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Everything posted by DeLaCruz

  1. Oh yeah, this I like....... lots of attitude!! When's this being released?
  2. I can listen to it but it definitely isn't a great record and certainly won't become one of my faves. Listened to it in the car today but it's not something I blast full volume because I don't want anybody to hear me listening to this stuff LOL. It's certainly not that type of record, take Motley Crue, W.A.S.P. or even most songs from Jettblack's last album, now this is stuff you turn up loud when driving around and feel cool all that kinda stuff. Disguises is sort of ... mellow, still has guitars and can be described as a rock record but I wouldn't ''rock out'' to it. If that makes sense I'm probably just tryin to like or justify it cause I spent $$$ on it LOL
  3. i tell you what's wrong with this: keyboard / piano / synthesizer overload! no attitude production lacks punch too ''girly'' i'm happy for the guys who enjoy this though.....
  4. not that bad, but where have I heard that voice before?????????????? oh I think I know, reminds me of Marcie Free's voice at times they could have put a little more effort into the guitar solo, or the tone at least sounds very cheap
  5. kinda sounds like toto's afraid of love i think
  6. Sure but what are we gonna look at here MUSIC or BUSINESS???
  7. you see what I meant? ;-) 2 posts and 2 completely different opinions it's simple there's people who loved the debut and might hate or love the new one and people who didn't like the debut and enjoy or hate the new one as well... have you checked it you yet DaHun?
  8. Dude I was just thinking about what to write and how to write it to give you a good idea of this album. But the best way really (as stupid as that might sound) is to listen to the record and see for yourself, all the songs are up on youtube I suggest you try it. I've been giving it a few spins a day since I got it (basically cause it's such an easy listen at 40 mins and 10 songs) don't know if I'll still like it in a couple of months or a year but I enjoy it for now. Of course I did listen to the first album regularly after it came out but haven't put on a single song in over a year now I think......... so yeah, check it out on youtube tell us what you think
  9. Is this true? They were an awful band in 1994. It'd go a long way to explaining why I don't like those songs. Considering it wasn't until 2005 when they offered their first good album, I hope to the sweet lord above that they don't go back to a time when they sucked to gain inspiration. what geoff said, never really been a hcss fan myself and like this even less...
  10. thanks, this was just what I needed......
  11. Not as bad as I had expected. First track is WEAK and the ones after that were good so I was hoping for 9 good tracks but gets a bit worse in quality towards the end. Right now this is where I'm at: songs 2 - 7 ok, 1 and 8-10 not so good... solos are all good basically and better compared to the debut overall because more innovative and interesting. Solos on the debut weren't really distinguishable from each other
  12. Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.' Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone. It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet. Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good
  13. Seriously? Haha no just a weird attempt at humour, plus was a little frustrated when I wrote this (and drunk haha) I guess still not completely over the disappointed which was savage playground Their not one of my favorites but I like them, got all their records
  14. Good, i hope they call it quits. Hate this band
  15. good song, definitely like it better than the last two also the acoustic guitar during the chorus adds a nice touch so that's the third song already (out of a 10 track album) are they planning on releasing every single track separately before the album is out or what??
  16. Not the big hit I was hoping for, but sounds fine after a couple spins (vocals just sound so good) I like it better than Rxckin Barbie Doll. Unfortunately the mix lacks a bit of punch and what's with the long interludes before the solo, he's done that in both songs now??? Maybe we should change the topic to ''Debut EP out sometime in 2015'' haha No seriously, I mean from the other previews I've heard there's some good songs on the EP so I wanna finally hear them, no idea why he's not releasing those
  17. still listen to this one on a regular basis, although there's a couple tracks I skip (some of them everytime, some of them every couple spins) but usually tracks that always end up on a cd or playlist I make are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 10 and those are just AWESOME, addictive but the rest.... not so much maybe because they fall short compared to the other 6 great tracks. I know a lot of people love ''fly me away'' and I've had this discussion with lots of friends who love it, just doesn't do it for me this is a track I skip 10 out of 10 times........ but a track like ''just another night'' or ''born to be a rebel''..... never skip those maybe that's a new rating system I should try out, if I skip a track 5 out of 10 times it gets a 5, if I always listen to it it gets a 10, if I skip 2 out of 10 times it gets an 8 and so on...... cause that's what matters in the end, you either listen to it or you don't
  18. Sounds like one of those awful indie bands, black keys, queens of the stone age or something like that. I think I'm gonna EXPLODE because I supported this with my money
  19. I'm gonna have to go with White Widdow's Crossfire as well, been listening to it a lot recently and can't think of any other (very good) release 2014 right now best song probably also from that album, Born to be a Rebel I'd say (also liked Nasty Habit's ''Dancin' on my tongue'' a lot). Now in terms of debut....... DEFINITELY Smokin' Aces, their EP was really good, very promising Honorable mention goes out to Nick Johnston who released a great instrumental album with ''Atomic Mind''
  20. it's an ok song but I couldn't help but think ''what if plunkett had been singing the exact same lyrics instead of this new guy'' I think it would've sounded better (given plunkett still has the voice he did on the first 3 autograph albums and his solo disc). biggest disappointment for me though was the guitar solo, I was sure before listening to it that no matter how good or bad the song is gonna be there would be a cool guitar solo as I think Steve Lynch is just an amazing guitarist, but not this time unfortunately...
  21. this new sample sounds really promising, hope it ends up on the release. not the best sound in terms of production, but so much soul in this track https://soundcloud.com/catalanokills/catalano-one-in-a-million
  22. yeah somewhat odd choice, I would have preferred to see something like Outlaw maybe... but the solo is badass that's for sure (like most on this album anyway) don't know the singer looks kinda like jerry seinfeld a little... haha
  23. great record, catchy songs, good guitar playing and lots of HOOKS!!! didn't really like the voice when I first heard them about 2 years ago but got used to it. reminds me of hurricane's kelly hansen at times
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