American Society that will absolve all guilt because of such a pronouncement. Why do they never "find Jesus" before getting caught? The number of jailhouse conversions boggles the mind. If he had left out that part of it, I would have been impressed. -Dan
  21. Well, it looks like the PR attempt from Vick's team yesterday didn't do any good. Here is Roger Goodell's (Commissioner of the NFL) letter to Michael Vick today: http://assets.espn.go.com/media/pdf/070824...lvickletter.pdf Also ESPN is reporting that Nike has severed ties with Vick (took ya that long to figure out that Vick's image might not be great for advertising?... Duh.) -Dan
  22. Now they're talking about how it's possible that because Vick is willing to inform on other dogfighters, that he may not end up doing any jail time at all, and may simply get "House Arrest" which would allow him to work, meaning he would get to play in the NFL. What the FUCK is wrong with the authorities? There's a certain segment of our society cheering that he'll get off scott free... -Dan
  23. This flies directly in the face of what is currently being reported on ESPN Radio. Too many conflicting reports right now.... -Dan
  24. Anyone else experiencing this? I'm at a loss... -Dan
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